Is it a Sin to Receive the Eucharist in the Hand? w/ Fr. Mark Goring

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So many Catholics receive Our Lord in the hand when at Mass, as opposed to on the tongue. Is that okay? Is it a sin to be so "casual" about Jesus? Fr. Mark Goring shares his thoughts.



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I am Malaysian catholic. Personally, I believe receive the Eucharist by tongue and on knee is act of our of humility. Among other attributes, Our Lord is All Pure and Holy and He deserves our deepest respect, worship, adoration, praise, thanksgiving and honor. Ingratitude hurts our Lord.


Yes to bringing back communion rails. Yes to greater reverence and renewal of tradition.


Respectfully, I feel a difference in the Eucharist at the TLM. Kneeling and on the tongue is a fitting way to receive our Lord. I've seen the priests at the TLM, deliver the Eucharist efficiently with everyone kneeling at the Communion rail. The TLM attendance has tripled over lockdown, by the grace of God.


Have not taken the Holy Eucharist for about 25yrs due to not being worthy and doubts about my faith. Now that I repented and acknowledge the true and ever living God, the Father Almighty, my tears overflows as I take the Holy Eucharist with my tongue for I do not feel at ease of holding Him with my unclean hands. Praising and thanking Him as I kneel in the pew😭. I have yet gotten used to receiving Him, probably till then the tears won’t stop. May God bless us all!🙏🏼


When our priest allowed kneelers for receiving Holy Communion this last month, I went back to my seat and sobbed because it made me realize exactly who I was receiving. The body and blood of Our Lord Jesus! Of course we should kneel and receive on the tongue.


What about this:
I was told by a canonical lawyer and priest that neither a priest nor a Bishop can deny their people the right that Holy Mother Church has granted us, which is to receive Holy Communion on the tongue. He stated this during the pandemic. In his parish we are able to receive on the hand and on the tongue and, I'll say, the majority of communicants receive on the tongue. Praise God for this parish!


Yes bring back the rails. More reverence needed.


I’ve been attending a Tridentine, traditional Latin Mass in Arizona. it is FULL of young families. So, beautiful. I love it.


My personal opinion is that my hands are not consecrated, so I can not touch the Body of our Lord. I prefer to receive kneeling down and on the tongue.


Agree with this priest wholeheartedly!!!! I really hope we begin having Communion on the tongue kneeling again


Pray the Rosary everyday for those souls who can not pray for themselves


about 2 months ago i felt a deep profound feeling that took over my body where i couldnt move at the moment of the consecration of the holy eucharist i began to cry uncontrollably i felt the holy spirit presence and when i walked to recieve it i fell to my knees and opened my mouth i sobbed uncontrollably and i am thankful the priest did not deny me the holy eucharist on the tongue when i got back to my seat i fell to my knees and cried sobbed till my face touched the floor at that moment i made a promise to the lord that i will never recieve him in my hands only by mouth and on my knees for he is truly present in the holy eucharist for the past year i had doubts of the sacrement of the holy eucharist and believing that jesus was present there but i truly wanted to believe and i thank the lord for opening my heart and eyes for i will never see it any other way but in true humbleness and in faith for the lord is present in the holy eucharist and i asked the lord forgiveness for all the days i was ignorant and lukewarm in faith. Lord have mercy in those taking this so lightly and not seeing the severity of the matter how much pain and suffering puts you lord seeing your children do nothing. 🙏🏼😢


I converted to Catholicism after reading the Church Fathers. I want to see that Church.


Agree wholeheartedly with bringing back communion rails.


I made Spiritual Communions, and then one day a priest and deacon told me, if I would wait till the end of the line, I could receive on the tongue. I am still doing that now. I read that to make a sacrifice out of love, for the Lord, was pleasing to the Lord. I longed for the Holy Eucharist and it seems that He was pleased, for His Providence granted me access to Him while kneeling and on the tongue, by a priest or deacon.
Praise the Lord in His Abundant Love and God bless you all.


If I understood Fr Goring correctly, reverence and love as well as the disposition of the soul
and heart is what is most important when receiving the precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unequivocal answer about receiving Holy Communion on the tongue. At my parish in Wisconsin, I saw one man consistently kneel to receive Holy Communion on his tongue. He would wait to be the last one in line. I told him I wished I had his courage to do the same thing. He simply replied, "Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, my Best Friend. How else could I receive Him?" God keep you so bold to speak the Truth!!!


Receiving with devotion, reverence and piety. Fr. Goring said it so simply, so powerfully.


I go to a very reverent Novus Ordo that never stopped giving Communion kneeling on the tongue if that’s how the communicant present themselves. I’m grateful for this. They also have confession for 1 hour prior to every mass and a priest is in the confessional during mass up to the presentation of the gifts. It’s awesome.


I just can’t receive communion in the hand and the decision comes from my heart. Spiritual communion is a small sacrifice as being in the presence of Jesus is so healing. All through the pandemic I have found priests who understand this. I make no judgment on any of this so I feel it’s a very personal calling to follow my heart and this has brought me so close to the Lord.
