My Favorite Heirloom Seed Catalog (with Goldshaw Farm ) | Roots and Refuge

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Today, I'm on a skype call with my friend Morgan from Gold Shaw Farm, and we are going through our Baker Creek Whole Seed Catalogs! This is definitely one of my favorite pastimes for a winter afternoon!

The Second Part of this conversation is available on Gold Shaw Farm's Channel Here:
Subscribe to Baker Creek here:

Order your own catalog at Baker Creeks website here:


To drop us a line:
PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070

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Thank you so much for believing in us!
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My husband was so excited to see the Baker's Creek Whole Seed Catalog here in NW PA at Barnes and Nobel that he bought it and thought he was going to surprise me.I had their original catalog but low and behold it was a great surprise when he came home with it. I scour over it every day.


Hi Jess, boy did this blog come at the right time. Only one week into achilles surgery recovery I'm looking for anything I can do sitting down! I watched this yesterday and spent the rest of the afternoon looking at my new Baker Creek catalog planning and dreaming for spring - in north Texas that's not too far off. Looking forward to see how you plan to irrigate your raised beds as I want to do the same with mine. You have inspired me so much since I found you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless.


I stay on the phone talking seeds with friends to much of the time. Last night I stayed on the phone for two hours with one friend looking at our catalogs. Love trying new seeds.


Hey, Jess! Being able to watch you and Morgan as you reviewed various seed varieties was such a blast! As you mentioned page numbers in THE WHOLE SEED CATALOG, I was able to follow along. Absolutely love Baker Creek! In early December, I ordered the "Chinese Shawo Fruit Radish". Ten days later, the seeds arrived! I was delighted to hear your assessment of the variety. Thank you! Please do more of these kinds of videos. They are not only a lot of fun, they are very informative. Kate in Olympia, WA (zone 8b)


I'm so happy you made this video, I received my Bakers Creek catalog on Christmas! So far, I have 3.5 pages of seeds I want to order... and I probably only have room for 1 page in my garden! Next step, going through the list again and being honest with myself on what I can grow here in Florida in the space I have. You have been an absolute inspiration to me! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise!


My favorite seed catalog is for West Coast Seeds (Canadian here). I find that it really helps me narrow in what to pick, because they grow in a wet, mild climate, whereas I'm hot and dry, so I have to carefully read the catalog to find things that would work well for me. Having that focus helps me cross things off my list, or else I would just buy it all, lol. After all, there is no such thing as too many seeds, that's just a "not enough garden" problem, lol.


Great video! Morgan is close to me, thanks for intro! Do this again.


I ordered my seeds last night and I'm so excited!  Thanks so much for connecting me with Baker Creek!  I can't wait to start planting!


I order close to $200 worth of seeds from Baker Creek last week! Hehe 😜
My husband is out in the dark right now finishing my greenhouse out. Thankfully!!
I’m so super excited


Hey there Jess, can’t wait until you publish a gardening book. Thank you for being so generous. Love, Debra


I enjoy all of your videos, but this 1:1 dynamic conversation is one of my faves. Across growing zones, available land, length and breadth of experience and even gender, for all the different considerations and perspectives for why and how to pick your species and varieties. More like this please, gardener to gardener, ad lib!


Just joined you tube and absolutely loved all the information on your tomato video. So much information.


Getting so excited about seeds! Thanks


Got my first ever seed catalog yesterday! So exciting. I have already gotten 2-3 smalls seed orders from bakers creek. It's so exciting to find out what the free seed is going to be. I think my 2 thinks I can wait to grow new this year is the cukamelon and the Arroz con pollio pepper. And the ground cherries. I never hear of any of them before.


Oh my! Two of my favs together! Great to see you and Morgan chatting! The catalogs keep coming and my list gets longer and longer!


Jess you have a heart of Gold and so supportive of other YouTuber family gardeners.Thank you for sharing. ❤💕🐝


I loved this dual-perspective video! Thanks for this. You are making me itch for gardening this year.


more, more more going thru the
loved it.


My Baker Creek order arrived today. In addition to seeds, I ordered the Vegan Cookbook. The recipes look delicious.


Hi Jess, I am in Zone 10. I have my first tomatoes and green peppers, lots of flowers on my tomatoes.
