Top 10 Cichlids for Beginners

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Our Top 10 cichlids for a beginner! We have kept a wide variety of cichlids, and in today's video, we compiled a list of our current favorites for beginner aquarists.

Most of the cichlids on this list are on the smaller end for cichlids so they don't require massive tanks, and most are relatively peaceful. A primary reason for most of these cichlids being beginner-friendly is they are hardy and could withstand some mistakes a beginner could make. There are always exceptions when it comes to individual cichlids, but for the most part, the cichlids on this list will be the best for beginners.

If you think we missed any cichlid on the list, let us know down in the comments section!

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Thanks again for watching, and we'll see you next week!
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I think the Bolivian ram is the perfect cichlid for beginners. This was my first cichlid and that’s why I recommend them. They are very easy to take care of, have a great personality, and show some great color.


gotta give you credit for picking the dempsey and the convict, there is a reason they remain the old standards . i started with these 2 in a 29gal in 1973. both bred prolifically at opposite tank ends. i had rockwork all the way to the surface so they easily established territories. the babies were raised right in the tank till i fished them out and took them to my lfs. i still love these 2 species and have bought several new large tanks(75, 40) this week which i am going to set up and stock with the same again, but with single individuals, so no breeding will occur! your vid reminded me of their personalities and helped confirm my decision. and a new sub.


I recommend the blood parrot. they accept a most tropical temperatures can be housed in a 30G + and are relatively docile. Also GREAT personality.


Green terrors and jack dempseys look so cool!! The green terror is more nostalgic to me since I had one when I was younger and the jack dempsey has been one of my dream cichlids to keep along with a Firemouth, Redhead, Black Belt, Jaguar, and some other cichlids that I forgot the names of. If I had a breeding pair of Jack Dempseys, the male would be named Jack and the female Jacqueline or Jackie


Very good tank size info. Most other non cichlid specific people are usually wrong.


Great list. I currently have / have had a few on there and a few others on your list are in my list of ‘perhaps some-day’ fish. Only other one I would have added to at least the honourable mentions would be the angel fish since you could still have one in a 29 or a few in a 55. Great content and thanks again!


The yellow lab steals my heart
❤ Bright, sunny, chill w/others. Just got a pair of yellow finned acai & a bright, bold red zebra, which I've been waiting for forever for my 55 gal. I'm hoping soon to get a much bigger tank so I can add more to the tank. It's a little addictive! Lol


Great job Cichlid Bros. First of your videos I have seen on here. Already a fan.
Dr. Rudy


Surprised angelfish didn’t get mentioned

Very unique-looking fish, pretty easy to keep, and pretty peaceful in the right setup


I'd recommend Julidochromis Transcriptus (Masked Julie) or even Neolamprologus Leleupi. Both are from Lake Tanganyika and stay around 3 to 4 inches. My first cichlid was a masked julie pair. They've spawned twice and seem happy in my 20 gallon which is a species only tank.


Awesome list. I am fan of colors, sevrum and yellow labs were on top of my list for future tanks already, seems like yellow tail acei would be good tank mates for yellow labs. BTW, that geophagus, Oscar and sevrum tank is amazing.


What about the blood parrot? They are the cichlid that brought me into the hobby. Their personality is close to unmatched and they are extremely hardy. I work at a large volume fish store I never have to pull floaters out. I love them and my jumbo female runs my south american cichlid comunity


You forgot Thorichthys Aureus or Aureum Cichlid. Absolutely gorgeous!


Great content, definitely took notes, thanks.


I have currently been keeping a thorichthys maculipinnis male for a few months. So far he seems to be reasonably flexible in terms of food (Russian and German brands of general, goldfish, cichlid, discus, catfish, algae-based, dried daphnia, dried gammarus), tank size and water parameter fluctuations, including temperature (been 24-28 degrees at various times so far over the period). The only problem I have experienced is agression, especially towards my gourami. However, the main reason may be just inadequate tank size - 9 gallon. 😔


I have a rainbow cichlid in my community, he's so awesome.


Blood parrots are my fav. They look like little cherubs. ❤


I was surprised not to see Angels on that list.


Nice video... Informative.. i have two fire mouth . And want to add more chichlids... Thinking about two blue acara pair and what would be other two varieties of chichlids as per your recommendation? I am having 2feet tank .


Nice information... Love from India 🇮🇳
