Physical Exercise and Brain Health - Wendy Suzuki, Ph.D.

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What does exercise do to our brains? Dr. Wendy Suzuki visited the University of California, Irvine to talk to our community about her journey, both professionally and personally, with exercise. Dr. Suzuki is a Professor of Neural Sciences at New York University and author of Healthy Brain, Happy Life. A special thank you to Tina Elkins who accompanied Dr. Suzuki on the drum.

This public outreach event was a collaboration between the UC Irvine Exercise Medicine and Sport Sciences Initiative (EMSSI), directed by Dr. James Hicks and the UC Irvine Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM), directed by Dr. Michael Yassa.

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Amazing talk ! Her talk starts at 10:00


I took some notes while watching this; here are the approximate timestamps marking where different topics are discussed:

00:00 -

18:20 -
Long-term memory and the results of removing the hippocampus

25:50 -
Anecdote about exercise and long term memory

26:48 -
The literature says that "Increased aerobic exercise increases a range of different neurotransmitters that we know are associated with higher mood states"

28:00ish -
Physical and physiological changes in rat brains as a result of "enriched environment"
- Cortex is thicker
- Neurotransmitter levels change
- More synapses
- More angiogenesis
- More growth factors
- Hippocampal neurogenesis

What part(s) of the enriched environment are important?
- the single most important factor was the RUNNING WHEEL! (29:00)

31:00 -
A great course idea - anecdotes about setting up and running a course with academic and exercise component

34:00 - 36:30
audience participation!

37:00 -
The course was an hour of that exercise before each class, followed by an hour and half of lecture and discussion

39:50 -
Anecdotal - the exercises' reaction time and memory got better compared to a control class

41:53 -
Anecdotal introduction to speaker's ageing father beginning to lose memory, who is too elderly to do those exercises

43:30 -
other function of hippocampus other than long term memory: imagining novel experiences

45:00 -
fMRI studies show activation in the hippocampus when subjects are asked to imagine experiences that the have not experienced before

46:00 -
Study: cycling vs video gaming

49:00 -
- Education - other recent studies, possible education policy changes? (51:20)
- Public health and economy
- Ageing

- Physical exercise causes positive changes in our brains that result in improved mood, memory and attention
- The exercise does not need to be particularly intensive to start providing benefits
How much? Enough to break a sweat, not enough to stress you - maybe 3x a week. But even, for elderly people, just walking, will improve mood and cognition.
- Start now! LOLOLOL


Thank you for the very engaging talk which completely answered my questions! Love her amazing and authentic energy and presence!


I love to dance and help the homeless people for happy brain I have a Traumatic Brain Injury.


The audio is horrible. Can't hear half of it on max volume


Exercise also has several psychological benefits for seniors, such as relieving anxiety, improving your mood, and even preventing mental diseases. Brahmi and Shankhpushpi capsules from Planet ayurveda soothe our nerves and calms or mind.


I have 2 year gym experance 😊
I love gym


She's such a nerd. I love nerds...
