Orchid care - How to care for Beallara (Aliceara) Orchids - watering, fertilizing, reblooming

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Beallara Orchids are complex hybrids that sometimes can be found under the commercial name of Cambria Orchids. This Orchid has been recently reclassified as Aliceara, but both names are accepted. It likes bright light and lots of moisture in the pot, pretty similar to an Oncidium. It can do well under intermediate light as well.

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I recently ordered a Bllra ( Pacific pastel, Mauna Loa, horrible bulbs. at a loss as to how to help the poor thing recover. it is in bloom now but I think I will be cutting the spikes and hoping that helps it , even if just a little bit . Heartbreaking anyone would sell anything like this. Live and learn..


Hi Dano, it's been sometime since your last story on your setup for bellara/miltassia orchids. Can we get a little update on the setups you use in your current climatr since your videos were from your days in Romania. Thank you


I have Hilo spaceship! I love her she's the best orchid I have. Never fussy


Dani, I bought a mature Bllra. Tropic Lily 'Hilo Spaceship' in full bloom today for $10. The medium it is in is rock hard with zero moisture. So, I am hoping this tutorial will help me save it. Thank you again so much for all you do.


Just got a Bellara Howard's Dream has 2 spikes at a orchid show


Thank you! Very helpful and informative!


You recently had a video on your cooler-growing intergenerics you felt worked better in moss or bark vs. semi-hydroponic. I have a super-healthy Beallara Marfitch 'Howard's Dream' AM/AOS that is beginning to have shriveled pseudobulbs. It is currently in bark and I want to make it feel better. Before I make matters worse, is this what you would consider a cool-grower? In your opinion, should I forgo semi-hydrophonics and go with a new bark, moss with big sponge rock mixture?
Thanks! Ellen in Atlantic Beach, FL


I recently bought a Cambria ....I tried finding how to care for her...can I use the same regime as for Belaria?


Recently a Beallara Tahoma Glacier was added to my collection - and although it had blooms, the PB was shriveled to almost flat. Of course all the blooms died before maturity - yet the leaves are healthy - potting mix looks like ?Orchiata with a bit of sphagnum . I water it about twice weekly but cannot see the PB plumping at all. Any advice please?


Hey Danny, 2nd year of this new addiction & venture off the phalaenopsis path & bought a Bllra Snowblind Sweetspots. A few q’s I didn’t see in the comments or vid. It’s from a very reliable greenhouse and obviously has been cared for. The 6” pot though is like a standard green plastic pot with only holes in the bottom & no side vents. Will it do better in clear? Also as far as flower spikes, do I cut them off like a phalaenopsis or leave it like a dendrobium? If it’s cut it off, can I propagate from the spike Ike a phala? Thanks in advance!! Tim


Hi Danny ! I like your videos they are very interesting! Well i have some questions about beallaras, i have one, it is a no id. It has two new growths but they haven't grow to much it is like taking forever to full growth. Can you make a new video for this one like you did with catttleyas and others ? Thank you .


Ms. Orchid,
My aliceara marfitch leaves are sad, dry and suggy. I was on vacation and it was not watered
Properly. Inlove this plant and would like to get some suggestions regarding how to save it. Please help!
Ms. Lilly


I have no idea what repotting medium I should use with aliceara is Lekka fine??


Hello! I love all your videos, as they are very informative! Though I have a question, I have a Beallara Peggy Ruth (the white pink version) and i got it as a plug Plant back in April, and it is growing nicely although I don't water it more than once a week with a very good soak. Should I water it more? Also how long does it take for it to actually to get to adulthood and flowerhood :)


Hi there Orchid Girl. My kitty Miss Saigon peed on the barks on many pots. I rinsed well but smell a little pneumonia and the flowers drop off. They are blooming gifts and what should I do?


I bought this from a garden centre, very cheap. It was and still is in soil so I will change to a small bark.


would they be okay on a north facing window?


I thought I had bought a true oncidium due to fleshy pseudobulbs, but it seems like it falls under Beallara since the blooms are relatively huge that has star-like petals and a skirt-like lip. No ID tag on purchase. Thank you.


Thank you. I potted mine in bark and the second newest pbulb is getting wrinkled, I've been soaking it every other day but it doesn't seem to be drinking it because it continues to wrinkle. The roots looked healthy but there weren't as many as I was expecting for the size of the plant. I saw a worm in the medium. Do you think I need to add some sphagnum or switch to coconut husk to keep it moist enough?


Hi Danni What is the name of this orchid? love its color and pattern thanks MicheleMichele
