Heirloom Seeds with Roots and Refuge

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Today, I’m going through the 2019 Baker Creek Whole Seed catalog with my friend Jess from Roots and Refuge Farm. There’s a lot of seeds we’re excited to plant this year.

This is part two of my conversation with Jess. You can watch part one over here:
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Watching the two of you with your seed catalogues reminded me of children going through the Christmas Toy catalogue - the joy is definitely with you. Thanks for a great video.


Yes vote for the 3 sisters garden! You will not be disappointed. It’s beautiful and a great conversation starter!
Love this collaboration! Great idea!


Hey just found your site from Roots & I never knew about your channel....so cool you and Jess did I am from MN....I was in VT in 2017 and FELL IN LOVE!!! So anyway.... my growing season is much more like yours than Jess has gotten me to decide just like you to plant flowers this year in my garden. How you described how you plant your garden to be a working garden...no time for flowers is exactly how I have gardened all my life....but this year thanks to Jess I am changing it all up!! I am going to make it more fun, pretty and interesting! So I will start some binge watching of your channel....Good luck in your garden this year...looking forward to watching it grow.


Loved this video! Saw part on on Roots and Refuge. Thanks a bunch...It was fun sitting here with my Baker Creek Catalog and circling seeds with you guys!


Nasturtium, Morgan! They are gorgeous, good companions for cucumbers and squashes to repel various beetles and bugs, and they are DELICIOUS! The flowers have a taste very much like arugula. It's popular in salads, etc, down here in the farm-to-table scene in Richmond, VA. They're very high in vitamin C and other nutrients. They're also STUPID easy to grow. They can be great function, too! Just a thought. :-)


oh wow I have had holy basil in my garden for yrs it keeps coming back, and it is so medicinal. It totally helped me when I was going through menopause. I knocks nausea out so fast. thnx for sharing, I liked hearing what you like and are keeping in your garden.


I watch Roots and Refuge too! How nice you guys are connected!


I caught Part 1 on Roots and Refuge. You two did a great job on this, and I love the rapport!

OK, subbing now -- and keep up the good work! ~ Kir in Tennessee


Hi just over from watching you chat with Jess, I'm so jealous of the stuff you can all grow over there. I;m in Ireland and the weather isn't really condusive to growing most stuff out of a greenhouse, even in ' summer '(have forgotten what one of those is ). Good luck with all your endeavours look forward to seeing them.


2 of my favorite gardening/farm channels together in one video, definitely makes my heart super happy!


Great pair of videos - thank you. I have found that yellow jacket wasps tend to hunt honey bees - last year we had a lot of wasps and that was certainly the case. One of the best flowers we have found to attract bees is Foxgloves - they absolutely love them - and so do the hummingbirds. Happy garden planning!!


Yes! Add flowers to your garden! So many of the herbs make tiny flowers that are great for pollinators and can be used for cooking!
yummy! Happy gardening!


Saw your vid with Jess.
I adore her!
So she put me on to you, watched the Chris Pratt video....
I can really appreciate your take on this, and I enjoy your brand of speed and humor.
Personally married to the off kilter bizarre humor guy for 44 years...
So, therefore, without dallying, I have subscribed to your channel...
Michigan Garden Girl


I just found you through Jess at Roots and Refuge. I'm from Vermont too. I grew a three sisters garden with my kids school when they were little. They came on a field trip in the spring to plant and we talked about the concept of this kind of gardening and then they came back to harvest in the fall. It did great. If your looking for suggestions for kinds of seeds that do well I recommend Striped German tomatoes. I got my first plant from Red Wagon in Hinesburg and it did fantastic. I got my seed from Pinetree seeds the last 2 years and they have done fantastic. Fast growing for such a large heirloom tomatoe and I great luck with it being disease resistant. I look forward to following you this year especially being a fellow Vermonter.


Just watch part 1 on Roots and Refuge and really enjoyed both of these videos. I may try some of these blue and purple veggies in my plot in the community garden and in pots at my house. Thank you for doing these videos.


ME!! I did the three sisters. And it was fascinating. Corn first, then the squash. Then the beans once the corn was knee high. Obviously the corn stalked the pole beans, but the squash's giant leaves shaded the multi-layer corn roots that jut out about 3-4" above the ground. My layout this year will be different because it gets very crowded and hard to traverse through the little jungle. Squash bug hunting is like a sport here in Arkansas and so the crowding made that hard, but they really were ultra protected and very VERY few squash bug issues to be honest.


I’m here from roots and refuge, excited to check out your channel. We homestead here in north east PA


Wow that town looks beautiful with all that snow on the trees and everything. It reminds me of Lady and the Tramp, during the Christmas scenes.


Hi Morgan,
I just found you through watching Jess' video and have now subscribed to your channel. I look forward to seeing your other videos. I am in the hot and sultry south. Ironically, I have recently done a small amount of looking around at Vermont and pretty sure I would like to live there! If for no other reason, the weather. As I've gotten older, the summers are just miserable here. Anyway, I'm old and probably won't move but fortunately I just found another YouTube channel that happens to be in Vermont and I'll just live there vicariously now!
Great videos on both your channels going through the seed catalog. 🙋🏼


Hi Morgan, that was so much fun! I follow Jess and saw part 1 and came over here for part 2. As I commented to Jess, It was neat following along in my catalog and hearing both of your ideas was great. Oh by the way I subscribed. It is beautiful there in Vermont! I too am in the process of planning my garden, in fact I start my seedlings next month and am getting excited after watching you and Jess. Good luck with your garden.
