Heirloom Garden Seed HAUL (With Tips, Usage Ideas and Reviews)

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Hey ya'll, I'm Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you'll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you're here.

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- Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith
- To drop us a line:
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Does anyone else look at the time on the video and get so excited when you see how long it is? 🥰


I might be weird, but there's something sweet about the sound a dog drinking water. A moment of camera time with your dog would be great. ❤️


"Friends don't open seeds without sharing with their friends." Love this! :)


Dad's Sunset is my all-time favorite.


An hour long seed haul with Jess? Yes, please!!!!


Almost an hour of talking about seeds with my favorite gardener?!?!?! Heck yes!!!!


Us: Beets taste like dirt
Jess: Beets taste like the smell after rain
( We 💕 you! Great Video)


One of The Best Videos I’ve EVER watched!! Chocked Full of Fabulous Information given so freely and with ease and encouragement!! Highly Recommend this video!!


I love nasturtiums. Every year I hand each of my kiddos a seed packet of Nasturtium and tell them they can plant them anywhere in the yard. It's so fun to see flowers pop up next to sidewalks, around porch steps, falling out of wine barrels. It's become a favorite Springtime tradition.


Real talk about home grown tomatoes: my son is 3 and not really a picky eater but will pick the tomatoes off of anything you give him (tacos, sandwiches, etc.) but will eat my home grown tomatoes by themselves. Makes a mama feel good about her garden. :)


Nothin better on a cold winter morning than listening to Jess talk about sitting in the dirt on a hot summer day with a box of salt and eating tomatoes straight off the plant. Reminds me of picking fresh tomatoes and peas, with the smell of the rich earth floating around me, in my grandpas garden. Then my grandma and I making us some tomato sandwiches and eating them while sitting on the porch swing and shelling peas. Oh, the wonderful memories that came rushing back at me 😌


Last year, I let my radishes bloom and go to seed so I could taste the seed pods that you mentioned in an older video. Oh my gosh, they were so amazing!! I'm convinced that this is how God actually meant for radishes to be eaten.


If you would have told me a year ago that I’d now be obsessed with gardening and watching videos about seeds.. I wouldn’t have believed you lol I love it so much ❤


Im so grateful to Luke, Cindy and MI Gardner employee family they are doing terrific work and there kindness is so inspiring . Its exactly what we need in these difficult times.


I also follow Luke at MI Gardener and when he had his half-price sale a couple months ago, I felt like a kid again with the old Sears Wish Book (old timers will remember that). I love that his packets are super cheap because I love to experiment and try new varieties.
Hopefully I’ll get more rain next spring, cuz in my little odd valley in NE Tennessee it only rained four times—yes FOUR.
I felt like I was in the Mojave Desert!
Where there are seeds, there is hope!


Oh my goodness, I so wish I was able to grow a garden again... I used to help my Granny every year, we grew 2 big gardens and a smaller one close to the house...we shelled pinto beans and purple hull peas and husked corn and cut some off the cob and left some on...we froze things and canned them... Lots of tomato juice, we picked apples & pears and blackberries and strawberries and made jelly and jam... And when I got married my husband and I grew our garden and 40 rose bushes, and hydrangeas and zinnias and peonies, tulips... My yard was so pretty...I have 1 rose, 1 hydrangea, and some gladiolas now... I miss the garden so much❤


You are amazing!!! Single handed you saved me. I am struggling with lymphoma in my sinus and can hardly breathe. Depression is a thing. With health issues and a long winter ahead you’ve helped me look beyond the gloom. I have seven 3’ x 6’ vegtrugs on a deck. You literally told me—-“Go buy those seeds!!!” Start your plan now!! Thank you Jess. You are such an inspiration.


thank you for your strength and vulnerability ✨💞 you send waves of courage, light, love, joy and kindness in so many ways.


My father in law called my husband today asking if there was something more extravagant that I wanted for Christmas because all id asked for was "seeds or seed stuff." 😂 I'm blessed with generous in-laws.
