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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **
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I was waiting for " ...and you can have all these information at $300". But no, he continued all the way to the end giving away everything he knows!. This by far is the best Youtube video on fitness, free or paid!


1. Intermittent fasting (skip breakfast) no snacking, stop eating after 8pm. On 2nd month Eat between 10am and 8pm, then got to 12pm tp 8pm. eventually go to 1 meal a day. The increases brain function and restores your Gut. You can drink coffee and sparkling water in the morning.
2. Eat 50grams of protein at every meal (unless you have a kidney or liver issue) 2 scoops of whey protein, 6oz chicken, 8oz of steak, or 10oz of fish. Protein boosts the metabolism. Protein builds muscle
2-b. Make sure all of your carbohydrates are from whole foods. The best way is to get it from salads only. CEO diet.
3. Walk 10, 000 - 20, 000 steps a day. Get an under the desk treadmill. Does take a lot of time. get a tracker and walk whenever and wherever you can.
4. Resistance training. 3-6 times a week. Train in a manner that is uncomfortable but not hurtful. Start out easy if you have not worked out it a while. Adding muscle helps burn fat.
5. The most important and the foundation of life. You spend a third of your life doing this. SLEEP. This is fertilizer for you life.


Here's a summary of the key points from the video:

1. Intermittent fasting: Start with a 12/12 schedule, then progress to 14/10, 16/8, and potentially 18/6 or even 24-hour fasts for faster results. This naturally reduces calorie intake.

2. Protein intake: Aim for 50g of protein per meal. This helps with satiety, metabolism, and muscle preservation. Easy ways to get 50g: 2 scoops whey protein, 6oz chicken breast, 8oz steak, or 10oz fish.

3. Walking: Aim for at least 10, 000 steps daily, burning around 500 calories. For faster results, increase to 15, 000-20, 000 steps.

4. Resistance training: Train 3-6 times per week, challenging yourself with uncomfortable but manageable weights. This helps maintain muscle mass during fat loss.

5. Sleep: Crucial for fat loss and overall health. Follow the 10-3-2-1 rule:
- No caffeine 10 hours before bed
- No food 3 hours before bed
- No fluids 2 hours before bed
- No blue light 1 hour before bed


This is great. If you're curious about other natural approaches and want to learn some eye-opening truths about the health industry, 'Health and Beauty Mastery' is a must-read.


I don't really write reviews on this topic but this man changed my life. I was skinny fat and I loss that belly fat appreciate it.


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the fact that you just legitimately gave us the information and didn't try to hide it behind a paywall. It's such a better way to build up a fanbase that trusts you, and also probably ends up rewarding you financially in other ways. Thanks so much for sharing! Liked and subbed.


This guy is truly a godsend. I'm 6'2", 33 years old and started fallowing his tips 3 months go. I've dropped from 230 lbs to 217. I'll be more intentional over the next 30 days (more sleep, move more). My goal is 190


New sub 7.27.24 1.5 mil followers. I am walking 15 hrs on my 60 yr old arthritis left leg. After being told, on my next fall I will have a different life, But God! and watching videos for an 1 hr in the am. then I will go to church on a 16 hr fast until 1:30. Now I’m watching ur channel I will go to the gym to lift weights and push to 20 k for today. Let’s pray for me.


Finally a natural bodybuilder giving tips. Thank you.


Hello! I'm at 20/4 and going through menopause at a young age, I'm 43. Fasting, for me, it's a life changer. In 2 months I lost 14 kg and I feel better than ever. My body knows when it's the time to eat and the hunger appears in that timeframe. This person describes my current lifestyle, and I can tell that it's working. Just be consistent, don't give up on yourself.


first fitness video that ive watched fully without getting bored or skipping anything.


I have been following these strategies for 8 months and counting and went from 6’3 275 lbs at 30% bf to currently 225 lbs and 16-17%. My goal is 8-10% bf by the year mark and maintenance from there. Thank you for the advice!


I already lost 72 pounds by doing OMAD (One Meal A Day) for 6 months. I eat mostly protein (beef and chicken) and salad. My carbohydrate intake is extremely low. I avoid carbohydrates and sugar like a plague: pasta, rice, bread, desserts, pastries, cakes, cookies, muffins, ice cream, chocolate. etc. I just avoid everything that's not whole food. They're the root cause of all illness and diseases. I was 222lbs and now I'm at 150lbs. Intermittent fasting and protein intake is king of fat loss. I lift and do resistance training at least 4 times a week.


I’ve always noticed that if I eat breakfast I end up eating more than I normally would. My body/brain tells me it’s not getting enough food. I’ve been told that this was only in my imagination. It’s so nice to hear that it isn’t.
I saved this video to be able to easily access it again to refresh my memory.


Losing body fat
1. Intermitted Fasting
- No breakfast
- Better Brain Function so work in the morning
- Drinking Black Coffee
- Caffein Kills appetite and boosts metabolism
- Cut down slowly. Slow as monthly changes. 20/4, 18/6, 16, 8 etc

2. With each meal take 50g of protein.
- Protein Boosts Metabolism.
- Makes you feel full for long.

3. Make sure your carbs come from whole foods (salad)

4. Walking
- 10, 000steps = 500calories.
- Move more if you are ambitious.
- Move every chance you get.
- Great for brain function boost.

5. Resistance Training
- as long as you train 3 times a week to 6 times a week you are good
- Train uncomfortable. Get out of your comfort zone.
- Train to unlock a new version of myself. Make sure it scares u a lil hit. Challenge. Maintain form.
- Muscle burns calories faster than fat. So once you add muscle, fat will start to burn faster.

6. Sleep
- It is foundation of life.
- The less you sleep, the hungrier you become. Because sleep deprivation causes lower serotonin lvls.
- Sleep more for more testosterone.
- 10. 3. 2. 1. rule
10hours b4 sleep - no caffein
3hours b4 sleep - no food
2hours b4 sleep - no liquid
1hour b4 sleep - no blue light


Have a target to work towards besides weight loss. Many times I failed at dieting. But when I realized how poor my health had become I had something else to focus on besides just losing weight. I knew I needed to change and soon. I have a friend who is a runner and I went to one of his half marathons that he was participating in. I told myself, "I could do that with him next year!" I couldn't run the length of my driveway when I said that but it was a goal. I started walking 4-5 times a week for a couple months. I brought in going to the gym twice a week. I watched hours and hours of YouTube videos of others who started like me at zero and succeeded in completing a marathon. 7 months later I've lost 32 lbs and my blood pressure is normal. My A1C is normal. My resting heart rate went from 90 down to 50. I can Run/walk for 7.5 miles. I can't run straight through yet. I do intervals. Run 1 minute and walk 3 minutes. I'm making progress and I feel better. Not just physically but my depression and anxiety are not as oppressive. I still have bad days but i recover quicker and I don't fall as deep as I used to. I have hope! I have 3 months until that half marathon. I probably won't run the whole thing but I will complete it. I know I can do it now. For me having the half marathon as my goal took my mind off of the diet part. Dieting always made me think more about the food and missing the food and I just ended up eating more. Focusing on walking and learning to run and exercising distracted me from the food thoughts. And once I started seeing positive results it boosted my motivation. I've done a couple of 5K's now. I even got 3rd place in my age group in the 2nd one! How Cool Is That!!!


I love this guy! Nice to get info upfront without having to pay to get the ACTUAL life changing info. Did gradual intermittent fast over 4 weeks: 1 week-12/12
2 week-16/8
3 week-20/4
4 week-3 day fast
Amazed how much better I felt WITHOUT any hunger.
1 month down, starting again Aug 1!


Been trying to lose fat since January (205lb) started off walking 10k around steps than I found your vids around march and now I’ve been making great progress currently just hit 169lbs almost at 10lbs per month


The way you broke everything down is amazing! I’ve listened to so many people talk about losing weight, eat this and do these workouts. However, NO ONE has told me how to for free! I will start this journey TODAY, because you are so far the best coach that explains everything to the T.


Sleep is one of the biggest hurdles in my dieting process. I've had multiple instances where I'm up working late and get hit with the hardest cravings to eat and usually the wrong thing. I'm truly grateful for your breakdown supporting my theory. With less than a week from my 49th birthday, you give me hope.
