Lord Voldemort VS Gellert Grindelwald

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Voldemort had raw power..but grindelwald was like dumbeldore with finesse and skill


I give it to Grindlewald for three reasons
1. He was much more successful than Voldemort
2. It took prime Dumbledore to beat him
3. He didn’t fear death, whilst Voldemort did


It's simple
Grindelwald fight against prime dumbledore it takes 3 hours
Meanwhile voldemort fight against old dumbledore, dumbledore only takes few minutes and that just hold the voldemort not to escape


Everybody gangsta until Dumbledore comes


To all Voldemort Glazers: He couldn't take over a highschool with an army of wizards and monsters.


I think grindelwald gets abilities since he has more advanced spell craft. If you want to look at it in a simply way, compare their most powerful spells. Voldemort Avada kedavra correct me if I am wrong, and grindelwald is protege diabolica which is better than killing curse. It destroys whoever it touches if it they aren’t loyal to grindelwald but it can be used aggressively and would have destroyed Paris. So human destruction vs city destruction which I think is why grindelwald is more skill and has more knowledge of abilities 😊


Only if Johnny depp is Grindelwald, only then grindelwald wins.


I think Voldemort’s true prime was his 16 year old self just prior to splitting his soul. By the First Wizarding War, his soul is what, less than 5% in his body, which probably decreased his potential by 20 times and his intelligence by so much more. If you notice, Tom Riddle from the memories is so calm, reserved and cold, whereas Voldemort is insane, egoistic and close-minded in every situation. A 25 year old Tom Riddle with his entire soul intact would be his prime, and he might as well even Dumbledore in it.


Grindelwald had taken conrol over so many countries in Europe, and that was because a huge number of wizards and witches shared his Ideals, amd he was loyal to those who were loyal to him. Take Credence for instance. He failed to kill Dumbledore, but Grindelwald didn't go all Crucio on him. He knew that while Credence may have the potential to Kill Dumbledore, he may not get it done in first attempt. While Voldemort does not vare whether the task he asigned to Death Eaters is possible for them, and even if they make very small mistakes, Voldemort would just go on for a Crucio, and wouldn't Hesitate for an Avada Kedavra either. Draco's case perfectly illustrates this. That's why Gridelwald was so influential.

In terms of pure combat, it was said that Gridelwald was Dumbledore's EQUAL, not as the only one whom he feared. Voldemort would basically run like a rat if he saw Albus, he knows there is no chance.


Voldemort created an army of inferi somthing both Grindlewald and Dumbledore thot was impossible to even create one of. He also was stated to be the greatest in both legilimency and occlimency the world had ever seen, so he could probably just destroy Grindlewald's mind before or read his thoughts. He was also the first Wizard to break the laws of physics and fly without any means of transportation, and he was stated to be the greatest dark lord to have ever lived.


Fax bro but I think Voldemort wins if he's from the books if he's in live action Grindelwald


Grindelwald was much stronger, but his goals were different.


Voldemort would have the win, confirmed by JK Rowling Voldemort was confirmed the STRONGEST DARK WIZARD in the wizarding world History (that includes Grindelwald) Grindelwald couldn’t even beat Dumbledore with the elder wand, yet when Dumbledore fought Voldemort WITH THE ELDER WAND, Voldemort literally was fighting on par with Dumbledore and perhaps shown much stronger attacks than Dumbledore, Voldemort had transcended Magic onto a different boundary, a set of Magic even Grindelwald couldn’t perform and even Dumbledore. Voldemort (confirmed in the books) had been said to outdo the boundaries of magic and the Dark arts not only splitting his soul once but 7 TIMES. Voldemort was then confirmed by Dumbledore to be the strongest Dark Wizard there ever was, so its literally been said by JK Rowling and a mastermind in the same Universe that Voldemort outclasses every Dark Wizard, its safe to say that Voldemort should get the win


Power goes to Grindelwald, he have the most powerful wand and he actually own it unlike Voldemort who got tricked from the start


I think grindelwald gets a bonus point for having a nose…jk - i like the breakdown of skills and abilities here.


Даже Дамблдор признавал, что если Волан де морт вернëт силу, то никто его остановить не сможет.


Young Grindelwald would destroy Voldemort


Yo Please Do Guts(Berserk) Vs Lord of The Rings!


Grindelwald= Dumbledore>>>>voldemort


Nah Voldemort smokes it is confirmed in the books and jk Rowling has also said this and this is how it should be
Strength Grindelwald
Voldemort speed/agility
Voldemort intelligence he masterminded 2 of the greatest wars in wizarding history and took over the government Dumbledore himself said he was the most brilliant and gifted student to enter Hogwarts having got a outstanding on all his owls and newt exams
Experience all go to Voldemort Voldemort is 70 while Grindelwald was around 65 at the time he was defeated by Dumbledore
Combat Grindelwald
Combat speed Voldemort he can fly
Skill/dueling grindewald he has had more duels then Voldemort has
Weapon is = they both have the eider wand.
Feats Voldemort he has control of the whole government and British wizarding world grindewald never had this
Ap and dc capability Voldemort most powerful dark wizard and broke the force field with a wand that rejected him
Stamina grindewald he lasted for 3 hours in a duel with Dumbledore Voldemort lasted a couple minutes but remember he probably could last way longer as he did not want the fudge and the government to know he was alive
Raw power hax and durability go to Voldemort
This is why Voldemort wins high diff maybe even mid diff
