Let's Talk SEEDS (Part ONE- Sourcing, Heirlooms, Picking Varieties, Regional Considerations)

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Mentioned Links and Resources:

Seed Companies:

Greenstalk Planter :
Use the code ROOTS10 to receive an additional $10 off:

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PO Box 4239
Leesville SC 29070

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I'm so glad that you shared about buying plants and seeds with EBT. I started gardening 7 years ago as a single mom my first garden was started using EBT. I was so excited to learn that because I couldn't afford then to go to nursery's and I didn't know the first thing about growing seeds. 7 years later I have 15 raised beds, a giant garden, and I'm no longer on EBT 😉 we grow and can a majority of our food and it all started with that food stamp card.


My 5 year old heard me listening to this video and said “oh mama, she is your personal seed teacher” 😂


Seeing the animals is nice and all, but gardening Jess is still my favorite Jess.


I collect old beautiful seed packets and keep them in a bought ones from another collector that were over 18 years old and there were a few seeds stuck in the bottom of the packets....for the heck of it I planted them they grew! :)




"Well dang! That's a lot to snack on!" GIRL!! This video is why you are so large now. I never really watched you for homesteading, preserving or any of that. I found you as a gardener. I'm old enough to be your mom. But, I didn't start gardening until almost 10 years ago. You remind me of what I might have been like had a started to garden eariler. GARDENING is where you shine. The pure passion you have can motivate ANYBODY. I thiink gardening saved my life when my mom died. It found me when I needed it most. I'm a terrible gardener with a lot of knowledge (from passion) if that makes sense. I watched the entire video and rewinded to here some of that southern girl.


I HAD to laugh. Seeds "PART 1" and 40+ minutes. I LOVE it. Lol. You're my favorite. 😃


Jess' payment for those rainbow carrots...tell EVERYONE EVERYWHERE not to throw seeds away...i love your channel and your heart...i totally there are things i still feel bad about years and years later..tour such a dear and a wonderful steward of the life God has givin you...a true inspiration to me for sure and im sure many more


Oh heck yes! A long video on my favorite topic?! Blessed.


I bought most of my seeds last night because I knew this video was coming and I didn't want to risk things selling out.


I first grew broccoli 6 years ago. I noticed that My little Bantam hens loved eating the leaves. One afternoon I picked a bunch of bottom leaves to give to the hens in their yard because I would be gone that afternoon and the ladies could not free range. I had so many that I took a arm load to a good friend at the end of the block for her hens. When I presented the broccoli leaves for her hens she said, "No Way! I am going to cook these for me." Her little mother grew broccoli when she was young and of the Mormon Faith. Now I prepare the leaves for the freezer and smoothies, soup and cooking with beans. The leaves have a lot of iron and vitamins. I am in the city in south Louisiana and gardening has saved our budget and loneliness during this isolation time. Please try the broccoli leaves if you eat most greens. I bless you with love.


One of these seed videos was how I found you back in the fall of 2019, I was looking for “meaty” tomatoes and I needed recommendations and after that I got a list of 25-30 tomatoes… I needed like 10 varieties 😜😂, I’m so thankful for you and your willingness to share with us.


I'm sewing a belt with sunflowers on it while listening! Perfect Roots and Refuge style 🌻


Jess thinking we're gonna lose attention span in an hour long convo about seeds - hahahahahahahahahaha
oh honey, no
Here for it.


Not weird at all to lay in your garden! I do it all the time ❤ it is a marvelous place to observe and find gratitude. I always feel like Alice in Wonderland watching all the flowers sway and hummingbirds and bees feed 😍 it's my favorite!


I don't have a garden and I live in a different continent.. yet here I am for over a year now, watching every video and loving it ❤️


Thank you for stressing the value of ethical labor. Thank you for reminding people about alternate resources for seeds like the library. Thank you for telling people you can use ebt for seeds!


God bless you Jess, I dont comment much, but finding you last year, saved my life after losing our youngest & only Daughter April ann Ulrich at 19 killed on the way to church, I stopped gardening, every thing
Nov 26, 2014 .
I gardened all my life & enjoyed teaching my older Sons & daughter from the time they could walk,
I was laying in Aprils bed reading her Bible & something came over me very strongly, to start gardening again and start teaching our 2 youngest granddaughters ages 9 & 8 our oldest Sons Daughters as their Auntie would want me too & bake, etc ..its so therapeutic & has helped me so much .
God bless u
Mrs. Josette Tharp
Montgomery County , Texas 🙏🏻
I ordered from rareseeds right away & used your code weeks ago for MIgardener ...but have started many already as I'm in zone 8b-9


I probably confess I’m a seedaholic!🌻😁. I love hearing you talk about seeds and your favorites. I have found a so many new favorite plants to grow since we started following you years ago. Love y’all from our little 6 acre homestead to yours. And many blessings


you may have heard me say this before"grow something lovely"🤣🤣we did, Jess, we sure did😍
