Top 10 African Cichlid Tank Essentials Every Aquarist Needs

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Having an African Cichlid Tank is special! African Cichlids are the most beautiful freshwater fish you will find. Your African Cichlid tank setup depends on which species you choose. Most hobbyists choose African cichlids from Lake Malawi.

The three main groups are Peacocks, Haps, and Mbunas. Knowing which African Cichlid tank mates mix well with others is very important. These fish can be very aggressive, and you wouldn't want a constant war in your tank.

These 10 tips will help in establishing a beautiful, peaceful Lake Malawi cichlid tank.

00:01 - Over Filtration
00:30 - Tank Size for African Cichlids
01:17 - Temperature
01:37 - African Cichlids PH Levels and water Hardness
02:38 - Hierarchy with African Cichlids
03:53 - Adding new African Cichlids to established tank
05:03 - Overstocking
05:31 - All Male African Cichlids
06:22 - Know your species - Peacocks, Haps, Mbunas
08:50 - The Fish Companion App
09:17 Bonus Tip

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Want to learn how to keep your very own African Cichlids? It's not as hard as you think, let me teach you 😊


I’ve been a fish keeper most of my life. I just got into cichlids. I have a 75 gallon hap and peacock tank. I’ve learned so much from your videos new and old. Thanks for the information! You rock!


Well here I am...Went from a 10 Gallon tank with guppies. Watched 2 of your videos...Now I have two 55gs and 75g. My Cichlids are doing great! The beginning was stressful because my fish had parasites. I noticed bloat and string poop, immediately treated them with metroplex and the garlic guard stuff you recommended in the last video I watched. My fish are doing AMAZING! THANK YOU!!!! I'm using one of my 55's as a quarantine tank currently. Forever Subscribed. Thanks Kev


I've kept Malawi Cichlids for many decades and what I've just watched was one of the most beneficial and informative videos to date. Thank you.


Great tips. Long time fish keeper, but I just started with African Cichlids 6-8 months ago. So challenging but also so rewarding. I'm still working on getting my water parameters right. This video is full of fantastic info. Thanks KaveMan!


I started a Cichlid tank a few months ago. I've been stocking it slowly ever since, only adding about 3 at any one time. I think I have about 15 right now. I did have one death when I added 3 to a tank one time. I appreciate the tips given here. I am mixing all 3 types and they seem to be doing well together. I feed with 3 different types of food.


Oh my gosh the last tip is legit what I'm going through rn, I have an aggressive mbuna in the quarantine tank because he was attacking everyone and killed the other smaller mbuna In the bag I brought home with him, thanks so much kev you've been a real life saver for the past week for me, currently have 2 parrots 2mbuna and 3 peacocks and planning to introduce 1 more parrot and 2 more peacocks!


Great video! one of the best videos I've seen!! I kept cichlids years ago before I ever had access to something like YouTube!! I wish I knew then what I know now... I left the hobby for about 15 years and have just come back to it. I love this incredible community and enjoying learning!! Right now I've been doing planted tanks but the next tank I do is going to be one like this!! Some of the most beautiful fish in the world!!
I've been wanting to get back into cichlids again so this really inspires me! Thanks for sharing Kev! I hope you're having a very blessed day! 🙏🌿🐟🌿💚


So I was asked to fish sit an African Cichlid for a week. I took the liberty of naming him Paco (lol). When my friends came back they realized I had grown attached and they gave him to me. I thought he was lonely and need friends... So I was given 3 more. Needless to say... Paco is a player and I now have 15 African Cichlids 🤦🏻‍♀️ and no idea what I’m doing. All in 2 months!! Your videos are helping so much. Thank you!!


Are you new to African Cichlids and have more questions? Let me know below!! If you're and AC expert share some of your tips below for the new guys 🙂


I recently started investing in Cichlids/tanks/and everything that goes with it. Spent A Lot Of Money doing so! I found your channel VERY HELPFUL! Thank you! I subscribed! I will continue to follow!


This is the most informative video I watched today . Thank you.


Fired Up Video!!! Good tips, so far been good. Bought 12 Mbuna at PetsMart Black Friday Sale, Of course quarantined. Re setup my 55 gallon with 19 comet goldfish to establish the bio filter and nitrogen cycle, now their out in the aquaponics system. Hoping, starting off my Mbuna together at young ages, lessen the aggression. Thanks for this video, adding to favs


Very informative. Wish the people at my fish store knew 1/3 as much as you


I have a 65 gallon with cichlids and they are awesome I’ve sat down for hours and just watched them They are so beautiful


Kev, your " PRIMERS " are in a word " FANTASTIC!" Keep'em coming. 🙂


Man, you are giving me some serious new knowledge and I didn't get into the hobby yesterday!


Don't be afraid to get rid of certain ones if you make a stocking mistake. Took me a while to learn that one. When I first started I had a Jaguar that got big and would kill any new fish I added. If it fit in his mouth, it was gone. Then once I ended up with a breeding pair of convicts... Came in one day and there was a black cloud of convict babies, and the 2 had every fish in the tank pushed to the other end lol About 80 in a 200 gal... Convicts ain't no joke when they breed lol I really miss all my tanks. I had about 10 tanks at one time not including breeding tanks. When I figured out how to strip the females and make my own egg bubblers, I had probably 20 grow out tanks too. One of these days I'll get back into it.


GREAT VIDEOS!. simple, well explained! TY again! Keep em coming!


Excellent video my man! Been a hobbyist and professional for over 35 years and you covered all the bases! I will pass on to customers so they just don’t hear me preaching lol.
