How to EASILY get into a Flow State (sport & athletes)

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How do you get into a flow state as an athlete? It sometimes feels impossible and no matter what you do, you end up failing to 'lock-in'.

But the good news is that flow states are trainable in sports - just like anything else they are a skill that can be developed with enough practice and the right methods.

So this video will detail the history of flow states, explain what they really are, and how to practically start cultivating them in any sport or for any athlete.

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Blue lock explains it in a surprisingly good way😂


This is gonna blow up when they show it in Blue Lock


One time I reached a state of flow during a game of soccer with my team. It was a corner kick and my tm8 passed it to me and I hit a nice volley goal. I remember that I wasn’t think about anything and was just relaxed and it felt like I was watching a video because my body just reacted on its own.


Final tip by far the most important. Ever struggling in a game, training session or workout, just remind yourself what life was like as a kid. There was no such thing as fear of failure, so just enjoy yourself, and let the performance follow suit


1.Challenge and skill level match
2.Being in flow state when practicing/ training
3.Taking away distractions by having pre-flow routine.Music, movement, mindfulness
4.Pre game routine/rituals
5.Mindulness like meditating for 5mins, or 10deep breaths in or 4 by 4 breathing
6.Having goal
7.Pushing yourself a bit further each time
8.Do things because you love and enjoy it.


The Flow is a state of mind where one is complete with their given task. Where nothing exist but the thing you are doing.


The best video no doubt that I have seen relating to maximising sport performance. Unbelievable, I cannot be more thankful to Sam.


I've been in flow state once in my life. I describe it as being unconscious. The experience is like you're not doing anything, as it's more like watching someone else do it because it's so automatic and so easy to do anything perfectly. Colors become more vibrant and task at hand becomes incredibly easy, doing things you would never think you could do easily, without thought.


My advice from previous experiences and for something that I struggled with for a while is firstly for example say you’re playing football/soccer it can work for anything doesn’t have to specifically be football but just for an example. Start of slow don’t try to do the most outrageous and difficult skill as soon as you get the ball take it slow, start off simple make the sure passes which u are certain are going to be a good and accurate pass, then when u feel like you’re getting into the game more and you’re sweating turn it up a notch and so and so u go on until you feel more and more confident, in control and composed. And most important of all don’t overthink anything just do it make sure to have fun with it, when you’re having fun everything flows naturally. Don’t stress if u make a bad pass or miss a shot mistakes happen we are all human just raise your head and carry on even world class players like Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar etc make mistakes and they miss that don’t mean they are not good at the end of the day we are humans remember that and just go out there and do what u love in a positive way, we got one life to live so live it up. Love in the house


i have been able to do this only like 4 or 5 times in my entire life, it feels great and you feel all powerful, like such amount of confidence to do anything, and the focus is on point, everything is on point, yet i was not able to keep it up because it made me nervous to feel such thing, like it was something so unnatural for me, it happened to me playing soccer and when i played CSGO competitive, wish i could relive it


There was this time in a volleyball game where we were losing and this match would determine if we had a chance to win💀💀 I reached the state of flow and hit like ten or more serves over good and got us a bunch of points above causing us to win and giving us a chance. It felt amazing and beautiful I’m trying to get it back and practice it so that I could become better


as a soccer player of 8+ years i've just now started getting flow state moments so this video is perfect!


I only reached the Zone 2 times in my life. And it really took alot of my energy. But still i wanna experience it again


I remember when i was at school playing football for PE. My team was playing and my friend passed the ball to me over the heads of the defenders. All of a sudden it felt like time was going in slow motion until the ball was in a perfect position for me to volley the ball in mid air scoring a crazy goal.


Self efficacy (belief in one ability) can also effect how often an athlete is able to get into a flow state


ive experienced it once during football training and ive been wanting to get back into it ever since. during that time i was able to dribble past my teammates during a scrimmage as if it was nothing, i was doing subconscious body feints that i didnt have the confidence to do before and accelerating past them without a second thought. it was incredible, thinking about it makes me want to play like that all the time, it just seems so fun.


I get many chances to practice flow because I do sports and also draw. Finding ways to get in that headspace become easier when you do a lot of things you love!


I was once in a flow state, it feels like im not on control of my own body and everything i do is based off my football instincts. I felt like my inner self took over my body and im just there watching what he does.


I have been in flow state three times during my football match I was calm and relaxed and think of the match. It made me score goals.


There was one time I entered this flow. It was during a football match. The opposing team just scored and we were down by two goals. We kicked-off and started the attack and I got the ball near the their box and the next thing I properly remember is scoring a goal after dribbling past 2-3 defenders. I could only vaguely remember anything after I received the ball.

After that experience, I tried many times to get into that flow again but failed to do so.
Hope this makes a change🤞