Calvinism Refuted: Pastor Charles Lawson on Salvation in Gospel of John

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A great preaching on salvation as described in the Gospel of John refuting Calvinism and the false doctrine of Predeterminism, that only the elect will be saved. Calvinism TULIP is a false doctrine. Also preaching debunking the Gnostic Gospels and various blasphemous Biblical distortions of the ages.

Faith on Fire is a ministry that serves to encourage born-again Christian women to answer the call of God into ministry, serving as leaders in church, ministers, pastors, evangelist, missionaries, church planters and other roles that fulfill the Great Commission Jesus gave us in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke instructing us to go and preach the Gospel to all nations.

#PastorCharlesLawson #Salvation #GospelofJohn #JesusIsLord #womenoffaith #FaithonFire
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The Lord lead me to this man a few years back. Nobody told me about this man of God. His compassion and love for God and the brethren is evident. May God bless and protect him.


Adrian Roger has passed away,
David hunt has passed away,
Chuck missler has passed away,
But we still have charles lawson,
Thank you lord for him .


God THANK YOU for leading me to this pastor. Thank you Jesus!


Calvinism has always disturbed my soul, burdened my spirit. It is not Biblical. Denying the love of God to the world. Denying that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world and stating that Jesus only died for some. Stating God does not love some but made them vessels of destruction and wrath. Abusing scripture for a manmade philosophy. Beware of Calvinism. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the only way to salvation and forgiveness of sins. Believe in Him.


Yes! I love Charles Lawson. What a blessing.


I’m a black woman & I approve this message! God bless his Holy truth !


My favorite pastor God Almighty bless shine his face upon this incredible man of God and his family and loved ones always ❤️🙏🤗


What an incredible sermon! Jesus is King and I owe Him my life, amen.


I certainly believe in Jesus Christ only as my savor. Not john Calvin.


I’ve been trying to understand if some of the main doctrines of Calvinism was biblical and I found this teacher and this teaching. Thank you 🙏 lord Jesus.


Pastor Lawson, you are a great comfort to me. I thank the precious Lord for raising you up because you preach God's Word in Spirit and Truth. You bring the Gospel message great life from the Holy Scriptures. Love to You Brother!✝🙏


Powerful message and teaching tonight. I got it all down scripture by scripture underlined and marked in yellow with notes. thank you so much


Okay, you just hit my number one Bible commentary channel!!! Your claim that this man is the best preacher in America, shot you past any caution, as I found you just this last week, and loved your videos! I asked for discernment, and here we are, discerned and it is well!


I am a Calvinist, but I generally don't recognize what this speaker is talking about. I think fundamentalism is being besieged by the secular culture and many of the smaller congregations are losing members. At the Council of Trent the main target of the Catholic church against Grace Alone was not propping up indulgences, nor was it arguments for the authority of the Pope, the chief charge was against assurance of salvation(Justification by Faith Alone). Even if you disagree with Calvinism you should teach your people to act as if they were saved, which certainly means that they should believe that they are saved(the Elect). Don't be afraid to call yourself of the "elect", it just means that you are born again. There is no hocus pocus about this word. If you are not born again, then no one can say that they are among the elect.

Have you ever heard of a Calvinist congregation that calls itself "The First Church of the Elect" ? I haven't. Calvinists don't toss that word around too often. We don't claim to have an elect serial number sealed into our soul. It can be amusing to listen to anti-Calvinist speakers talk about things that the Calvinist never talks about, as if they know more about Calvinism than the Reformed pastors. You don't need to do that, but I think these messages are preaching to within their own fundamentalist congregations and not so much to reformed churches.

From Trent:
"If anyone says that the sinner is justified by faith alone, meaning that nothing else is required to cooperate in order to obtain the grace of justification, and that it is not in any way necessary that he be prepared and disposed by the action of his own will, let him be anathema."

Martin Luther's Treatise on the Bondage of the Will is more "Calvinist" than John Calvin's writing. I am Calvinist, but I don't delve into the secret things and build a scaffold of non Biblical doctrines from my imagination. Many of the arguments that the anti-Calvinist makes against Calvinism are the same old arguments that the Catholic Church made in Luther's time.

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.. Deuteronomy 29:29


very good message from a great preacher! Nice job brother! Thanks for sharing the truth!


Im a Assembly of God church ☦️ personal but what a blessing this man's wisdom of the Holy Bible.


Brian, I wrote a comment to Pastor Lawson, literally forgetting you posted it yourself on your channel. Thanks so much for re-posting his message! A great blessing, I needed this morning! Love to You Too Brother! 👍🙏


Calvinism and J W are the best at twisting scriptures and they are both cults .


Amen I listened to every message message from pastor Lawson I live in Sweetwater Tennessee about 50 miles from Temple Baptist.


Thank you Brian, for sharing Charles Lawson powerful preaching.
Do you know if has teaching on what the elect actually means? Peace of Jesus be with you love in Christ Jesus❤
