Calvinism Refuted: Pastor Charles Lawson on Salvation in Gospel of John

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A great preaching on salvation as described in the Gospel of John refuting Calvinism and the false doctrine of Predeterminism, that only the elect will be saved. Calvinism TULIP is a false doctrine. Also preaching debunking the Gnostic Gospels and various blasphemous Biblical distortions of the ages.
Faith on Fire is a ministry that serves to encourage born-again Christian women to answer the call of God into ministry, serving as leaders in church, ministers, pastors, evangelist, missionaries, church planters and other roles that fulfill the Great Commission Jesus gave us in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke instructing us to go and preach the Gospel to all nations.
#PastorCharlesLawson #Salvation #GospelofJohn #JesusIsLord #womenoffaith #FaithonFire
Faith on Fire is a ministry that serves to encourage born-again Christian women to answer the call of God into ministry, serving as leaders in church, ministers, pastors, evangelist, missionaries, church planters and other roles that fulfill the Great Commission Jesus gave us in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke instructing us to go and preach the Gospel to all nations.
#PastorCharlesLawson #Salvation #GospelofJohn #JesusIsLord #womenoffaith #FaithonFire
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