The Dark Side of INFJ - The World's Rarest Personality Type

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INFJ the rarest personality type in the world is known for its kind and gentle nature, but there’s an unexpected dark side of INFJ personality that’s less talked about. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a great tool to learn more about your individual characteristics and tendencies. And since INFJs are often misunderstood, learning about their dark tendencies can especially prove to be helpful.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses, and the INFJ type is no different. While this personality is typically caring and compassionate, it’s also prone to outbursts and severer reactions in its unhealthy expression.

It’s important to keep in mind that no two people are exactly alike. Some INFJs may not relate to these darker tendencies at all, while people with other Myers Briggs Personality Types may see some of these traits in themselves.



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The most dark side is "we don't have friends and nobody understands us"🙂. It hurts 💔


As an INFJ I can suggest that life is pretty much happier when stop judging others, live simple and maintaining emotional intelligence. 🙂


My worst traits as an INFJ are bottling emotions up and then blowing up out of the blue at the people I love the most, overeating and overspending, stubbornness and expecting too much of people.


You’ll hate the fact that u can easily ease others pain or even understand them deeply while u in times of need doesn’t have anyone to rely on. Small circle of friends can’t even understand u lol


Being an INFJ, is that you go through life wanting other people to have the same heart as you do.


Speaker : INFJ, the rarest type.
EVeryone: dude thats me....


Living as an INFJ isn't as easy as breaking some cookies. We tend to want to make other people's issues ours; we overthink; we find it hard to say "no" to people to avoid hurting their feelings, even while we hurt; we don't forget past hurts; we believe that things should be in order (seeming crave for perfection); we believe in the neatness of our environment to the extent that some people label us as OCDs; we make friends so easily because we have a personality that is magnetic, yet we are introverts; when we love, we love deeply; some people think that we are weird and may be from a different planetary body...🙈 I think we should have an INFJ Association.😁


I don't hate being an INFJ, I like the quirky, creative uniqueness of who God created me to be. I just never knew why I've always had such a hard time making friends. This all makes so much sense. Maybe INFJ's should just stick together?


I'm a 54-year-old INFJ and learning to love myself is the biggest gift. It took a while to do but now I'm really happy being alone.


Definitely relate with the INFJ tendency to cut off relationships abruptly!....While having “high standards“ has a lot to do with it, having an intuitive and sensitive personality along with genuinely wanting to be a caring and understanding person has its pitfalls. When a person “crosses the line” and behaves in a way that hurts or disrespects us, it results in our immediately cutting them out of our lives. We expect mutual respect so when someone does cross the line, it is unacceptable to tend to take it very personally whenever we feel like someone takes advantage of our “good nature”.


This is me exactly. It's not fun being an INFJ. So hard to relate to others.


Yup, no friends bec. no body understand us even relatives


I’m an INFJ Advocate. I’ve learned to express my feelings or I get walked all over. In my 20s it wasn’t so easy, but I’m learning to set boundaries.


as an INFJ I've experienced many of these in my 74 years. Some are very painful - the stubbornness that leads to blowing things up, the acting out, feeling alone and misunderstood - yes, I know the feelings. On the encouraging side, I've worked though many of these issues, and also time (aging through these experiences) has provided a wealth of understanding and healing. But I would n't trade the helpfulness trait, the supporter of causes, etc/.. it's just part of the package. Learning to love oneself is the greatest challenge.


If someone comforts you when you feel no one else will understand, you probably cannot fathom how lonely and uncomfortable the person who understands you is.


I used to have these problems, then I examined the root cause for each one and designed a method for reprogramming them. Now I don't just recognize others feelings, but my own, and why I have them. This allows me to be very aware of these negative tendencies, and use my tools to help avoid them. Of course, I'm not without flaws, but I couldn't help but smile when he listed all my old quirks, and I can cross most of them out. For those out there that are upset at being an INFJ, know you can use your skills on yourself, and turn what seems like a curse, into a gift. Sure, no one understands us, and it makes us lonely, but sometimes you have to walk the tough path in order to do a lot of good. Shout out to INFJs!!!


An INFJ means you sacrifice yourself for everyone. It means you don't care about yourself. Everything you do is for the sake of those you love. That's what gives your life meaning.


Im an INFJ and what i hate about it is that i cant have real friends. They misunderstood me sometimes😑


While I was growing up my mother always told me my expectations of others were too high and my response was always if I can treat people as well as I do then I should be able to expect it in return. Of course now not being a teenager I realize that not everyone can "see" what they are doing to people. I've found that somehow even though we are a rare personality type most of my closest friends are also INFJs. I think we tend to gravitate towards each other. I think the biggest key to keeping relationships is too communicate our true feelings, which I know is hard, but I force myself to do it even when I don't want too because I've learned the consequences of not doing so.


"shutting people in their life"
me: damn why did you attack me like that?
