Top 10 Most 'Peaceful' Cichlids

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Our Top 10 most peaceful cichlids! We have kept a wide variety of cichlids, and in today's video, we compiled a list of our current favorites when it comes to the less aggressive species. Most of the cichlids on this list are relatively peaceful, and many will do well in community or planted aquariums. All cichlids have their own personality though, so even the "peaceful" cichlids in this video can still have a rogue or aggressive individual.

A few tips to reduce risk of aggression with any cichlid: proper tank mates, larger tanks with more territory, ideal Male/Female ratios, and avoiding pairs breeding in the tank.

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Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next week!
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Hi all! In the video, I briefly mention a few things you can do to avoid aggression with cichlids. If you're having trouble with aggression issues, I would check out the video below. Thanks for watching!


I loved this! I have Severum, Electric Blue Acara, Apistos, Rams and Bolivian Rams all in the same tank I love them all and have never had any issues with aggression. I make sure there are lots of places for them to hide and provide lots of line of sight breaks


Keyhole cichlids are just amazing. I kept 4 in a community planted tank and they did great. I also had two Rams and they just got along fine. These little guys have a great temperament and playful nature.


I could see a Chocolate cichlid in the tank and was surprised it was not on the list. Very friendly, docile and beautiful with a variety of color patterns depending on their mood. Interesting because I've learned fish recognize you. If it was just me he would come up to the glass to socialize. When other people were present he was shy and stayed in the background.


This was exactly what I was searching for peaceful cichlids you guys nailed it thank you


I have a keyhole, he is the most peaceful shy fish, in with neon tetras, albino Cory's, rummy noses and 2 torpedoes. He is my favourite, so I was happy to see they are no.1 on your list


Great video guys! I keep a lot of the fish you talked about in a "less aggressive" large south/central American cichlid tank.. I have a festivum and he is super docile as well. I work at a large fish store and they have worked extremely well with sevrums acaras firemouths ect


Frontosa are my number one favorite fish. Mine were definitely gentle giants. My tied for second place are Rams (all of them) and Yellow Labs. I'm glad you kept your list short, because there are so many fantastic chiclids!


Great video. You’ve talked me into adding an Electric Blue Acara to my 125. My addition to the list would be the Uaru. Their transformation from juvenile to adult alone is amazing.


I have Electric blue acaras, Keyhole ciklids and Kongo tetras together in my 350 liters tank.And it works very well.
Greetings from Sweden🐟


Great vid! Love to see the EB Acara on the list.


Have Dwarf Flag Cichlids in with my small angel and they are super chill and colorful. Have had struggles with “peaceful” cichlids, but have loved these guys and my angels. Great list though. Love rams


Another excellent video. Just can’t wait for a list of the 10 most aggressive ones 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


One peaceful SA dwarf that often gets overlooked are the Laetacara - especially Curviceps and Dorsigera. They're a great substitute for the Bolivian Ram, and do fantastic with small tetras.


I really like the introduction - "all cichlids can be agressive". To that, I would like to add that aggression level can vary even within the same species. I definitely agree with the rams and the keyhole being "peaceful", but I am sceptic around N. multifasciatus. They have even attacked my hands and also fully grown frontosa. But ok, they don´t follow up, they just protect their space.

Some other peaceful cichlids (for being cichlids) are Apistogramma borelli and Laetacara curviceps. They usually also only defend their space and seldom go crazy. They also both have small mouths and can not be considered as fish eaters.

Last but not least: no fish have ever read the books or watched any video on how they should behave. Even with good recommendations and intentions, one might end up with a "peaceful" cichlid that is batshit crazy.


Love Keyhole Cicjlids. They rarely if ever show aggression towards each other, let alone to other species even when breed.


Thank you. I agree with you about angels. I found they stressed my community tanks.
I have to admit presently, due to a tank burst, I have 3 Bolivian rams, an adult EB acara and his younger sister! 50g tank with, , , ,
Ember, bloodfin, black neon, gold tetras, mountain minnows harlequins glass fish and debate catfish!
All good.


Great video! I also love my EBA. I would also recommend Blood Parrots as peaceful (not to mention how intelligent and personable they are)


Hey Troy nice to see you my friend (Terry Moore formerly beyond the reef) The most peaceful cichlid I know of is the checkerboard cichlids they can even go in with nano shrimp also cichlasoma sajica are pretty peaceful also great video little brother.


I got a Red Spotted Severum in a community tank with bloodfin tetras, EBAs, burmese upside down catfish, and SAEs.

He's literally the most peaceful fish I've ever had. Such a sweet fish. He comes up to the glass when I'm holding my 8 month old daughter and she loves him.
