I failed to lose weight for 10 years. Here's what I learned.

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❤️ We help women move from binge eating, food obsession and yo-yo dieting to a 'normal' and healthy relationship with food. Without relying on rules, restrictions or willpower.

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I don’t know how I ended up here but I cried the entire time. For the first time I saw someone who understands me. 😭


The shame I feel when I still feel hungry when everyone else at the table is done.


Doctors have suggested a nutritionist or a counselor. They just didn’t understand that people who have dieted for years could teach master classes on what people “should” do to lose weight. But no counselor I’ve ever met has been able to tell me how to stick to that without the extreme use of will power, , , , which is like a tightening elastic that always eventually snaps.


Surrounded with narcissists in my family, who constantly want to be right, prove they are better, constant competition, undermining, criticizing, gaslighting, controlling… and me on the other side ever-hoping I will find honest human relationship with them . Food calmed me, comforted my emotions, since childhood. Always hungry, struggled a lot with weight .
I realized this and accepted that they will never change. I decided to never ever argue with them ever again. My mistake was that I was also trying to change them, desperately wanting them to understand me, but they can’t. I stoped, and let it all be. I wrote it down and repeated it like a mantra, to remind myself not to get pulled in their constant controlling ways , provocations and criticism and kept a distance more often.
I feel stronger now, not hungry as before and lost around 10 kg on whole food plant based diet.I feel more peace and not playing their exhausting games any more, not once. I keep telling them’yes, you are right’ and keep on living my life . They still provoke and just want to pull someone in their drama and wrestle but I don’t allow them to suck my energy anymore. I don’t feel that crazy hunger ever since I started doing that.


THIS IS ME! I've learned that I'm very good at planning and writing things down. It makes me feel like I'm getting something done without actually beginning


genuinely never knew other people were like this too, i thought i was alone


I am shocked that it is exactly what I go through everyday! Hearing it make me realize how exhausting it is to always being in my head, planning, debriefing my binge. Oh god I just understood why I am so tired. It requires so much energy to be in this loop! Thank you for sharing


I joined Weight Watchers years ago, and the group leader wanted to know why I seemed so angry at the meetings. I admitted in front of the entire group that I resented that I had to watch everything that I ate. It was a constant struggle and I was so resentful and jealous of people who could eat anything and never gain an ounce. I quit the following week.


Have you ever watched a YouTube video and the information hit so hard that you watched it 3-4 more times just to make sure you heard it right and you heard it all??? 🙋🏼‍♀️🤯😭 THANK YOU for sharing your experience!!! This has been so impactful for me to watch.


15 years (aged 42) of my weight chart looking like an ECG and running out of faith in myself, I found this video and I’m so grateful you made it. Everything resonated so hard it’s physical. Lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. As a man I don’t expect to join you and your clients, but I have a feeling you have changed my life in ways I, my wife and children will be forever grateful for. Thank you so much.


As a 50 something who has struggled with weight for 30 years, you are an articulate and beautiful young woman. If I could tell my 25 year old self that I was ok, I would have saved years of heartache and depression. I’m glad you are healed. Thank you for the video


Everything you said applied and still applies to me. I was vegan, vegetarian, keto, whole foods only/clean eating, calorie deficit. All of these, and at one point I was contemplating carnivore. It was never really about health that much as it was for losing weight, the main thing! Right now I am in a point that I don't know what to do anymore but I know that I basically hate my existence completely..


OMG, the writing on the calendar...and then the deleting. The isolation when feeling overweight, the shame of fluctuations. I am amzed when I find people who get it, really get it.


Thank you for this, it resonates so well with me. Finally after 45 years I am gradually leaving behind my poor relationship with food and myself! It’s so sad when I look back to see the impact of it all - how my whole life has been affected . Now my body is aged and I have no control over that fact - I am grateful that I’m healthy and my body has been able to withstand the abuse I put it through! I forgive myself for this and accept that I believed there to be something wrong with me when I was perfectly imperfect the whole time!
To all who read this I hope you let go and find the peace within long before you are 62 ❤


wow, i'm only 6 minutes in and this is already the most relatable weight loss/weight journey video i've ever seen in my life. knowing more abt weight loss than anyone else, struggling for 10 years despite that, gradually gaining more weight, constantly making and failing plans, recording videos lecturing myself, gradually getting worse at sticking to plans (except i was never really able to stick to it for months, only one time in quarantine, before and after that it's only been days), the feeling of unfairness when you center weight loss in your life but still struggle. you're a mirror of me. the only thing is i don't experience full-on binge-eating, just compulsive eating/snacking which i largely attribute to my adhd, and the calories always add up throughout the day.


Oh my. I was literally going through it last night, planning to fast or eat less because I noticed it’s already April and I’m not losing weight. I prayed for God to reveal what’s really going on with me and then I see your video. This is spot on for me. I could never identify with the other eating disorders and never could fully commit or keep the weight off. I’m also anxious seeing a registered dietitian because I fear being asked to keep a food journal. It makes me so anxious because I’m not going to be honest or commit to writing it down. Also have only tracked my food in terms of dieting. 😢 I’m going to speak to a professional and get over my anxiety. thank you for telling your story. ❤


I used to be exactly like you, I completely relate; so many decades and I finally feel recovered from that binge/restrict cycle.


You articulated my 10-year eating disorder.

I think the challenge for most people is snapping out of the doom-loop of disordered eating. I knew what my brain was doing was crazy but I couldn’t stop it.

What worked for me, was to slightly nudge my obsession into something a little healthier over time or replace them with less harmful ones (I’ll always be obsessive… but I know this… so have learned to channel it into constructive pursuits)


I recently understood the reason behind constant “thinking” about food and why some people can’t mentally function without having snacks or beverages in front of them. It’s all because of low dopamine, and probably, having ADHD .
Food gives a dopamine boost, that’s why a person with adhd consumes more food . Not for hunger but for dopamine.


This was me for my teens and early twenties! Love your video and just wanted to share what I've learned on the subject: I've found that an enjoyable morning workout (I love dancing and uphill walking but will never do HIIT because I despise it lol), coupled with intermittent fasting is PERFECT for me. I get that intermittent fasting can feel restrictive for many but it's just what's worked for me personally - my cravings almost completely subsided and I have so much more energy and clarity during the day. Plus I actually feel full and satisfied after eating! I ensure my two meals are varied, balanced, satisfying, taste great and you best believe I do not restrict! It's so strange but I feel like the more often I eat throughout the day, the more cravings I have, so I enjoy a clean fasting period knowing I'm going to have a big, delicous, macro-balanced meal later on, always with some kind of dessert like a banana protein pancake with berries and dark chocolate. Another huge help has been realizing that having the odd day of overindulgence or even a full on binge (they still happen but so rarely now) doesn't mean its the end of the world or that you have to punish yourself the following day. Just go back to what worked for you. I feel like I enjoy food more than ever now, I just no longer obsess over it or suffer because of it. I bet I eat more volume than the average person even when intermittent fasting, and diet culture would probably say I eat too much too. Yet I'm in the best shape I've ever been in and it feels nearly effortless at this poinot. This post is not intended to convince anyone to do IF (that is just what has worked for me), but to encourage anyone struggling to find what works for you so that you can stop obsessing over food (this means eating nutritious, tasty, balanced meals that FULLY satisfy you). Screw living in a cycle of guilt and calorie counting, it's not meant to be that hard.
