Worst MMO Ever? - Warframe

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From the studio that brought you 'Unreal Tournament' comes the greatest sci fi space ninja game ever, Warframe.
Is it an MMO? Yes, No, maybe, kinda, sort of, somehow, sometimes, likely, not quite...ish

MMO or not, what it truly is, is a bunch of super confusing game systems getting in the way of some of the best gameplay currently around.

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One saving grace of warframe is that every veteran out there knows how hard it is to start this game and understand it's mechanics. Because of this I have never encountered someone not willing to help newbies in any shape or form.


"If everyone's dead there's no-one around to say you weren't stealthy" 5 minutes in and he's already talking like a warframe veteran.


I went from dota to warframe.
The hardest thing for me was the culture shock of finding out that a gaming community can be helpful and nice.


One of the coolest parts is when you have a buddy and you can see his ship outside yours, not only that you see it in the map, it's such a small and awesome detail


As my friend said:
"There are games that don't hold your hands. And then there is Warframe, which pushes you from a cliff and expects you to build a helicopter before you splat."


"If everyone's dead, there's no one around to say you weren't stealthy."

My kind of logic.


This video was the straw that broke my back and got me to try Warframe. Watching the parkour and style, I finally decided to dive in.
It's a little over a year later. One month in, I finished the New War. I'm now 1000+ hours in and Legendary Rank 1. Thanks for the new favorite, JSH.


The reason no one tells you the plot is because the community, for the most part, does a great job of not spoiling the plot for new players. And ninjas in space is a great way to sum things up. If you keep playing your in for a great story


Warframe was easily the most fun I've had playing a game that I don't actually think I ever enjoyed.


Josh: And this is where the game ... goes downhill.
Me: *clenches fist*
Josh: I have no idea what to do.
Me: Oh, yeah. That's fair. Carry on.


I cannot express how frustrating it is (as a casual Warframe player with only like 600 hours) to get in the mood to grind for stuff I want, but then have to go through multiple wiki searches to figure out what I need to farm, how to do it, and where. Eventually, I stop playing for a few months, and the cycle repeats. I love the game. I played it when it came out, but I hate having no idea what I'm doing. It's an on/off thing for me. To me, Warframe is like meeting an old friend from middle school you met and hung out with for a bit to catch up and reminisce, but then stop talking to them again.


The story doesnt pick back up till you get to Uranus and do the Natah quest, which precedes the Second Dream that really kicks off the story. The interesting part is that they made the aimless wandering you do up until that point a part of the plot.


"I hope the difficult ramps up in the next few hours."
"Spoiler alert, it does"
And spoiler alert, yet many more hours later, you can destroy an entire hallway just by standing there, menacingly.


Early game: haha space ninjas

Late game: You're an old man in a bed, your son is there, they took your voice, an executioner demi-god is taunting you as he makes you endlessly relive you killing your own son after making you into an abomination even he is ashamed of


As a veteran player, I can confidently speak for everyone when I say this: If my profile magically got deleted, I would never play this game again. The grind from the beginning to the present is so much that I don’t even remember doing anything in this video lmao.


It absolutely blows my mind that he just never brought up the fact that you have to wait literal days to craft things after you've collected the materials for them


Warframe is a collage of varying mechanics resembling the colorful medley of fonts a ransom note in a movie might have. Somehow, it comes together to form a singular message: kill your helpless enemies for 2000 hours, buy more plat, and don't ask us about endgame or else.

I am its hostage.


There's in fact a pretty large plot with a lot of background lore, character development, and subplots. The problem is that the main plot takes dozens of hours of gameplay to reach + half of the lore and character development happened in one-time events years ago that can't be replayed.


They need to add real narative quests from after vor to the 2nd dream and teach you how to properly use the codex. With those changes it can change the early game so much for new players


Update: with Duviri Paradox, the start of the game and the already confusing story is made even more confusing! IMO you shouldn't choose Duviri Paradox early on, but the mode is good and to reach it from zero is a very long investment of time and resources.
