How I Lost 10 lbs and Fixed my High Blood Pressure in 30 Days

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I quit sugars, and excessive carbs for three months. The changes were amazing, and not just the weight loss.


Apple Cider Vinegar 3 spoons per day mixed to the water, Vitamin D3, K2, Nattokinase, no sugars or carbs almost at all. I have lost 20kg (106kg--> 86kg, male 185cm). Next month I have been 1 year totally sober. This is the longest time during my whole life that my weight has stayed within 1kg difference the whole year. I do 20-24h fasting 1-2 times per week and it is excellent for my body and mind. What made me to do it and keep it up? Terminal cancer. Still here, nothing visible with contrast agent anymore. So, people, please pay attention for these things!


Congratulations Shawn! Ive been following you for several years and what you do is truly an inspiration!
I'm 56, Blood pressure 2 years ago was also in the 140's over low 90's while on 40 mg of Lisinopril. I started using cayenne pepper powder, 8 oz of water, and a tablespoon of raw unfiltered unpasturized local honey a year and a half ago religiously everyday, started more of a carnivore diet, and increased my activity level as much as I could due to severe disc issues but today im 12 days, 100% off my BP meds, cholesterol meds, and over the last 4 months have lost 42 lbs. My resting BP is averaging 111/68 and active BP is averaging 121/74.
I've been telling my Dr for two years that I will get off of all my meds because im not feeding the big pharma family anymore. I've taken my health into my own hands with diet, being more active as well as more natural ways to fix health rather than the big pharma band-aid that's thrown at us. Our food system is broken. Getting back to whole foods, healthy choices, and good clean living has been clouded over for so long but many are finally waking up and seeing the big picture and how to fix it ourselves. Great Job shawn!


I was 423 lbs 10 years ago, now 241 as of today. I am unable to walk much but I do exercise from my chair. I limit my calories to 1500 (I am now 77 years young). You inspired me to start this journey and to be more active. 40 more pounds and I will have my knees made like new! lol…… my husband and I will be married 55 years on April 19…… longer than you have been on earth!


It’s always a good thing when individuals discover which lifestyle benefits them the best. Glad that you found yours. I’m the opposite lifestyle; plant-based diet and I’m a swimmer. My blood pressure, weight and AC1 dropped to the point where my doctor took me off diabetes meds. Thanks for sharing your journey and hopefully folks will benefit from your info too.


Without our health we have nothing. Home grown, being self sufficient and learning new things will change lives for the better. And stop eating processed food. No fast food!


Happy birthday early! My blood pressure was up big time every day ! Not on medication. So I tried carnivore diet and my blood pressure was pressure dropped. Went off the diet by 3 days and blood pressure went back up. So now I am back on the carnivore! No sugar at all!
God bless!


4th week all in on Carnivore. Inflammation is coming way down. Brain fog is lifting. Depression is getting better. I am getting more and more energy.


i am 57 (58 next month) this time last year i could hardly turn my head do to neck issues, also had major knee pain and constant shoulder pain. I stopped drinking soda, all seed oils, anything processed and also added collagen to my diet. I felt a big difference in just a few weeks. I later an AG1 like product (i also tried AG1) and by Dec i was virtually pain free. unbelievable difference. We bought a little bread maker (have you read the ingredients label of bread lately?) and haven't eaten store-bought bread/buns since December. Last month I started to follow more of a carnivore diet and dropped 20lbs. At soon-to-be 58, this is truly the best i have felt in a decade if not longer.

The best thing anyone can do is drop the soda/processed drinks and anything with seed oils in them. The soda was hard but it made a huge difference.


Glad to hear you feeling better Shawn! I started taking care of my health at 19 years old due to being extremely unhappy about my health both mentally and physically and it is such a contrast in daily life when you find what works for you. Nice to hear that you have found your way and as always thanks for being an inspiration, cant wait for the day i build my own cabin. Meanwhile your videos keep me dreaming and im thankful for that


My husband and I sold his house right outside of Columbus, OH last May, and moved to the mountains of South Carolina.

We are completely out of debt, except for financing a small shed for his tools, lawn mowers, and such.

This is my year of cleansing my diet/body.

I am buying 1/2 a steer that is completely grass fed and NO hormones.

We only eat fresh eggs and raw milk, buttermilk, and i will be learning how to make fresh butter soon.

I have planted the largest garden I've ever had in my life as well.

I am on a medication that i am going to slowly wein myself from to see if i even need it any longer. It's for migraine headaches.

I quit smoking 6 months ago after smoking for 40 years.

I haven't lost any weight yet, but my blood pressure is so much better.

All the changes i have made have already had a positive impact on my body. I am breathing better, feeling better, and thinking a little clearer as well.

A lot of it i attribute to your channel, and a few others that recommend not just self sustainability, but cleaner living overall.

Thank you, Shawn, for all of the excellent advice and examples you provide for us every time you put out a video.


I'm 65 years old. I have been on carnivore life style for over a year now. I haven't been in better shape since I was 18.I rest my case.
Shawn Good luck with your new life style. BTW I'm not taking any medications.


This is amazing. My husband and I have been working on getting him off blood pressure. We moved to North Idaho ( an hour from the Canadian border) and built a greenhouse 4 years ago after buying our 5 acre property. Created an outdoor garden also. We buy very little processed food and are aiming for zero. We’ve watched you when we were still living in Oregon. We don’t trust Big Pharma so thank you for pointing us in this direction.We also started grounding.


Ginger is an anti-inflammatory for joints. BP standards have been altered to increase amount of population on meds. Losing weight and limiting processed foods definitely help.
Love the videos !!!


Just goes to show no matter how hard you work or how much fresh food, air, and water you get you still fall apart. After about 50 anything can happen and I would have been fine with dying at that point, but now am 63 and no doctors or meds so I'll go till I drop. Friends of mine are carrying around bags of pills and they still have problems. Drugs just cover up the problems and most of the time fix nothing.


I also started taking AG1 along with Vitamin D3 & K2 within the last year along with cutting out alcohol and have never felt better! Glad it is working for you as well.


Happy Birthday Shawn, glad to hear you are off BP meds and your new diet is having a positive impact. I am 67 and while my BP is controlled and I haven't taken meds, I need to work on building my strength. My wife and I avoid processed foods and seed oils and we grow much of our vegetables and fruit.


Happy early birthday to you. I had surgery on my heart back in February, and they found I had 4 more valve in my heart that it didn't need. It was scary at times, and my heart rate would skip a beat and take off, it gotten as high as 280 over 80 or 147 over 77. I had it. Just stop beating this happened to me in January a mile off the road in a wood getting logs with small 🚜 WD Allis Chalmer and 180 Allis Chalmer. My brother took me to the hospital. My heart stopped beating when I down a tree. I beat on my chest to get it back 180 over 80 by the time I got to the hospital. My heart rate was over 200, and I had never seen so many wires and pads ready to zap my heart .They shot my heart with adrenaline, which caused my heart to level out . I thank the nurses and doctors who saved me that day, and most I thank God for being there.


Fully carnivore 2 years now and never felt better. My list of health issues was miles long and everything is resolved. Struggling with oxalate dumping from time to time but that’s getting slowly better as well👍 Been listening to Ken Berry, Anthony Chaffee, Paul Mason, Sally Northon amongst others👍 My wife and my son has also gone full Carnivore and are heving great success with massive health benefits. Way to go🥩🤗


Congrats Shawn on the weight loss and getting off those meds. I need to get serious and get myself back into good health. I am a 56 year old woman and feel like I am 80. I did lose my husband to cancer 10 months ago and that has taken a toll on my health. Mentally I am feeling better about his loss, just got to start focusing on my physical health now.
