When she doesn't ask questions back or seem interested in the conversation

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Does it feel she’s not wanting to have a conversation? Is she not asking you questions? Watch this video to find out why this is happening and what you can do to cultivate a more engaging conversation.

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Its also possible that youre asking all the right questions and she Just has zero conversation skills..


A girl that doesn't ask questions is just not into the guy. Honestly, its really that simple.


9 times out of 10 she's just not into you. Stop texting her and move on. Next!


If a woman (or man) doesn’t ask questions back, doesn’t ask follow-up questions on a certain topic, or barely asks any questions, stop taking them seriously and do not pursue a serious relationship with them.
It’s a clear sign that they lack emotional intelligence and don’t have any curiosity about you or the world. It’s unlikely they will ever improve, and you will spend all your time with them feeling unheard and unseen.
Move on.


If a girl is really into you, she'll be asking you just as many questions as you are asking her. You won't have to play mental gymnastics just to try to figure out how to get her to like you.

But at the same time you do have good points about what kind of questions that are specific to her or things that you know about her. If you know she likes to run you could ask her about running or if you know she likes to cook, you could ask her about cooking and that should spin off into other conversations if she's interested in you. If not, you're going to get short answers just like you're bothering her, but she's being nice enough to answer or she's bored and likes the attention.

This is no hard or fast rule but I'll ask 3 or 4 questions and if they don't ask a question back within those times then I move on.


If she’s into you she’ll answer the dumbest questions you ask her and she’ll ask you almost anything to keep the conversation going.


No offence to you but if a girl doesn't ask questions back then end it, don't waste your time with a person who thinks her time is more valuable then yours. Dont spend time evaluating your questions, a proper person asks questions back no matter what questions you asked.


If she ain't asking you questions she not interested regardless if you two matched


Both parties should go into the process ready and willing to engage the other person, not sit there waiting to be impressed. So what of he asks a lame question or makes a lame joke? Ask or tell one you think is better! It probably isn't as great as you think it is, so touche. So what of he starts with "hi, how are you?". That's how most people meet women in bars, coffee shops, book stores. The expectation that someone is supposed to transcend the simple eons-old "hi" with an epic, award-winning intro to be deemed worthy of your time is the problem, especially when you can't or won't lead with example.


I have a friend and it seems like I'm the only one who's asking her questions. Lol. I try my best but I feel like she also needs to try atleast


if a girl doesn't ask questions back. She's not that interested. End of story. You do not have to pander to women trying to play mental games to get them engaged. If htey're not attracted they instinctively won't ask you questions back. So move on. Don't watse time with women who have low interest. They just want attention.


I find it so annoying when women don’t even try to make the conversation interesting like I try , this was good video tho gave me some insight in maybe I can change something but god damn is it fucking difficult to find a woman who isn’t so into themselves


Thank you. Sensing a one sided relationship


If i feel the conversation is going no where i just end it and move on.


I used to try way to hard and kept talking to people that didn't put energy back into texting. Now I just don't care. If she doesn't put effort back u can tell lack interest. I find women that are interested will keep the conversation going and make efforts to meet. I pull back and give them a chance to chase


Ah so its my fault or there is just no burning desire behind that woman. Tbh ive never met a girl that ask me anything. So its more like if all girls dont ask questions.


The sad reality is this is what many women are like now. I think it was the perfect storm of too much free attn on social media/dating apps and feminism.

Both have made women self involved and a bit narcissistic. Now it's about what they "deserve" and what guys have to to keep their attention. Versus women feeling motivated to truly want a man.

**I was reading a topic on Facebook recently about why marriages fail. I would say that 95% of the comments were women putting 100% of the blame on men and taking zero accountability whatsoever. So it's very telling of the current mindset of women in society.


Met a woman online. She is friendly and nice. But I find I’m doing all the asking. I volunteer my info first then ask her the same. It’s like if I don’t ask in order for us the learn about each other nothing happens. It’s like going to a party and seeing an old friend. Hi how are you? What have you been up to? How’s the job? And they don’t ask a single thing about you. If I didn’t ask there wouldn’t be a conversation! Wtf!


Personally, this is quite subjective. For most girls, it might seem like they're uninterested but I'd say it depends. There was this one guy that I went out with for a movie, he was quite like my ideal type tbh and I was really nervous on the inside. I wasn't showing it but every time when he asked me questions, I suddenly lost my brain cells and instead of talking to him I just replied, "Ohh, I seee" and messed everything up. I was into really him but I couldn't talk or ask questions. Sooo don't be like me, it might send the wrong signal to the guy.


I have lost faith in western women, I give up
