Is It A Sin To Not Go To Church? Let's Work Through This Issue!

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Many Christians struggle with isolation for various reasons, and many times authentically good reasons! So as born again followers of Jesus how can we know if we should go to a church or not?


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Noah Hines | Head Minister of Deliverance at Expelling Darkness Ministries

Spiritual oppression is a very rampant plague we are working tirelessly to overcome. Expelling Darkness Ministries is dedicated to your demonic deliverance and explaining how you can receive the riches of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ!

Join a channel of those being liberated daily from spiritual oppression and setback as you engage with us. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, book a deliverance session, or email us with the links below.


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Facebook: Noah Hines

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I used to believe we were the Church. But when I found a Holy Ghost filled church my life changed. I learned so much and I have peace. Just this year I found my church.


I personally think its better to not go to church at all than to go to a dead church and be under leadership that doesn’t teach the full gospel. You will be short circuited in your walk. But that doesn’t mean you have to be isolated. You can get together with Christian friends and fellowship that way or join like a Christian Meetup group until you can find a spirit filled church. But I wouldn’t go just to go anywhere there’s no real power moving or solid teaching helping me to grow. It should be a place where the presence of the Lord is and you want to serve there. Imho.


Books are educational the Bible is transformational!read it!


Just want to say your prayers are working. God speaks to me through my dreams, and I know I'm in the process of deliverance. I have been told by a person who prayed over me that God said I was wasting my talents, well I've hit a problem with that. I DONT KNOW my talents. Please Mr hines pray that God reveal them to me. God bless.


Thank You for this message Brother Noah. I have moved states specifically because I couldn’t find a church in my area that preached The Word and Jesus Christ dying for us with deliverance. The enemy likes lone sheep and I’m so grateful to find fellowship with my new family of Brothers and Sisters. It’s helped to change my life and live my life for The Father. This was made possible through you Brother Noah, thank you so much!

All Glory to God for leading us🙏🏽💗


Praise God, at the beginning of this year He put on my heart to find a physical church to fellowship with others that weren't just on the internet. I prayed about it. I live in a small town and the Holy Spirit led me about two months ago to my new home church that I am so thankful for especially for the fact that I am able to grow with them. The pastor just started at the beginning of this year. His wife has an amazing testimony, she was healed from stage four ovarian cancer. All glory to God. If you have time, please pray that they continue to be uncompromising and that my pastor always be led by the Holy Spirit in his sermons and that he continues to be unwavering no matter what may come. Thanks, Noah, for all you do. God bless you and your beautiful family. 💗


Amen brother I asked God in prayer if I ever go back to a church I would like to work an lead in the children’s ministry and this year I found a church and they have been calling me every Sunday to work an take care of the kindergarten class an it’s been such a blessing. The pastor is so awsome he preached repentance the people there are so wonderful but I just am so thankful how the Lord hears our cry becuase I told God I wouldn’t go back to church unless I was used to help serve in the children’s ministry and to see him move in that area just have no words God is amazing.


Thanks for this! That's cool you're in SD...I was living near Yankton for the past year or so, but just moved to Iowa


Mr Hines, I need prayer for deliverance. I had a dream of a demon attached to my back, and ever since then I've had this ghost like feeling of something attached to my back and crawling on my spine and head. Please pray for me.


Praise God!find you a church and go if you can! Fellowship with other christians is good for me! God bless you Noah God bless Noah and his ministry in Jesus name, hear the word of God, see someone saved!no its not a sin! But you need Jesus to get home!


Hey Noah thanks for this message i stopped going to a "building" for 3.5 years till March 2022 long before the " 2020 event" Godbless you & your family & everyone on this channel 🙏❤️🇬🇧


Psalms 119:120
My flesh trembleth for fear of thee; and I am afraid of thy judgments.


I called this mammon church when I was going crazy pacing and might work for them


You need to gather in numbers for spiritual food. You need to gather in numbers to sing and glorify God's name. Gathering in numbers is safer. Being separated, we are weak and Satan can get to us.


1 John 1:7
[7]But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.


Quick Testimony: Most church where I live are cold or lukewarm, or false church. It is hard to find a real church. God sometimes sends me to the church to rebuke them. Early on my walk, God send me to many churches (African American, Asian, Spanish SPeaking, Asian, Jehovah Witness, etc_ and pretty much all of them, are sinning against God. To find a real Christian, I would have to seek in the internet. God sends me false Christians, Gays, Catholics, Atheists, Hindus to my house to preach the good news. I own a home and rent out my rooms and I minister or witness to them about Obeying Jesus.


Greetings brother Noah, are your deliverance sessions free or do we need to pay. Please let me know. Thank you brother.🙏


I moved cities 10yrs ago to cape Town south Africa, alot of the churches here preach in afrikaans, I understand afrikaans but my folks don't, or the other options are like hillsong, churches I don't want. So I haven't gone to church here and get my teachings from you tube.


I cant find a decent church. The good churches sre out of my range. I don't have a vehicle..


Malachi 3:9
Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

John 16:8
And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

1 Corinthians 3:17
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

1 Peter 3:12
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

2 Peter 2:4
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
