Do Nice Guys REALLY Finish Last?

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Nice guys don't finish last, no... they don't even get a chance to "finish" at all, lol! (funny but NOT funny!)


Nah, they don't like it if your nice in general. Don't listen to dating advice from women, what they say and what they go for are two different things, it's always the case.


Women say they like nice guys but most women subconsciously go for the bad boy types. I don't have an opinion on this. I'm just making an observation based on countless of guy's experiences.


First of all, never take a dating advise from a woman, as men we should focus on our goals not on women, women come along if you focus on your goals in life simple!!


Don't listen to what they project but watch their actions. That's where the truth lies in most cases. Saved you good sirs 12 minutes....


Yes nice is always bad and doesn’t create arousing situations. If being a bad boy means putting yourself first and not being a white knight yes that works best.


be nice guys... treat a woman well and you will have success in your dating life!


Honestly, it doesnt matter at all if being nice (genuine nice) makes you finish last. If being genuine kind to everyone, to men, women, children and animals makes you a loser then im more then happy to be a loser because at the end of the day, just being kind and helpful to others even if they dont apprechiate it or like you for it, is what matters. I am not an attractive guy or rich, but being bitter and angry about things like that only harms yourself, be kind and genuine to all, not to get something back, but because its the right way to be, even if life doesnt go your way.


Yes they do I’m a living example of one no thanks to every girl I’ve wanted who had no interest in me till this point I’m in my 30s someone who’s missed out loads and a late starter due to having endless rejections


Hayley, nice guys tend to finish after the bad boys. Even in your case, from what you have shared, it seems you have had your fair share of relationships (some of them toxic/not so right, I guess with what could be called 'bad boys') before settling with a nicer guy. So from an objective perspective, that guy finished last, which is not necessarily bad, but seems to confirm the stereotype. In any case, thanks for the video, real life has many nuances and it is not so straightforward to over-generalise.


They will always finish last.
Nice try but your explination is flawed. Bottom line.
The woman is tired of riding the carousel and now wants to be the good girl. She won't be able to pair bond because 90% of women admit to still having feelings for that 1 badboy / chad/ Tyrone. She can't be able to give 100% to her relationship with the nice guy.


No modern and strong woman should be satisfied with a "nice guy". Only the best is just good enough. We see it in the divorce rates: they are so catastrophically high because women take men who are just not good. Therefore, dear women: better to be alone than to drag a boring man with you.


lol a woman giving dating advice to men! Now I have seen everything!


Thoughts before watching: No but I depends on the definition of the the word nice as its commonly connected with agreeable or submissive. I think kind is a better word to describe virtue as its less ambiguous.

After watching: good video good points.


Women love nice guys. If they're ATTRACTED to him!


Usually good advice but you are way off on this one.


Sane information and advice for higher quality people who've moved beyond gaming. Good job Hayley!


Y'all dont see the innocent mask these women wear lol. You wont be last, but you will get her after we are done with her 😌. Dont let her rock y'all back to sleep lol
