TRUE - Day 1 - MOTIVE | Yoga With Adriene

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Take a deep breath in.

We are doing this.

We begin by setting the tone with a gentle and foundational practice. It’s 24 minutes of solid set up for you to dip your toes in and lean into learning.

This series will offer strength and stability like no other if you remember you are here to learn and love yourself.


Not to work out.

But, expect to see transformation in your body! Oh yes, you will!

Welcome my friend, it’s Day 1.

Today’s theme is MOTIVE.

~ Share with us your motive down below! What is your reason for committing to TRUE?


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Based on requests from the community, we are excited to announce a downloadable version of TRUE. It is offered on a donation basis, so just pay what feels good! This is perfect for those that might be traveling or in areas with inconsistent internet. Download the videos and take them with you!

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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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It's Day 1! Welcome everyone. Have I told you how awesome it is for you to say yes and commit to a 30 Day Yoga Journey? Seriously - you are awesome. Today's theme is motive.

We often rely on motivation to come from an outside source. But what if you realized that it could come from within?

We begin with focusing on motive because aligning with the reason why you are here sets the tone for what you will experience on the journey.

If you are here to smell like a fart and feel lousy then you will likely accomplish that.

A student’s motive to go to school is to learn.

What is your motive for join TRUE? Now, wait! Stick with me!If you do not know your MOTIVE yet - that is 100% OK! It’s perfect. It will likely reveal itself and feel amazing when it does. If it does. We are here to uncover and circle back to that feeling of… you.

The true you.

The real you.

~ Share with us your motive down below! What is your reason for committing to TRUE?

PS: 100% okay to not know your motive yet!!!


Realized today that the reason the 30 day challenges work best for me is because otherwise I take too long to decide what video I want to do. I'm better at just making the commitment to do whatever Adrienne has chosen for each day. 😀


Did anyone else burst out in tears when she said ‘you’re my hero’ at the end?

I am SO ready for this, and my gratitude for what Adriene does is endless. Thank you ❤️


After „Breath“, „Dedicate“ an „Home“ I continue today with „True“ 🧘‍♀️ ❤️ Adriene made the magic possible, I practised Yoga for 100 days now. I am 54 years old and my body never felt as flexible and energized as now...- lots of love from Germany 🌺


I’m here for my 7th 30 day yoga journey of 2024! I made the commitment to do daily yoga in 2024 - and so far I am smashing it 😃 I’m catching waves and I think I have officially found what feels good! 🎉


" You are my hero " I cried when you said this. After years of punishing my body I now want to love it. Thank you so much for being you, you are helping so many people. See you tomorrow and hello to everyone else here watching and discovering xx


Did this practice this morning before work and truly loved it. My intention is to 'show up for me'.
Im very good at taking care of a lot of people, but tend to forget myself. So this month, I'm showing up for me. I'll see what I need next month.

Thank you so much for creating this community.


Just finished Home while in quarantine.
Now starting True, still in quarantine...
Thank you Adriene for these wonderful videos!


Anyone here in 2024? Feels relevant more than always


I really struggled to complete session. I haven't practiced yoga regularly for so long and I had a bit of an off year, put on weight, gave up on almost anything I tried and only just 'got through it'. With the first downward dog my arms were killing and my breath was all over the place. But I paused the video, where normally I would have given up, i took several breaths, allowed myself to struggle for a minute, then I put it back on and was able to continue! I feel proud to have done that - small victories! Good luck everyone


My motive for this challenge which is also my theme for this year is equilibrium. To be resilient and persevere but to also take breaks, focus on myself and be vulnerable. Not to run away from good experiences but to also learn the importance of saying no sometimes. To learn equilibrium.

Good luck to everyone starting this challenge today! Trust yourself. We can do this!


Adriene, thanks for the journey and NON speaking about spectacular poses but deep feelings and sensations. Thanks for having my back and singing and laughing. You are real.


I was a person who could not stick to a workout routine for a week EVER. But then magic happened. I just finished HOME and DEDICATE and I started TRUE. The first practice was amazing. I look forward to my daily yoga practices and I won't have it any other way! Thank you so much, Adriene. Your motivation is just what I needed. <3


Hello to y'all! :) What a nice start to this journey. A couple of weeks ago i finished the Revolution series and this is now my first time i can do 30 days of yoga on time. :)
Be true to yourselves! <3


Some days, no matter how often you practice your yoga, you get on the mat and everything is just Hard. Today was one of those days for me, my legs were tired and things just didn't feel easy in the places they usually do. But I stuck with it and I'm excited to keep it up every day this month, and hopefully return to that place (or make a new place) of easiness. Thanks Adriene!


My motive this year is to remember me. I became a brand new mommy in November and would like to carve out some time to get back into calming my mind and do something for me. I unconditionally love my daughter and want to be a part of every moment, but that leads to lack of sleep and down time. I feel that getting back into this practice will help me at the end of the month when my maturity leave ends. I will not only have to worry about my husband and daughter but 71 amazing 5th graders. I look forward to getting back into slowing down my breathing, and strengthening my mind body (which seems so foreign to me) and soul.


Just finished Dedicate 2019 and wanted to keep this amazing ride going so have started "True" Feb 1st 2019! Anyone else doing the same? Holding the legs in Warrior I and II for that long was a "burn" ...had to introduce movement into the asanas but it felt great. So glad these 30-day challenges are here. Thank you Adriene!


I imagine myself, waking up in the morning, being satisfied with who I am and how I look. It`s going to be fantastic to have a nice time doing yoga every morning in the beginning of the term in school!


Why did I get super emotional? I didn't cry, but I felt like it a bit after those lion's breaths. It's a really beautiful feeling though.
My motive: I want to treat myself like I'd treat my child. Not only unconditional love, but I want to discipline myself, patiently. So I can get the best out of my life.


When you said " You are my hero" it made me tear up. It was just so heartfelt. Thank You Adriene, you are an inspiration.
