Magnetic Pole Shift | How Much Time Do We Have?

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Also remember when power goes down, you will not be able to look something up on the internet. Any knowledge you need better be in a book you already have at home. Best to go ahead and get a book on Bush crafting, medical, gardening, etc to help.


My dad wrote a book in 1970 called EST The Steersman Handbook, Charts of the Coming Decade of Conflict by L. Clark Stevens. He knew about the Pole Shift. He warned us. Thanks.


My friend runs a major shipping company on the great lakes. He can confirm in 2017 when the pole shifted/jerked, all of the ships on the lakes had to be shut down for a couple of days to recalibrate the digital compasses because the ships started going off course.


Years ago I sat in with a group of scientists that met 6-8 times a year from various countries. I was invited, and only listen to their various decisions. One topic that did come up was the coming Magnetic Pole Shift. Using pencil/paper, they predicted that the event would occur between 2025 and 2035. The Unites States Navy back between 2008-2015 was informing retiring officiers to locate in the Ozarks. However your prediction of reversal would not make that a safe location. To help prepare, and to keep in touch, purchase an old vintage tube receiver. Modern receivers that use transistors, IC's would not serve the first of many solar flares that would most likely come first. Please note, the group's prediction of destruction was far, far greater than Suspicious Observers. Their calculations included the observed damage at Machu Picchu. Also, please prepare for total chaos. Riots will occur after the first of many events, with desperation, replacing moral values. Final note, I have observed that government data is not accurate for various reasons, so I would personally not rely on their data for survival. God Bless.


What would we do without you Ben, thanks from an old woman on her own doing the best I can prepping for years and learning preindustrial skills, prayers to all of us


This is the reason why I thoroughly enjoy when minor disaster strikes.
Case in point: we recently had an ice storm which took out power for a handful of days. It is a great training ground for finding out what you have locked down and on point...and what you humbly have to admit that you will need to bolster and improve. The trials and tribulations now have much more forgiving consequences than having to figure them out when there is no foreseeable light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.
My advice to anyone not ever facing these challenges...shut your own main breakers down (at the worst possible time) and test your readiness systems. It is invaluable exercise.


I've moved off grid, & have already failed one garden. I'm relieved to hear I have more time to get it right. My advice: Plant your garden now. Failure after The Catastrophy will not be so forgiving ✌️


RE: MIT - one thing I know as a fact as I witnessed it first-hand. I won an Entrepreneurs Grant in a competition. The money went to a feasibility study. Because of this I spent a ton of time with Professors who get a lot of funding from Gov and/or large corps. One guy became a good friend and he was working on a funded study. Simultaneously, another Dept. was working on a study from another corp. to FIND THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the first study. They both PROVED their contrarian results. How do I know? My girlfriend was the Professor. DO NOT TRUST STUDIES - NOT A SINGLE ONE!!


As a professional Emergency Manager, I beg everyone to listen to Ben and what is being said here!!


The best prep anyone can do is to remember to be flexible and creative. Your brain is your best tool...use it. Whatever place or conditions you find yourself in afterwards...assuming you survived...remember...there is always one more thing that you can do, even if you think there isn't. Survival isn't necessarily what you take with you but rather what is around you that you can make use of. Yes, survival was and is a very important part of my professional career, so speaking from knowledge, training AND experience.


Reading the comments, I saw someone say they had been with you since 2012 and I have just discovered your channel. I have watched many of your videos and the information is unsettling to say the very least. I made a comment on another video asking for info just yesterday so you are speaking to people like me. The knowledge you're sharing is frightening, obviously, but it's delivered in a very straightforward, matter-of-fact way that doesn't dramatize the potential future event the way other "fear porn" channels might. Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and spreading this message.


If and when this happens…no amount of prepping will save you. None.


As with most potential field theory ideas changes in magnetic, gravity, etc. fields are not linear, they are exponential. One would expect non-linearity, not linearity with changes to the magnetic field. A crude example of how magnetic fields work at a hand-scale, is to put two magnets near each other, they might barely move, get them closer and watch how rapidly things change. The change is exceptionally fast because the interaction of the magnetic fields is exponential, i.e., non-linear. BTW..I really appreciate the papers you present regularly, and your ideas of getting away from buying stuff from companies like Amazon, etc., that are trying to social engineer us. Anheuser-Busch just got a lesson in free market economics. Keep up the good work!!


Stop working for the state or tech companies, etc... Start learning trades, they pay well, you get a good workout, you are learning skills for what is coming and they toughen you up a bit. Thanks, Ben, for all you do.


"And there will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars,
and on earth distress of nations, with perplexity ( no solutions ),
the sea and waves roaring, and men's hearts (minds) failing them
for expectation of what is coming on the earth ."
( LUKE 21:25-26 )


A few thoughts for consideration. Both north and south poles have been moving toward each other. They have doubled their rates of speed several times over the last 100 years. The large iron deposit underneath northern Canada. Likely contributes heavily to slowing the rate of convergence between the north and south pole. The further away the north pole gets from this iron deposit. The faster the 2 poles will race toward each other. Magnets have a point in time when they snap too each other. We are not waiting for the 2 poles to slowing make their way too each other. We are waiting for them to snap together. Somewhere around southern China, roughly. On the opposite side of the globe. There is a very large weak point in the earths magnetic field. Over south America. This will not likely continue to slowly decay to 0. The magnetic treads are more likely, going to reach a point when they snap completely. Allowing the north and south pole to rush to each other.
All of this is right in time for the Biblical "end time". We see the world rushing to make real. Many of the prophecies of the "end time" bible. As the world runs away from God and his Son Jesus. It also runs away from the protections of God and the enemies, he has been protecting us from. Neither man, not "space buddies" will save us. Only Jesus. Not for this life. But for the eternal life. Just as science has been hiding the truth of the coming pole flip. It has suppressed all the areas of science that point to God. Time is short.


Hello Ben, I have been subscribed to your channel since back in 2012. Watched each and every one of the " earth catastrophe" series as they came out, so I know just how much time and energy you have put into the research and then presenting it to all of us out here who have been paying attention. It's overwhelming, in and of itself . Then throw in all the other stuff you have on your plate... .. .I don't know how you do it but you do it. For what it's worth, you have my respect and support. Your a good man, don't let all the idiots out there get to you.


Thanks Ben! I’ve been a quiet fan since 2011-2012! I’m prepped because of you, my wife, daughter and I will survive…you played a big role in that💪


Hey Ben… you’re the man. Better to be prepared and not need it than to be shocked silly when it happens. Thanks for all the hard work you do and for keeping us super informed. Keep rocking on!


Thanks for revisiting this important subject, Ben! No electricity today - stone age next week! Get ready, if you can afford it! If not, some of us will meet on the other side 🙂
