256Hz 》ROOT CHAKRA CLEANSING SOUND BATH 》Let Go of Fear, Worries & Anxiety 》Chakra Healing Music

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》Let Go of Fear, Worries & Anxiety
》Chakra Healing Music

Root Chakra is often blocked by fear, anxiety and endless worries of past and future. 256Hz is one of the primary resonating frequency for root chakra - muladhara and the sound bath music has been specially composed with root note at 256Hz. This will help chakra activation as it starts to resonate more. Meditating along with this can bring more focus in your meditation and help in healing and unblocking this chakra. For the best benefit, please play this audio on speakers at a comfortable volume, so the root chakra can interact with the sound.
We hope this will help in your practice. Many Blessings!!

Music & Graphics Copyright ⓒ 2019 Meditative Mind™. All Rights Reserved.

#MeditativeMind #ChakraHealing #RootChakra
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Never stop the grind. When life seems hopeless or dissociated never forget a blessing is around the corner. It is the hardest obstacles life sends our way that provides the greatest reward. Never stop striving, always listen to your intuition. We are all beautiful souls waiting to blossom like a lotus. Have a great day


If you have found this comment, here is my message: it's time to forgive yourself and let it go. Everyone else has already forgiven you.


I am safe and grounded. I am at ease, I am protected. I realize and release all negativity acting as a blockage, I vibrate rejuvenating energy.. ❤️


Fun fact: the sound of bees buzzing is in the key of C. Studies have shown that people when with PTSD are around the sound of bees for 1-3 months, their stress and anxiety goes down. Its also speculated that the sound of the bees is what molds the wax of their honeycomb into its hexagonal shape, promoting the maximum potential for strength, storage, and organization/order.

May you all experience the wisdom of the honeycomb in your life🙏💚


*Symptoms of root chakra blockage*

_Physical signs:_
- Tension in lower back, hips or legs.
- Digestive issues such as constipation.
- Feeling tired and run down.
- Excessive weight gain or weight loss.
- Sleeping difficulties or insomnia.

_Emotional signs:_
- Difficulty bonding with others.
- Feeling lonely or isolated.
- Feeling scared or anxious about the future.
- Low self esteem.
- Depression.

_Spritiual signs:_
- Feeling lost or without purpose.
- Feeling disconnected from the world and other people.
- Constantly questioning the meaning of life.

*A healthy flow of energy from the Muladhara Chakra results in feelings of empowerment, security and a sense of peace – the basis on which every other chakra can function freely.*


It's not about being in control but about being in alignment.


To the person reading this:

You are who you are.
You are a gorgeous and beautiful creation.
You are a masterpiece.
You are who you are.
You are strong and courageous.
You can absolutely do it.
You are powerful.
Remind yourself that you are who you are.
Move forward with your determination, and conviction.
You can absolutely do it.
Have a great day ahead,
Remember you are who you are.


thank you for this. i feel so awful and i want to give up so badly but i look back at pictures of me as a little girl and i want her to be happy. i’ll keep trying for her


I’ve been focusing on my root and it’s changed so much!

So much primal fear coming up to be embraced and also I feel so much more grounded and less heady.

It’s changing my experience of life and helping me heal myself of self-abandonment.

Music like this helps so much.

When I feel existential fear being released I put this on and lay down.

I feel the warm energy moving and transmuting.

I allow the fear to flow through me.

I remind myself I am safe, remind the little boy he’s safe to feel fear.

I have never felt remotely safe or worthy my whole life.

Always numbing, always running…

From myself, health, wealth.

It all makes sense the more I learn about the root.

What a relief to have a point of focus where all my struggles make perfect sense!

I can forgive myself for feeling lost and broken and embrace the journey of returning home to me.



Please don’t forget to FORGIVE yourself. For it all. Speak to yourself with love, patience and understanding. Love and light to you all! 💖💖


The goal in chakra work is always a balanced energy center - to create a balance between "too much" and "too little". Strengthening the root chakra is ensured by factors that strengthen our grounding and attachment to the earth. These include, for example, gardening, staying in nature / forest / mountains / sea, barefoot running, earthy food. Symbols, colors, gemstones, fragrances and aromas also provide good support.
The following treatments and approaches strengthen the root chakra:
Work-up of trauma
Exposure to existential fears
Special chakra meditation
Special body work: massage, yoga ...
Physical pleasure to develop a new relationship to physicality: good food, tenderness ... 🙇🏻‍♂️ Light & Love too you all ❤️


Wake up everyday with a grateful attitude. Say a prayer and meditate before you step out from your bed. Relax.. deep breathe, attract the abundance you might need; health, wealth and peace. Clear your chakras, meditate, be grateful. Best energy to you all. You are beautiful. You are loved. You possess the greatest energy within you, share and receive.


Many years ago I did a grounding exercise over the course of a month. See roots go down from your feet into the Earth. Imagine nutrition being taken up by those roots. At one point I felt just how much love the Earth has for us. It was love with a rich loamy feeling to it. The Earth loves us but see how we treat her.


When the soul has reached the end of gratification and reaped the bitter fruits of egotism, it is ready to receive the divine wisdom and to enter into the divine life.🙏


I go outside everyday to connect with nature with this playing. I can honestly feel the Earth’s chi fill up my entire body. Instantaneous grounding. Thank you!


Dear Beautiful Soul 🧡💙💖💚who arrived here in search of ☮️🕊️, I want to remind you that you are a divine work of art, one of a kind, yet always entwined with the masterpiece, capable of accepting the past & transcending the present through your consciousness. Much love & many eternal blessings 🪷🦋✨🕊🌈🫂


Root Chackra is about living in reality and not in fantasy. I learned this from people who actually lived in India. The fear chackra is the second one, the Sacral.


I love reading these comments. Fantastic energy. Beautiful path.


My soul needed this secretly so much. It’s like drinking water and realizing how thirsty I was.


This one is so peaceful- my cats came over and cuddled up to nap.
