Full-Body Herbal Detox Instructional Video

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In this video, I give directions on how to complete my herbal detox program and why it's so important to routinely complete full-body herbal detox.

I started my Plant-Based journey in 2011. Before that, I ate the Standard American Diet (SAD diet). Decades of processed foods, drinks, and cosmetic/hygiene products. Although I experienced tremendous growth in health after adopting a Plant-Based Lifestyle it wasn't until I started incorporating herbal detoxing in my regimen did I fully understand the power of herbs to heal the body.

Herbs are nutritionally dense with minerals, vitamins, and trace element. Herbs are also capable of cleansing and detoxing the body not only at the tissue level but as deep as the cell. This is what truly allows our body's healing power to be activated.

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Day 1, I keep reminding myself that it's not about taste. Taste is what got me here, eating tasty junk. Mind over matter with prayer.


On day 7, going smoother than I had thought. I don't miss dairy or meat. It's just comes down to how bad an individual want to achieve optimum health. I used to wake up with aches and pains everywhere, I literally thought I needed a new mattress. I now realized that it was my health, detoxing removed all inflammation. My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. I eat fruits for breakfast including berries, banana, watermelon, avocado, kiwi fruit and im good. For Dinner, salad or veggie wrap, veggie soup, squash. I don't see myself going back to my old eating habits, especially because im feeling like a brand new machine.


Day #2 and full transparency I was about to tap out. I quit like 72 times today but I got through it. It’s truly one day at a time.


Thank you for the tea. I just finished the morning tea for day #14. A couple of things.... around day 10, I stopped making the bitter tea face after drinking them, but they became easier to drink after day #3. My tongue feels reset too. I'm down 19 lbs overall, but I can hear my wife saying, "men lose weight faster than women!" Either way, I stopped eating anything except the food that were on the list. 90% was organic...except the pineapple and watermelon. I did have melon with seeds though. My diet has been raw (unintentionally), with guacamole becoming a staple. I was doing 30 mins of morning floor exercises and 30+ mins of evening exercises outside walking as long as an hour some days. The promises on the back of the tea packages held true. I can vouch for what you're selling. Many thanks.


Just finished the 30-day detox and I feel great! It got rid of my inflammation! Knees don’t hurt any more. I highly recommend this detox!!!


The detox seems simple enough. Being consistent is the challenge, the discipline.


I’m gonna try the detox during Ramadan. Get both spiritual and physical cleanse.


Starting this detox tomorrow and I’m so scared but I’m here to get it moving . Lord give me the strength!


I just finished my 14 day detox, I lost 12 lbs, first the herbs is BITTER, addition to the herbs I drank 64 oz of water, it was not easy, but I complete and I followed it just as Dr Bobby said, I had a combination of vegetable and fruit smoothie ( kale, beets, carrots, celery, cucumbers, ginger and green apple) mixed with frozen berries, that was breakfast, lunch and dinner was salad, no cook food for the entirety of the detox, my snacks was raw mixed nuts and fruits, one thing I notice I was peeing a lot and my poop was dark in color, I feel good, I have some herbs remain, I’ll take a week break and finish the rest of the herbs thank you Dr. Bobby Price. 0h I forgot I mixed my herbs the night before and drank it the next morning room temperature.


Hi, I am a struggling vegan/vegetarian, doing the 14 Day Detox, today is day # 6, I can feel the difference even at day 6, i am looking forward to reaching Day 14, I am up 6:30 am spend an hour sipping on one jar, then start the next one, I suck on a small tangerine at the end of completing the second jar, notice the taste not as bad, room temperature/warm is better for me, the elimination process is good, feeling like i am purging toxins from my body, this detox is going to be regular part of my heath journey, this is going to be the year for me for feeling better and taking care of my body, I highly recommend this detox, thank you Dr. B. Price.


Day 1 today. I have to say, the taste is A LOT to adjust to. A LOT. Ooohh child. But "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Praying hard!


Im on day 9. Its the discipline and the energy that does it for me. The tea has decreased my appetite. I feel so good emotionally, mentally and physically. My stomach has went down. My only regret is I bought the 14 day detox instead of the 28 day. Thank you Dr. Price!


Hi Dr. Price! Your detox worked great for me. I weighed 220, now I weighed 207. Also, I am sleeping better and I am no longer suffering from constipation, and vegetables and fruits pass right through my body with no problems. Changed my diet, but I am still struggling with eating fried foods, but I am making an effort to quit eating friend food. I purchased spring water and it tastes so refreshing. Thank you for the products you sell on your web site. 💪🏾


My 28 days detox packages arrived today. I have never done a detox, so I am doing my prep work! I missed out on the group detox which began earlier this month. The box contained the four detox packages and a small leaflet. I learned about the recommended dry brushing, daily sauna visits, exercising, daily blackseed oil intake from personal blogs and videos. I do wish that an in-depth diet plan was provided just like what was offered to the group members... but I will make it work! Oh, I also ordered "Vegucation Over Medication" on Amazon today and that dry brush today. Prepping for success!


I finished my 14 days detox yesterday! the parasite detox is too bitter but the result is amazing, I feel much better, I used to have one side headache all the time, since I started the detox I became better and better now completely my pain gone, and my skin looks healthier and I lost 8 pounds I am so happy, i am going to do it again after 4 months! Thanks Dr Bobby!


Finished my 28 day detoc and parasite cleanse. Lost 15 pounds and weight is still coming off. It’s bitter but worth doing it to get all of this stuff out of my body. Will do this every quarter


Helpful tip sure your mason jar is room temperature and rested on a dish cloth/pot holder. The 1st time I attempted to put boiling water in a mason jar the bottom fell out and the glass shattered.


Day one of the detox! Almost halfway through my first tea. I chose to start with the Parasite Candida. I’m chasing it with slices grapefruit, which is definitely helping🤗 The taste is bitter, but not nearly as bad as I expected. I’m so excited about my journey and I will always remember that I am “tasting results”! Thanks Dr. Price! You are truly helping me to change my life!❤

Good luck to everyone else who is getting started! We got this💪🏾❤️


Just brewed mine tonight starting tomorrow I’m going to pray my way through this ☺️🙌🏽


1 week left on this 30day cleanse. I already feel better. Less inflammation in my knees. This is hard. But very worth it.
