DETOXING Your Body vs CLEANSING Your Body: Which One Is Best?

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Today we live in a toxic world. The food supply is toxic, water supply, air, and even children's toys. We're getting toxicity from virtually every angle. We're getting exposed to over 80,000 chemicals that didn't exist 70 years ago.

This is why it's crucial to make cleansing and detoxing part of your health maintenance plan. Otherwise, these toxins begin to accumulate in the body, then irritate and inflame the tissues and organ systems which leads to disease. But what is there a difference between cleansing and detoxing? Or are they one in the same. That's what I'll be breaking down in this video.

Once I understood the impact of toxins that's what inspired me to create my Full-Body Herbal Detox to reclaim my own health.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- The difference between detoxing your body and cleansing your body
- How to detox
- What is a body cleanse
- Cleansing your body
- Detoxing your body
- Health coach
- Holistic health
- Holistic nutrition
- Doctor holistic
and more, well, I believe this video will give you the clarity you need.

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Disclaimer: This video is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have specific questions related to your personal health please refer to your physician.
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For those who complain about the taste of the cleanse, we drink alcoholic liquors at the bar and do not complain about those poisons. So I know we are not complaining about the taste of healthy, bitter herbs of life.


Dear Dr. Price. I just finished the 14-day Detox and felt the difference after the 1st week. I didn't consume the entire 64 ounces, because of the bitterness, but was consistent in sipping through it and am so happy I did. I'm now on intermittent fasting and fruit for breakfast and am feeling energized. My thoughts are now more clear and I can follow through with completing my tasks with less effort than before! (Not to mention all the poop I passed...and yes I'm now lighter on my feet.). Everything you're saying has panned out. Thank you sooo much. I think people are noticing something is different about me, because before they barely spoke, but are now engaging in conversation with me. I'm ready for the regular "oil" changes. Thanks... you're worth your weight in gold. Stay around. We need you! Carolyn.


“Medical science is making such remarkable progress that soon none of us will be well.”
- Aldous Huxley


This was SO good. Day 9 of 28 and I feel like amazing. I also believe the results will be more than I imagined. 6 pounds down (waste) and 24 more to go to help reverse my diabetes💪🏾


Usually I grow impatient listening to long utube tutorials, but Dr. Price relaxes me, and I can listen to him easily.


Dr. Bobby thank you so much for FINALLY giving a clear and precise meaning of cleansing and detoxing. I've been vegan for 1.5 years now and NO ONE has given this kind of clarity on how and why they're different. I've looked for it too and it's just not out there. 😊👏


I finished the 28 day detox about 3 weeks ago and I loved every bit of it! Not only did I lose weight, but I felt so much better and had more energy! I plan on doing the 28 day detox a few times a year! Thank you Dr. Price!


I just started your 14 day full body herbal detox program this morning and I’m looking forward to positive results. Thanks so much Dr. Price for creating both the 14 day and 28 day detox programs!!👍🏾❤️


I just came across your channel and it’s been a life changer for me. I have started to think more seriously about my health and the foods I eat. Health is wealth. I pray your channel grows to reach many around the world. God Bless.


Thank You Lord for answering my prayers on my health journey and the renewing of my mind!!! Dr. Bobby thank you for all of your information!! I bought 2 of your books and putting together a menu and shopping list for the next 2 weeks!!! I am searching for your detox as well!! I am so excited for this change in my life!! i am an unhealthy 58 yr old grandma and mother and I DESPERATELY trying to make many changes in my life!!! I quit smoking 3yrs ago, I no longer drink coffee, Kool-aide, milk, and sugared juices. I drink WATER all day everyday!!! I now am looking to learn how to cook and eat to help me stay alive and not to die!! Thank you again!!! Praying for your customers to breakthru from generational curses of unhealthy living and that your company flourishes and reaches ALL PEOPLE so the next generation can learn a new way!!! 😊


On day 8 of the 14 day Detox. By day 3 or so I noticed more energy and my gut felt so much better!! Still pushing through and super proud that I made it this far. Ty for all the information and awesome product! 🥰


Starting my 14 day detox. Just wanted to make sure I was on the right path. Thank you.


I did his 14-day detox and I would definitely encourage anyone to do it…I’m planning to do the 28-day one next and I am going to do it every four months


Tomorrow 5/2/23 will be day 19/28 day detox and i am so amazed. My sugar crave has stopped after day 2. I have lost weight and im not feeling tired. I eill be foing this quarterly during the change of season. Dr. Price is smazing. Loved this video.


Dr. Price, just a finished, 2 weeks of. Prednisone and antibiotics, for sinus infection and asthma treatment. Getting over the side effects of meds. Should I wait before starting your detox program. Plant base for over 5 years. 77 years old, unhealthy in many areas; obesity, arthritis, complete thyroidectony. Thank God for all your videos and book Vegucation, which have opened up my understanding of what a clean plant base diet really looks like. You are so appreciated. God continued blessings on your life. Telling my family and friends all about your work.


I started my 28 day detox today. That parasite tea is something, boy. 😩 I did it though. 💪🏾 I did the tummy tea with no problem.


This was a good clarification for me. You even answered my question about should I cleanse and detox at the same time. Thank you.


I ordered your detox and recipe book! It's The life Change for me!! I appreciate you taking the time out to help others!! Peace and blessings to you my brother!


Thank you! I'm so excited. You are the first I've come across to give info as to why a person can exercise and diet like crazy and not lose weight and fat; that is me. I am starting a cleanse today. Then when I get more information on your detox I will do the detox. I appreciate you.


That was an interesting fact that you shared about how they planted the herbs in Japan to detoxify the environment!
