Being honest with toxic people in life

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Narcissistic abuse is an undeniable crisis. Discover Healing, Empowerment, and Authentic Living...

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The Royal We has helped Millions to escape the grip of narcissistic abuse. Here’s a deeper look into what narcissistic abuse looks like and steps to heal from it:

Narcissistic abuse looks like:

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists often show little to no empathy for others, making it easy for them to manipulate and exploit. Narcissists use various tactics such as gaslighting, love bombing, and devaluation to control and dominate their victims.

Common Tactics Used in Narcissistic Abuse:

Gaslighting: Making the victim doubt their own reality and sanity.
Love Bombing: Showering the victim with excessive attention and affection to gain control.

Devaluation: Undermining the victim’s self-worth through criticism, belittling, and emotional neglect.

Isolation: Cutting the victim off from their support systems to increase dependency on the abuser.

Triangulation: Using others to create jealousy or competition, keeping the victim feeling insecure.
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

How to begin healing from narcissistic abuse:
Understand that you have been enduring narcissistic abuse. This awareness is the first step toward healing.

Get Help:

Establish No Contact or Low Contact:

Limit or completely cut off communication with the narcissistic abuser. This helps you gain emotional distance and begin your healing journey.
Rebuild Your Self-Esteem:

Engage in activities that boost your confidence and self-worth. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people who value and respect you.
Educate Yourself:

Learn about narcissistic abuse and its effects. Knowledge is empowering and can help you recognize patterns and avoid future toxic relationships.
Practice Self-Care:

Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and mindfulness practices can all contribute to your recovery.
Set Boundaries:

Develop and maintain healthy boundaries in all your relationships.

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Absolutely true. One lie leads to many. Don't know how some people can actually live with themselves 🙄


So true! its difficult to speak honestly with toxic people. They lash out. Stay away from toxic people and speak and live your truth comfortably. 🎉


😅THANK YOU! I really NEEDED to hear this! It's appalling to be around OLD people who know BETTER than to LIE, knowing that it's makes us extremely uncomfortable, but they have the NERVE to use ANGER as a weapon, to cause us to fear telling them the truth. It's HIGH time for us to be assertive, and BOLDLY stand up to them and humble them, to balance out the power dynamic.


“To thine own self be true.”
(~William Shakespeare)


I love you. And if money grew on trees I would be apart of your community. 🎉so much healing. Thank you.


I am grateful to be a part of this group and can make honest comments about my feelings and not be criticized for them.Thank you.🥀


Wow! Amazing true word! So clear. I felt it in my gut as I heard your words. I long for honesty with others. No! Honesty with myself is the answer… at all times!!! My gut is at peace with this. Thank you thank you thank you Kevin!!


As someone told me as a child...when you lie, you're only lying to yourself.


this is a great philosophical point and true…


For them, more like honesty with much discretion. I think I can say by now that I’m being dead honest when I surmise that there are just a lot of things that they don’t really need to know about me. I think it’s just as honest to say “that’s none of your biz.” Lol. It really makes you think about what a liar does with honest words.


I agree I don't have to worry about being honest with narcissistic people. In fact it seems like lying to them is a great loophole.


Dont waste youre real with fake people


Very well said.i couldn't have said it better.👍🏻😉😎


I agree with being an honest person because when we speak with the truth, we honor the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH FATHER , his son the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS, and the LORD HOLY SPIRIT who is one GOD alone.
Because the LORD GOD becomes very pleased when we speak with the truth always.
We must try to always be honest to honor the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY because it feels good when we speak with the truth.
When someone is dishonest with me, I become upset because when the person is dishonest with me, I cannot trust the person or people.
I always try very hard to be honest with everyone because I want to always honor the one who created me, who rules, reigns over all the nations and kingdom of this world and who lives forever and ever JEHOVAH FATHER, his son the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS, and the LORD HOLY SPIRIT who is one GOD alone.
Amen! Amen! Amen!


The starving girl her brother drug dealer the kid crazy like totally crazy problem sick people who belong to hospital are set free to hurt humans and thats dangerous


That would be a great excuse for a narc though!!!


No can do this year missed making the resolution
