Dune: Why Create A God?

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In this video we will talk about the Purpose of “God” within the context of the Dune Saga. In a sense the Dune Saga is all about the concept of Godhood. In the first book we see the apotheosis of Paul Atreides, as he uses the path laid out for him by the Bene Gesserit Missionaria Protectiva, to convince the Fremen that he is their prophesied savior. Wielding the power of the Fremen Paul is able to avenge house Atreides and unseat the emperor of the known universe. But in doing so he also entangled the throne to a fanatical religion, his Godhood would be invoked by others who would go on to commit terrible atrocities in his name. The problem with this is that interpretation of God’s will cannot be easily monopolized. A Government entangled with religion risks losing control over the very populace its seeks to subjugate, when that populace’s view of god shifts out of line with the standard established.

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Actually, Pharaoh translates to literally "Column House", or contemporaneously, "Great House", or as we might better understand, "Person who dwells in the Great House". As in, guy who lives in the palace.
The idea that Pharaohs were considered living gods comes from our modern concepts of divinity, which are confused at the best of times since it's a malleable and imprecise term. The Egyptians, and indeed most of the middle east at the time, regarded KingSHIP as divine, the office of the king was divine, usually being nested in some semi-mythical story of the gods having been kings on earth at one point before stewarding the office to humans.
The Pharaoh therefore held a divinely appointed office, and thus acted on behalf of the gods, rather than being a god. This can be seen most easily in the treatment of Pharaohs after death, and in the predominant stories of Osiris and Horus. The Pharaoh is referred to as the SON OF Re, or the SON OF Horus. These days, mostly thanks to Christianity, we tend to regard "son of" as meaning "equal to", or directly related to. In those days however, being the "son of" someone meant that you were implicitly one rung below them. As the son you are next in line, second in importance, lower in rank than the implied father. Lesser, you might say.

It would be more precise to say, therefore, that the Pharaoh was the god's representative on Earth. Which is nothing any normal mortal wants to mess with, but it also comes from a realisation that claiming direct divinity and godhood is usually seen as heretical.

The one principle example of this occurring that I'm aware of is the Akkadian king Naram-Sin, who had himself depicted in stone reliefs as a god-king, represented by his horned helmet, which was viewed at the time as a symbol of godly status. It should be noted that this was never repeated in Akkad, which is unusual since each successive king tended to expand their titles and accomplishments. vis. King of Akkad and Sumer, and then King of Akkad, Sumer, and Lagash. To then King of the World. Then (and I am not kidding) King of the Four Corners of the Universe.
But not god. That was never done again.

It's a ticklish business. It requires some ability to let go of modern comprehensions of religion and mythology to wrap ones mind around it. Which likely means we'll never fully understand it.


“Berserk” has an interesting take; it suggests that ‘evil’ precedes ‘God, ’ and that people demand God’s existence simply in order to generate things, people and events onto which we can impose blame for the suffering which is inherent to creation. I don’t think I completely agree, but you have to appreciate a grimdark setting that intellectually commits, to the extent of positing a full grimdark ontological framework for its world.


In a way, the God-Emperor was the Bene Gesserit's finest work: he was their purpose incarnate. They saw him as a terrible blunder but everything he did was exactly what they needed him to be and do. He was the perfect expression of their collective will.


I really like how the paradox of state and religion is at least somewhat solved with a god emperor. You lose a bit of the feedback of a secular state, whilst indefinitely maintaining the benefits of a state religion hybrid.


Herbert quite susinctly points out why the "use of faith" in government or governance is so dangerious.
System the requires "faith" requires obedience which neccestates attrocity.


Thank you Quinn. This video is fascinating, brain food, and overall enjoyable.

With that aside, the Dune series as I'm finding out is truly an ode to sociology and social science. Exploring the venues of how humanity organizes itself through various means. Regarding the subject of divinity: you tackled the subject fairly and respectfully. It's a double-edged sword and can cut both the opponent and yourself. Within the subject of Frank Herbert's work, you made the subject approachable.


Off-topic: Thank you so much for your videos, as over the pandemic you've been some of the few narrators on here that I can forget I'm even listening to because your voice is so calming. Please don't take that as an insult. It's very, very hard to quiet my brain down long enough to relax most days. I appreciate your dedication, and I look forward to your X-Files videos!!


As a theologian I don't always agree with the takes of science fiction when it comes to God, but even Dune's message I appreciate, and this video as well. While thr line of reasoning that humanity spawned God as a reconciliation of their sense of centrality in an unfeeling universe is compelling, I find that the more I study the the work of God, the more I find wisdom to the opposite. To know that I am merely a creation alongside everything else, and to learn the grace of accepting my actions entitle me to nothing from God, but that I still would receive any blessings, it is a humility I am still struggling to learn.


Awesome vid dude - and ironically, Leto II in a way "played his part" to "free humanity", as the "God" emperor.


Quinn, Preston Jacobs, AND alt shift x posting new videos in one day?! Dreams really do come true

All I need now is a new Glidus video and I’ll have the complete set


The music supports your monologue and images so perfectly!


Wow! Another fantastic video!

Quinn’s power grows stronger yet…


As part of an ongoing faith deconstruction, I've been studying the early history of the church and the way various sects were violently suppressed because their interpretations of key controlling concepts (hell, morality, how we can be saved, whether we are actually corrupted) conflicted with the interpretation that the church and state preferred. The notions of morality that we take for granted in our own world are cruel (eternal punishment for finite sins, for example). They are not because this way because ideas like hell are self-evident, logical or even essential to the original teachings, but simply because they were the most useful for controlling the behavior of a large population. It ties in so well with the depiction of the Bene Gesserit and their seeded prophecies, with Leto's decisions and so much more that you have described in the Dune universe. I think fictions like the Dune saga are invaluable for giving us a safe space to understand these things, before we look back at the real world.

Thank you for your thoughtful and complex videos!


This channel has such a relaxing vibe, thanks a lot for all the work you do, it really helps me settle down after a long day


Great video, Quinn. Dune is such rich and interesting universe to explore and reflect upon it.
Keep up the good work, brother!


Appreciate and admire your dedication and passion for the Dune universe. Your intellectual depth analysis is entertaining and educational. I wish there was a forum where we could come together and share and debate individual observations. Do you have a favorite book of the series? I think that they just get better with each successive volume.


Another brilliant video on the intricacies & considerations of Dune characters, themes & plots. Dune & your thoughts link beautifully to aspects of human sociology, psychology, religion & societal structures throughout history & many still impacting millions around the world today


Love this topic concerning the Dune universe, keep the awesome videos coming!


Your definition of a GOD was excellent. It is with cognitive tools such as that, people can become capable of critically analyzing their own belief systems & rejecting the farcical indoctrinations that they currently take for granted.


I'm glad you're either posting again or youtube decided to start promoting you again
