Inconsistent Calvinism Easily Refuted

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In this video I show how the inconsistent form of Calvinism is easily refuted and is nothing more than double-talk.
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This argument that Calvinist use, mainly John MacArthur, is a trick (and a trick is very close to lying) using man’s wisdom or logic to come to the conclusion that the Calvinist believes in. The reformed preachers who’s motto is “Scripture Alone” go against their own motto when discussing Calvinism. All of the sudden logic is King and scripture must bow to human logic.
You are absolutely correct when you say Calvinist are deceitful in the way they teach Calvinism. Because they do not only use scripture, they also play tricks with People’s minds.


Excellent Video! You expressed my thoughts exactly, Calvinists place the elect in eternity past but the non-elect at the fall. Continue to do more videos exposing Calvinism.


Calvinism is a pit of hell. A different gospel (one that isn’t good news for all men), with a different father (one who doesn’t want all men to repent), and a different son (one who didn’t die for all men).

Completely unbiblical.


Calvinism= When being better than everyone else ain't good enough 😉


One of the best videos on calvinism. The chart really helps..just having that visual aid as you talk really helped me "get it". Thanks!


Well Done! As far as Esau and Jacob are concerned, it's not about their individual salvation. They represent TWO NATIONS. Genesis 25:23 - And the Lord said to her: “Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger.”


Nailed it! Calvin himself says anyone who rejects Reprobation is silly and childish.


Chosen “IN” him:

 Chosen "IN" him ('IN" Jesus Christ the God-man) is the condition/pre-requirement to be
met so as to be chosen before the foundation of the world!.In other words, we
1st must be placed "IN" him so as to be chosen!. Were you
"IN" him before the foundation of the world or were you placed
"IN" him at a specific point in your life after believing the
Gospel?.John 1:1, The Word (2nd person of the Trinity) existed before the
foundation of the world but Jesus Christ the God-man came into this world at a
specific point in time!.

 The Word, 2nd person of the Trinity, was not called Jesus back when He created the universe nor did
He had any human attributes to be able to die and shed His blood for our sins
so as to redeem and save us. The Word became flesh and is known to us as Jesus
Christ the God-man and our Redeemer and Savior! Back then (before the
foundation of the world) when The Word was a spirit being He couldn't have save
us because to redeem (purchase us back) us the shedding of blood was needed and
since He was not made out of flesh He couldn't have done it!. Without the shedding
of blood there can't be NO remission of sin.

 If you claim that you were "IN" him (Jesus Christ the God-man) before the foundation of the
world what you are actually claiming is that you were "IN" the Word
(2nd person of the Trinity ) before the foundation of the world and NOT
"IN" Jesus Christ the God-man who was born at a specific time in our
history (NOT before the foundation of the world), was crucified and was raised
from the dead, that is an irrefutable fact!. The Word became Jesus Christ the
God-man, 100% God (2nd person of the Trinity and ONLY begotten by the Holy
Spirit ) and 100% man by his mother side, therefore when the Holy Spirit place
us "IN" Christ then and ONLY then are we saved and chosen to be
predestined for the ADOPTION and REDEMPTION of our body.

 The ONLY way that you could elude this chosen "IN" him dilemma is if Paul would have said
"chosen and appointed to be in him before the foundation of the
world", appointed to be = a future event yet to come. The phrase
"chosen TO BE in him" is NOT in the bible, Paul actually says
"chosen “IN” him" which is a present condition and NOT a future
event. Calvinists seems to always overlook this crucial and important part
("IN HIM") of the process of PREDESTINATION!

 Likewise our Calvinist friends always get wrong and cannot answer correctly, what are we predestined for/to?

Ephesians 1:5-6 5 having PREDESTINED us to ADOPTION as sons
by Jesus Christ to Himself,  according to the good pleasure of His
will,  6 to the praise of the glory of His grace,  by which
He [a]made us accepted “IN” the Beloved.

Romans 8:23 "Not
only that,  but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even
we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the ADOPTION, the
REDEMPTION of our body" (all caps added as to emphasize a point).

What are we predestined for? WE ARE PREDESTINED
FOR THE ADOPTION and REDEMPTION OF OUR BODIES. Well I guess Calvinists are very
fond of Hamlet and the phrase "to be or not to be" and they just got
stuck in that NEVER-ENDING loop!


“Well done, good and faithful servant”. 😇
You have shined light into the Calvinist darkness. If you have not done so already, you should consider making a similar chart showing the real gospel of Christ from eternity past to eternity future. ✝️📖🙏🏼


Predestination debates always talks about the perspective of the saved and not the lost. The perspective of the lost allows for the condemned sinner to blame God for his condemnation, that if he had a choice he wouldn't have chosen hell.

But to the Calvinist, the choice is never presented because of sovereignty, not understanding that self control is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. God had the right to name the animals, but instead asked Adam what he thought they should be called.

Even by His own law in Leviticus, kidnapping is a capital offense. God will not force you to heaven of you don't want to go, likewise He will not ignore the prayers of the repentant heart.

Calvinism is heretical garbage.


When you cut through all the baggage, saying that the reprobate go to hell for their sins is really just saying they go to hell for being 100% obedient to God's will since He decreed that they will sin when He could've decreed otherwise.


This comment is very telling: _"Some Calvinists are not Lapsarian, because it is impossible to know for sure the exact order of Gods' Decrees, we would have to know it from God Himself, because God did not reveal this in scripture."_ This seems like a Freudian Slip. Why is anyone believing something of such consequence about God that He did not reveal in scripture?


Awesome video. Thank you my free will brother!


Calvinists extract scriptures out of the context of the bible to fabricate their false doctrines; for instance, they ballyhoo that they are predestined by referring to Romans 8:29b - 8:30, but deceitfully ignore Romans 8:29a which indicates God foreknew (those who would choose to believe in Jesus) who He predestines.
This twisting of scripture reinforces their false belief that mankind has no ability nor responsibility to choose to believe in Jesus to be saved.
Furthermore, they teach falsely that man is depraved to the point that we are incapable of even recognizing God given goodness and righteousness, thereby not being able to participate in our salvation.
Although being created in the image of God is not efficacious unto salvation, we are able to recognize the kindness of God (Romans 2:4) to ask Him to save us and impart His righteousness unto us!
Flee the heresy of calvinism.
Read the Bible for yourself and by yourself, praying for God the Holy Spirit to help you to understand and you will come to believe in Jesus; conversely, you will never come to a belief in the man-made heresy of calvinism without being indoctrinated by a calvinist.


Your problem is not with calvinism but with Jesus and His holy word


Excellent!! I saved this to my favorites.


I think the mistake that Calvinists often make is conflating all believers as God's "Elect". When the Bible mentions elect it is (sometimes) referring to Israel as God's chosen vehicle to bring about salvation through Messiah.


Adam and Eve did not have Free Will. Adam was created from the dust of the earth which was Corrupt. "And the earth was without form and darkness was upon the face of the deep". God told Eve, "The day you eat of the Tree you shall surely die, as opposed to "If" you eat of the Tree. God gave Permission to eat of all other Trees (not a Choice) with the exception of one. God knew that Man would do what He commanded them not to do. God does not "Look" down the corridors of Time to see who would believe by their Free Will and then reacts to what Man has done and therefore Predestine them. Jesus is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world for His Bride, The Elect for God's Glory. Isaiah 45:7; I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Esau and Jacob, as All who are born in the flesh are before the foundation of the world. God Chose Us (The Elect) before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, I quicken whom I will and all the Father has given me, I will not lose one. Jesus said, I lay down my life for My Sheep and My Sheep hear My Voice. Many have come before me that were thieves and robbers but My Sheep did not hear them. The Sheep will Come when the hear the Shepherd's voice through the foolishness of preaching.


It's not the "Calvinist" position, it's God's position, how many times do you have to see the phrase - chosen, called, predestinated, elected before you realize it's not just a "Calvinist" thing lol. "You have not chosen me but I have chosen you"


Excellent. Keep up the good work. I have looked at both sides of this issue for 58 years. Calvinism is Augustinianism. Just research all that Augustine taught and ask yourself, "How much of that can I believe? How is Biblical?" Not much.
