Breaking up with an INFJ be like...

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What INFJs are like when you try to break up with them

#16personalities #mbti #infj
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But in all honesty, the INFJ probably saw it coming 👀


Dont get too mad at your INFJ ex. Right now it may seem like they are deflecting and avoiding processing your emotional breakup... but, if it makes you feel better, in a few years, one day at 4am while they are binge watching Ugly Betty reruns, they are going to remember this moment and it will eat at them, existentially, for months.


I love how INFJ approches even breakups like therapy sessions! 😂🤣


More like
Non-INFJ: "We need to talk"
INFJ: It's over, isn't it?
Non-INFJ: Uhh, yeah how could you tell?
INFJ: By the tone of your voice and judging by EVERYTHING ELSE in our lives
Non-INFJ: Oh.... so, what do you think?
INFJ: Because I predicted this, I've prepared a list of things to say to you. So A, yada yada B, yada yada, C....


Its all about why. INFJs need a reason for everything, the questions that look like therapy are actually us just reaching the heart of the issue to avoid being hurt by what we see coming. That doesn't mean it works though 😂


I've been trying to break up with an INFJ for thirteen years and you just illuminated why I've failed. As an INFP, the "how do you really feel?" questions just make me . . . say how I feel. And then I forget that I was trying to break up and instead talk about my childhood.

It's a trap. This is how I die, isn't it


I feel INFJs process the fact that they have been broken up with very very late. Painfully late. It hits them like a ton of bricks about a day later when they are bawling their eyes out at 1 am after their brain has finally comprehended the gravity of the situation because they were still busy being the emotional support for the person breaking up with them up until that point or were in a state of shock to the point they appeared to not gaf.


Breaking up with IN*T*J's:
INTJ: "Time for our weekly relationship status meeting. How are you doing."
Norm: "I want to break up! I am sick of all these unnatural relationships meetings!"
INTJ: "I suspected as much based on your comments last meeting and have planned accordingly."


Omggg. I use to be a horrible listener. I thought being attentive and caring was being a good listener but it wasnt. Cause I finish their sentences for them in my head, I think I always knew better than others, always psycho analyzing ppl and turning people’s cry for help into opportunities for myself to show how knowledgeable and righteous I was and proof I’m valuable. trying to change them in the name of my own definition of justice instead of accepting them for who they are. I was in my own world and somehow thinking that I was in reality. Now I don’t make assumptions and I just listen to them. Really try to
Understand and feel what they’re feeling without interruptions or being ready to give advice. Sometimes people just want to be heard not to be fixed at all. There’s nothing to be fixed and theyre feelings is good the way they are. Funny how we’re called the therapist but we’re a horrible therapist when we haven’t grown yet ourselves


As an INTJ watching this: Oh. I really get why it is we totally get along. I could sit there with her for hours analyzing stuff together and totally not be bored. I really need an INFJ to do movie nights with.


The INFJ be like: "I know you were going to & are breaking up with me, but I must know why, so I can fix this, I can't bear to lose you."


I love that INFJs are gentle and care about your feelings but the not listening part is so true sometimes. They’d process what you said later if they care enough but you never know what they actually understood from the conversation unless they decided to tell you. But when they do show how they feel and think I find that so endearing.


As an INFJ, I'm not afraid of cutting people out. So if you're breaking up with me, fine, go ahead, you don't know what you're missing out on.


I want a sequel where it's the INFJ breaking up with someone


Lol, my INFJ boyfriend is kind of like a therapist, always asking me how im feeling, trying to understand me and telling me to tell him all my worries and fears so he can give advice or emotional support, even when he is not at his best. He is a blessing ❤❤❤ you guys are blessings✨ —ENFP 🌈💫


This has the same energy as that scene in freaky friday when lindsay Lohan in her therapist mom's body had to deal with patients.
"It just makes me feel so depressed"
"And how do you feel about that?"


I had a bad health news about myself and I was the emotional support for everyone else in the family to cope with the news. I let people let it out but I never show my own feelings. What the heck is wrong with me😂


OMG! I'm in a quiet work environment, and I just burst out laughing! Hilarious and true! I'm still analyzing relationships I had 20 years ago! 🙌🤣


As an infj, I always did the breaking up, always saw the end way before it happened


This absolutely. Don’t feel much when this happens, besides curiosity.

But then…grieving for years. Inside. And sometimes outside. Alone on the floor at home.

But I’m fine!
