My MUST GROW Heirloom List | Garden Planning | Roots and Refuge Farm

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Where I buy my seeds video:

My Favorite Seed Companies:

Below are the listed varieties:

Dr. Wyche
Kelloggs Breakfast
Paul Robeson
Climbing Trip-L-Crop
Amish Paste
Pink Oxheart
Wild Boar Farm Blue berries
Wild Boar Farm Blue gold berries
Napa Chardonnay Blush
Barrys Crazy Cherry
Sweetie Cherry
Indigo Apple
Beauty King
Dancing with Smurfs
Abe Lincoln

Mirasol Chili
Arroz con Pollo
California Wonder
Midnight Dreams
Corbaci Sweet
Sweet Marconi Red
Fish Pepper

Pineapple Ground Cherries

Clemson Spineless
Texas Hill Country

Black beauty
Ping Tung

Purple Hull Pink Eye Cowpea

Red and Green Chinese Noodle Beans
Trionfo Violetto
Tanyas Pink Pod

Sugar Magnolia Tendril Peas

Parisian Pickling
Armenian White
Mexican Sour Gherkin (Cucamelon)
National Pickling Cucumber

Caserta Summer
Ronde de Nice Summer
Pattison Golden Marbre
Buttercup Winter


French BReakfast
Crimson Giant
Purple Plum

Cosmic Purple
Danvers Half long

Marvel of Four Seasons

Blue Curled Scotch
Nero di Toscano (Dino)


All Culinary basics
Holy Basil
Lemon Balm

Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith

To drop us a line:
PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070

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Thank you so much for believing in us!
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Grows a lot of slicers can roast and drain off juices use for sauces in place of paste tomatoes
Dr. Wyche yellow large 1 pound each usually really good flavor low acid
Kelloggs Breakfast large yellow low acid great on tomato sandwich
Paul Robeson dark red really good smoky savory flavor best taste she’s ever had
Climbing Trip-L-Crop very large red slicer two largest she’s ever had 2 pounds

Amish Paste 1 pound really meaty
Pink Oxheart 1 pound really meaty

Cherries Wild Boar Farm varieties
Blue berries red with dark purple blue shoulders first and last to produce get tons of them
Blue gold berries yellow with dark blue shoulders first and last to produce get tons of them
these two out produced all the others
Napa Chardonnay Blush thin skinned pale yellow blush tomatoes really good flavor
Barrys Crazy Cherry multi flora very large bunches of flowers and fruits thin skinned pale yellow blush tomatoes really good flavor everyone liked the best out of all of them really sweet skin splits when it rains so have to get them during rain fast thin skinned

Saladette tomatoes Sweetie Cherry
Indigo Apple dark purplish blue
Rutgers basic red medium saladette size produces huge amounts
Beauty King really pretty large neat looking
Dancing with Smurfs dark purple cherry tomato
Abe Lincoln must grow list hasn’t tried it yet

Tabasco so many didn’t know what to do with them hot sauce super hot peppers especially if not a lot of space 1 plant would have been plenty for most families she had 3 plants that took less than 10 feet of garden space and had tons
Mirasol Chili medium hot side very sweet deep rich flavor
Arroz con Pollo chicken and rice Cuban pepper seasoning pepper really neat flavor not hot but unique ethnic flavor

Bell Peppers
California Wonder basic green bullnose bell pepper flavor tons of them
Midnight Dreams deep dark purple really good flavor
Corbaci Sweet long thin sweet pepper stir fry sautéed scrambled eggs quiches anywhere use a bell pepper
Sweet Marconi Red medium size really mild deep sweet rich flavor same thick wall like bell peppers really good to dry for seasoning also in purple and yellow
Fish Pepper hot but not super hot variegated leaves and peppers really pretty and good flavor hto but not super hot
habanaros and jalapenos doesn’t have a certain variety
tomatillos not a specific she’s done good with will try lots of different ones
really liked Pineapple Ground Cherries only ones she’s ever tried

loves heat starts well in a green house
Clemson Spineless basic green okra most common heirloom good and tender nice flavor healthy plant tried and true
Texas Hill Country really squatty pods really liked it big round disks really enjoyed it

Black beauty round bulbus basic egg plant
Ping Tung long purple slender variety
Antigua striped purple and white

Purple Hull Pink Eye peas really liked those

Red and Green Chinese Noodle Beans favorite grow really pretty in the garden trellis good flavor in sautee stiry fry pickle Trionfo Violetto really liked those dark waxy skin pole bean pick young as snap bean prolific and healthy plants
Tanyas Pink Pod beans ordinary green bean changed colors when cooked was hot pink while growing really cool growing

Sugar Magnolia Tendril Peas flavor is really good especially after frost grows a lot pretty blossoms peas are beautiful majestic in the garden

Parisian Pickling really good flavor super crunchy grows really fast
Armenian White Armenian yard long or snake not bitter really thin skin really crunchy don’t get bitter good pickling
Mexican Sour Gherkin (Cucamelon) tiny little cucumbers sour bitter pickles that are really good
National Pickling Cucumber boston, Chicago, darr, all very similar and good none just stood out all about the same dark waxy skins most of the time at the super markets
Slicing cucumbers cannot pickle don’t stay good and crunchy gross if juicing would be great marketmore

Caserta Summer light green zucchini squash streaky color usable when on the larger size still good when larger
Ronde de Nice Summer baseball tender really good flavor
Pattison Golden Marbre yellow patty pan tons of squash bugs they lived longer than any other squash and no vine borers healthy and resistant to pests
Winter Buttercup really healthy and grew a lot performance wise
Kajari orange and green great on trellis medium small fruit flavor is really good found the seeds in punjab

Radishes try them roasted
French Breakfast basic elongated red to white skin stays really smooth not warty or bumpy
Crimson Giant 23 days red with white flesh
Watermelon white on outside red on inside
Purple Plum dark purple

Moon and Stars all plants got sick and died

Oxheart big fat round ones really good flavor interesting
Cosmic Purple piney side not super sweet great in soups
Danvers Half long tried and true
Amarillo orangey yellow one

Marvel of Four Seasons really pretty green and purple sometimes listed in French does better in the heat and bolts little slower spring and fall crops this one into summer time too nice and tender good falvor
Merlot good leafy soft red romaine type

Blue Curled Scotch basic kind seen at grocery stores curly edges
Nero di Toscano (Dino) dinosaur kale worth growing

Flowers great habitat for insects very important
Zinnias heavy
Calendula heavy
Chamomile heavy
Borage heavy
Marigolds all over

Herbs all culinary basics of course
basil all of them Genovese uses the most deters pests from tomatoes and peppers
Holy Basil smell is amazing smells so good many health benefits brew as a tea medicinal plant attracts pollinators bees and butterflies
Mint takes over so put in pot
Lemon Balm medicinal takes over so put in pot


Nasturtiums interplanted among squash keeps squash bugs out. Enjoyable and thank you for the inspirations.


Paul Robeson was a civil rights activist, athlete, actor and much more. the russian variety was named to honor him and the description of the tomatoe very much describes his personality!


I totally understand lol. I have cried tears of joy and wonder multiple times over the past few days. I am almost done with my first greenhouse and have made my first ever order of quality heirloom seeds and it’s a rather big order! So many beautiful plants I swear I can’t even I’m so excited! And grateful! Bless you girl 💕


Quick tip on the Tabasco peppers.

If you grow too many of them, feed them to a couple of choice egg laying chickens and here's why:

Birds are unable to detect spice. The capsaicin in the peppers is what makes normal people hate themselves and their life decisions when they eat it. Birds don't know the difference. And if your birds scrounge and eat bugs and eat nothing but red Tabasco peppers for a few weeks, the yolk TURNS RED. It is a great selling point and being that Tabasco peppers don't take much room and grow like a weed, it is very much worth it. Also, the yolks don't get spicy, if you were wondering.


I have some advice for super hot peppers if you like the flavor but not the super heat of them! You can soak them in vodka/tequila, really any kind of alcohol for about an hour and it will take a lot of the heat out. I did it with habaneros and it leaves behind some of the really amazing fruity flavors of the peppers. You can also experiment with different soaking times depending on the heat of the pepper. Also despite popular belief that the seeds contain all the heat that is mostly false. While the seeds are hot most of the capsicum is retained in the white pith of the pepper, you can also remove that if you still find them too hot. Another trick is to ferment the hot peppers and turn them into a sauce. Fermenting will milden them out a little and and add great umami flavor! Love love love your channel by the way!!


Another excellent heart felt Jess video. Wonderful. Right now I have molar tooth infection and in so much pain I am seeing crosseyed. Your videos so good it takes the pain away just for a little while. Okra good. Must pick when young otherwise woody. Regardless seeds always good. Like to crush the swelled seeds with my teeth. They explode with flavor and creaminess. Must cook okra with all the usual suspects like whole skinned tomatoes a little vinegar and sugar including salt, garlic, onion powder, cayenne, celery seed, green bells and paprika. Late picked okra ok. The stem area usually woody and the tip area tender. Just spit out woody area and just eat seeds. For me always delicious. Have about 300 okra plants in seed trays. Harvest can't wait. John from 1/5 acre house in Riverside Co. Ca.


I can't wait till I can start homesteading at least 50% of my own food. I want to get to a point where I can donate what I grow to the shelters. I'm just hoping for finances to get a little better, so I can invest in the seeds & tools to make it a little easier. Thanks for sharing! Love growing heirloom varieties too


I have binge-watched your videos since I discovered you a few days ago. I just wanted to thank you for the time and consideration you put into them. They are so informative, and your joy is contagious. I really appreciate all the effort you put into this service.


If you're in Zones4-5, if you grow perennial hibiscus, you can grow okra. Cut into rounds & battercoated & fried okra is really good.
My favorite tomatoes are Cherokee purple, Amish paste, Sweet 100 cherry, & Mortgage Lifter


saved this video. We just bought a house. Not a lot of property, but enough that I can start. I think your channel is one of the only one's I binge watch. Thanks for the info.


I am now growing Moringa Oleifera. I don't know if you have heard about this amazing tree. It grows very fast and because it does not like temperatures below 45° F from what I understand - they won't survive our Central Texas winters. (This is my first year so my plan is to grow them like annuals.) My soil is vey poor but they came up and I am now harvesting the leaves. These leaves are so amazingly nutritious! The tree and leaves are gorgeous! The whole tree is said to have great medicinal value - the roots, bark, flowers, seeds. The leaves and the fruit - called drum sticks are food. This tree is also called a Drumstick tree. Just thought you might find interest. ❤


I just rewatched this as I garden plan... the sweet peppers you talked about I will be trying for the first time. I have what might be referred to as an “Italian” garden. I grew up in an Italian restaurant( which has been in our family since my grandparents came from Italy in 1933), so most of what I garden to use fresh or can, are staples I use in my everyday cooking. These peppers will be perfect for fresh and canned roasted peppers. (Which is a staple in my house) I am really excited to try some of your varieties of tomatoes to use with my Roma’s for my sauce as well. I wish Spring were you again for taking time to make this video....😁💕🌺


LOVE Baker Creek ! I live about 30 miles away from the Missouri location. Can't wait to get some seeds started !

Автор is also a great family owned heirloom seed company.. when Baker Creek is out of a stock, i look on Victory Seeds and they often still have a bit. ❤️


I haven't even started watching yet and I am so excited! Was waiting for this one. And timely, I JUST got my whole seed catalog from BC in the mail Saturday. This morning my 12YO saw it and was like "OH YES now I can pick out what I want to grow!" and started circling things, just like I did with the old Sears toy catalogs... 😂


Winter is more exciting then actual growing season when you can’t sleep some time thinking what you going to grow next year
Different ideas going on in your mind planing garden and waiting for spring to arrive and making long list of seeds you going to grow next year.


As I watched this video I had a beautiful childhood (6 years old) memory of my neighbor gifting me a sweet ripe home grown tomato. I savored it and as all children are totally in the moment. I am so fan-girling you lol ... your videos play non stop while doing chores in my house. Growing a garden was always inside of me I just put it off for so many years. I'm 52 and I'm starting NOW. Thank you! I love that you have every level of video so a novice feels like its totally within thier reach.


thanks for mentioning the slicers for sauces. i do the same as well. Paul Robeson is a fave. Glad to know i am not crazy


How do you eat kale? I don't care for the taste but know it is nutritious. I always have rosemary and mint as well as sage, oregano and some stevia.
Nothing like rosemary in chicken dishes and on roast chicken. I grow and juice wheatgrass and grab a few leaves from the garden and weeds in the yard to add into it, like dandelion, creeping charlie, sage, mint, lambsquarters, Stevie and oregano. Might as well get some of these super foods into the juice!
