TRUE - Day 10 - DETOX | Yoga With Adriene

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True: 30 Day Yoga Journey continues! Your day 10 yoga practice is a mindful cleansing practice. Out with the old and in with the TRUE!

Drop your expectations and breathe.

No one expects you to master or jive with every practice. This journey is about spending time with yourself. Today we focus on building heat from the inside out. Burning away that which no longer serves in order to create powerful transformation.

This series is not a challenge, it is a journey. But today's practice might be challenging!

You have everything you need. Continue to ride the wave. Trust, observe, and enjoy!

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Based on requests from the community, we are excited to announce a downloadable version of TRUE. It is offered on a donation basis, so just pay what feels good! This is perfect for those that might be traveling or in areas with inconsistent internet. Download the videos and take them with you!

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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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Today’s detox practice is a work out. Consider, “What are the things we have to work through?”

Sometimes it’s hard to identify them, so we hop on the mat, we move our body and then it’s revealed.

All those who choosing to work for themselves instead of against, say I!


PS: Tomorrow is a short 17 minutes of softening - so go get em tiger!


Thanks for the practice - and I love how there is not one single mean comment. This community is full of truth and love!


you guessed it so right, I needed this sweet detox flow now! today’s my 105th yoga with you, lovely adriene!! when you said, what incredible self-love and discipline you have, you should be rlly proud, I truly felt it out, and my heart fluttered, filled with grace, strength and gratitude. like, I’ve never been so engaged in something, but now then yoga for me is not just a state of mind or a habit, this is what my soul longs for, it nurtures me and gives me energy I couldn’t even find in myself so far. I’ve always been so frustrated and off, and I don’t feel this way any more, I’m free. thank you, adriene, you saved me, I feel so much more at ease now, I feel how soft and still I am, in comparison to where I started my journey. can’t thank you more, I love you and benji with all my heart. bless you, stay safe ☀️


This marked my 100th day of Yoga with Adriene!


"No one expects you to master or jive with every practice" that really touched me because today I was feeling a little weak and dizzy and there was a moment in the practice where I chose to stay in child pose until I felt better to continue. I'm glad I did and I listened to my body. Thank You Adriene. Have a wonderful day <3


Today I did 40 days of yoga in a row. Has my body changed? Yes, a little bit. But more important: I never felt that comfortable in my body since I was a child. For years I tried to loose weight and fought against it, but through yoga I've started to learn to love it. I am so thankful for that.


A few days ago my boyfriend and i broke up, after a long and destructive relationship. i was afraid of falling in to a hole of loneliness and toxic thoughts - but yoga really has my back. im proud of myself for finally choosing to let go of the things that are no longer serving me...and man: im actually feeling really good! ive been practicing for years, but still love your calming voice and your motivation adriene. so cheers to new beginnings, self love and cheers to you! namaste


Thank you Adriene, that was a challenge, however my heels are getting nearer to the floor with every downward facing dog, and not having to watch the video but just listen to your voice is a measure of how good a teacher you are. See you tomorrow xxxx


Tears have been shed on the homefront for me today. I'm struggling inwardly, but as soon as I get onto the yoga mat, I feel at ease and its helping me get through this unfamiliar feeling. So thank you Adriene and yogis 💛 namaste 🙏 x


Hi Adriene! I was looking for yoga videos and couldn’t enjoy others because everyone is so perfectionist about the moves and breathes and everything. Thanks to you now I’m able to enjoy the time that I spend to be the better version of myself and I’m happy to do yoga even though sometimes I lose my balance or can’t catch the moves. You taught me to do whatever feels good and right to me and my body. Looking forward to finish this challenge. You’re adorable, thanks for sharing your knowledge and time. Greetings from Turkey 👋🏻💖🙏🏻 Namaste


"The main thing is that I didn't want to do it..." LOL! I love when Adrien's humanness comes out!


Today was a bit of a struggle. My mind is filled with toxic thoughts and my whole body feels it. I feel sluggish, tired, out of place and disappointed with myself. My body was just plain refusing to calm down to practice yoga, but I didn't give up and now I feel a bit better. But that is a part of the journey. You cannot always be 100%, some days are going to be worse than others but thankfully we have Adriene when that does happen. Thank you for helping me deal with my anxiety, much love. Namaste <3


this is my fifth 30 days and I have never felt more comfortable or positive with my body. My mental health is the best it has ever been and my relationship with food has improved as I have graduated to mindful eating. I tell everyone about the 30-day yoga it obtainable for everyone and so healing for body and soul. The best thing is my interaction with people I am so much more at peace, finding and doing what makes me happy. Thankyou Adriene


4 weeks ago I couldn't do it, it was too hard for me, but TODAY I DID IT!
I'm awesome, right?
Namaste! <3


day 10 yes mam! I'm now feeling like if I miss a day I would not be complete so after 30 I'm going on for more, why stop at 30, why not make it a daily thing like food or sleep ok thats what I'm learning today. love life, and yoga. thank u Adrienne for being my guide!


Loved day 10. What a great way to detox my brain with all those yummy twists. Having 10 days ago completed 30 days of Home, I’m very much enjoying my journey with True. It feels different though familiar. Thanks again Adriene for fantastic yoga to enjoy whilst slowly opening up lockdown. Also interesting to watch the news from USA. We are fortunate to have yoga in our lives to help us navigate through these challenging times and whilst not attending a class here, I’m so appreciating my new yoga teacher. This is the longest period in my life that I have done yoga everyday with the same teacher apart from myself. Am loving it and considering whether I can complete True whilst also starting your August timetable! Will see. Namaste 🙏 Sue UK


Thank you so so much for this practice Adriene. When you said almost at the end "what an incredible self love and discipline is that" I started crying. It's been so hard to be here everyday and all with the aim of loving myself more. This was fantastic. Thank you for being you.


Adriene! I feel that something profound happened to me through your lesson. I felt unusually apt to all of the ansanas today, normally i always have some form of mental resistance which I see as part of the practice/lesson, learning to let go of this resistance. Anyway, right at the end as I was laying in corpse pose and just as I was bringing my prayer hands up to my third eye I had a such a strong feeling, it reminded me of the first time I went travelling and was on a plane to Australia, I felt so vibrant and free! Like the world and Universe was full of so many possibilities just waiting for me to pick. This feeling filled my body with so much energy and at the same time my closed eyes welled up with the beginning of tears. It was so lovely! I thought I went through what some might call a spiritual awakening a few years but this felt different and really really awesome!

Thank YOU for spreading your light around the Universe!

Namaste x x x


Somedays I click with the practice and others I think something in me fights against. Maybe the fighting ones are some of the most important. Either way I felt amazing after today's practice. It was one of my favorites and I'm definitely finding more ease in my body. I love the childlike nature of yoga. The movements we do on the mat I see my children do naturally throughout their day. That is amazing to me. ❤


I am recently trying to lose weight as unfortunately I have 50kg excess weight. During this hard time alongside of my heavy diet and morning exercises which I don't like them, I just make my way whith this yoga, I feel like your lessons are my back and make me calm, even though they are hard whith this much weight I have, but I am trying hard and I am truly trusting the process and love it, thanks from bottom of my heart.
