Who's more POWERFUL? Voldemort or Grindelwald? #shorts

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HELP ~ Who's more POWERFUL Grindelwald or Voldemort!? #shorts #harrypotter #wizardingworld #harrypotterfan #hogwarts #potterhead #potterfan #voldemort #grindelwald #dumbledore

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I'd say Dumbledore did exactly what he needed to do at the Minstry of Magic. He was defending Harry from attacks as well so he was limited as to what he could do. He couldn't just go wild with his magic. *cough cough* remember the duel between Albus, his brother, and Grindlewald where the sister was hit and died.


Dumbledore new well about how much Vold split his soul and knew ‘defeating’ him was pointless and there was a better way. He intended to keep Vold busy and protect everyone else at the Ministry and that’s exactly what he did.


Grindelwald at one point was literal minutes away from being the WORLD's supreme magical authority and starting a global war between muggles and all of magic kind. He then dueled Albus to a standstill while in his Jude-Law-prime.
Voldemort just ran amok in the UK for a few years then got murked by a kid without a driver's license.


I Belive dumbledore was tryna stall Voldemort so others could see he has returned


My pick is Grindelwald: Dumbledore and Grindelwalds battle goes on for hours and Dumbledore only just has the edge, it goes down as one of the biggest wizarding duels ever.

When Dumbledore duels Voldi in the books, Dumbledore is casually talking to Voldemort (or Tom as he calls him) during their duel. He knew that you can not lock Voldi up, and to kill Voldi would ruin Dumbledores plan - as they would have to wait possibly years to truly understand how Voldi was immortal. Time Dumbledore knew he couldn't wait due to his age. Also Voldi is outright trying his best to kill Dumbledore, and gets mad that he knows Dumbledore is holding back and not trying to kill him.

I might add that Voldemort is the most evil, ruthless and terrifying, that is why people feared him more - but that is not the same as sheer wizarding power.


The book already stated dimbledore had to hold back because he wasn’t trying to kill him. The book further stated this action in itself absolutely made the dark lord extremely mad that he didn’t need to use his full power to make it a stale mate. I’m a full on duel he knew from there on he couldn’t beat him


In the books Dumbledore completely washed Voldemort i choose Grindelwald


Grindelwald > Voldemort because Voldemort’s knowledge on magic was narrow, but deep. Whereas Grindelwald’s knowledge on magic was expansive and deep.


Dumbledore was not trying to defeat/kill Voldemort. He knew Voldemort was still protected by multiple horcruxes. He was trying to keep him busy as well as protecting Harry. I firmly believe that in his prime Grindelwald would have been more powerful dont forget in the books Dumbledore door defeated Grindelwald while he was the master of the Elder Wand so the fight with Voldemort and Dumbledore where they were evenly matched is very misleading when you take into account that Dumbledore was not actually trying to defeat or kill Voldemort.


Grindelwald was a thinker and would have had plans on top of plans, Voldemort would have just thought there was no way Grindelwald was more powerful than him.


Dumbledore wasnt trying to defeat voldemort at the ministry of magic. He knew defeating him was pointless with his horcruxes. There was also little point in locking him up like grindlewald cause he'd break out or a follower would break him out. Hell, he was able to break into neurmanguard and out again without setting off any alarms. Dumbledore just wanted to hold him off long enough for fudge to get there. He said he called for Fudge as soon as he got word from Snape that harry left hogwarts


Something that I think some people forget is that Voldemort did not study ALL forms of magic. He mainly focused on what would make himself more powerful. Anything else was beneath him. Voldemort made multiple horcruxes which made him stronger as he couldn't die but it destroyed his soul in the process.

Grindelwald on the other hand may have focus a lot on the dark arts, but he still learned all forms of magic. This intern made him stronger as he could use magic that wasn't just the dark arts. Remember Grindelwald NEVER made a horcrux. He probably knew the damage that would cause his soul.

Voldemort has more power dark magic but Grindelwald is more knowledgeable about all magic so i would say he wins. If Voldemort didn't have his horcruxes.


I believe Dumbledore was only trying to protect harry and hold Voldemort off until the ministry officials arrived and Dumbledore succeeded in what he was intending to do. Voldemort didn't subdue Dumbledore but rather walked into Dumbledore's plan, so Dumbledore technically won.


Dumbledore is a very cunning and brilliant wizard with an insane knowledge of elemental magic that can be very difficult to take on. So was Grindelwald. I think Voldemort feared the dark magic Dumbledore knew, since he never spoke of his dark arts knowledge.


Voldemort created an army of inferi somthing both Grindlewald and Dumbledore thot was impossible to even create one of. He also was stated to be the greatest in both legilimency and occlimency the world had ever seen, so he could probably just destroy Grindlewald's mind before or read his thoughts. He was also the first Wizard to break the laws of physics and fly without any means of transportation, and he was stated to be the greatest dark lord to have ever lived.


Voldemort was WEAKER. That's why he protected himself by making Horcruxes. Grindelwald survived his own nefarious exploits in one piece.


Grindelwalds acolytes were more loyal too


JK basically says Voldemort is the most dangerous dark wizard ever existed with Grindelwald taking second place through in an article Harry reads in the last book, so there you go.


The duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald lasted hrs and they we’re almost evenly matched and against Voldemort, an old, way past prime and cursed Dumbledore completely overwhelmed him


Grindalwald here are my reasons
He was spread all across Europe and voldy was only in Britain. His acolytes were more powerful and loyal than the death eaters .he was smarter and to a certain extent Dumbledore was afraid of what he could do the magical Community he was ruthless and a planner and well he wasn't defeated by a 18 year old boy

Voldy is also a very close match but as you say in a duel between grindalwald and voldy grindalwald would BARELY win close call
