+6 Months Baby | Safe Baby Food Prep in 3 ways | Melon | Cantaloupe 🍈🍈🍈

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1️⃣ FINGER FOOD: Soft strips of cantaloupe about the size of your adult pinky finger that the baby can pick up and self-feed…if your fruit isn’t soft enough, try poaching for a few minutes in water to soften

2️⃣ PURÉES: Puree cantaloupe offered from a pre-loaded spoon…you’ll have to help pre-load and put the spoon in your baby’s hand at first but let them guide the eating process

3️⃣ OPEN CUP: Offer the puree cantaloupe out of an open cup…this is a great way to start open cup practice with your baby as early as 6 months of age

Want more ideas on REAL FOODS your baby can safely eat?!

Register for my free 1-hour online video training called *“BABY-LED WEANING FOR BEGINNERS”*

Inside of this workshop I’m teaching you:

• How to safely start solid foods with your baby
• What foods to prep for the first 10 days of baby-led weaning
• Why your baby can SAFELY eat so many more foods than you might think!

Everyone on this free online workshop gets a copy of *my original 100 FIRST FOODS list* - which includes 20 high iron protein foods your baby can eat from 6 months of age on!


Learn how to make all of the 100 FIRST FOODS safe for your baby in the BABY-LED WEANING WITH KATIE FERRARO online digital program…this program has the original 100 FIRST FOODS meal plan and click here to join:

👀 👀 👀 👀

Where else can you learn about baby-led weaning? I have tons more infant feeding resources for you on:

• *Instagram* @babyledweanteam

• On my *podcast* “BABY-LED WEANING MADE EASY”

• Inside my program *BABY-LED WEANING with Katie Ferraro*

#babyledweaning #katieferraro #babyfood #babyeating #startingsolids
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I don't plan on having a kid anytime soon and im not sure how the algorithm got me here but i guess im here soooo
