Is it a Sin to be Overweight?

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Yes. I would never sit under the authority of an overweight pastor


It's why we fast!! Get into fasting and talking to the Lord at the same time you'll see changes in your appetite 🙏🙏


Yes it is a sin... overeating is an addiction and I can't tell you how many Christians and pastors that are overweight obese it's a sin because it causes high blood pressure sugar diabetes clogged arteries in heart disease and I feel like overweight Christians have gotten a free pass on this.


Gluttony is a sin, most people are fat are because they over eat not because of genetics which only make up the small percentage of overweight individuals.


Darn. I really let myself go. Ima need to stop eating so darn much.


Once you are fat you are considered lazy I don't understand how this is so... I hate how this comes out to people that once you are fat you already have health There's no perfect image in this God made you to serve him not to tackle a person's God loves the way you People like this promote You are not a loving person by doing I really pray for you... God bless you ❤️


And is it a Sin for Uncle's to call a little kid fat I don't bother going to church anymore either because of that's not right to call a kid that over and over again either


Amen to this ✝ god wants us to be happy and god loves all Boddy types ✝ we are not alone ✝❤❤💪


This video gave me all the motivation I need ❤️ thank you 🙏🏼


It totally makes sence
I have been thinking about that and talking to my husband because alot of the people at my church are overweight and struggle with health issues.. thanks for this video :)


I always get annoyed when people with high metabolisms eat unhealthy all the time and still don't put on weight however I eat a burger and i gain pounds


Ima just pause this and assume the awnser is yes so i can start grindin my butt off in the name of Jesus!


How sin is missing the mark What God Says is good


I generally eat well, sometimes I overeat, but the majority of times I will eat clean and exercise everyday. I would be right in the middle of the green on the B.M.I chart. I am not boasting here, just stating a fact.
My sin I struggle with most is looking at women with lust! I do it daily and have to repent every day for it.
It is a battle, one I win and do well on for weeks, then I can slip again.
I think with obeseity and gluttony, people don't see it as a sin at all.
I know a guy. He is obese and can't walk.
My problem is, he is quick to condemn others who sin repeatadley, saying they should be excluded from fellowship if they continue in their sin. Yet he over indulges and is killing himself with poor diet. I feel like saying to him, by your own advice i must not have fellowship with you.
All my brothers in Christ hold on to his words like he is st. Paul. I think to myself, he is just a man, a sinner like us.
Enough of my ranting.
I just hope that we all realise our sins and repent for them.
Thank the Lord that he died for us and rose again.


Thank you for making this video. I will now be working to lose my weight.


Yes it is. Fat = lazy, lack of self respect... God make us like his appearance and he is not fat, lol


The reason I became fat was because one time during my 4th grade times I really did not like school and I heard that eating alot would make you throw up and I really wanted to throw so that I could skip school and I had just pretty much kept snacking all day and eating meals so that I can throw up and mess school and I got over weight and I think I committed gluttony back then and to be clear this was when I didn't even know a whole lot about God or Jesus even tho I heard about them and wanted to respect them cuz back then I thought if you said something bad about them you would immediately go to hell but I'm not scared or guilt filled because I didn't know back then about gluttony and eating way too much is that sin


So fat people aren’t going to heaven? God only allowing skinny people in heaven? I’m doomed because I’m fat. 😭 Skinny people have health issues too you know.
