Calculating Size Using Geometry Nodes

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First I should say I have flu at the moment so you're going to hear some "interesting" pronunciation of words and there are some cuts in the middle of sentences when I had to cough and edited them out.

Other than that this shows how to find the dimensions of an object using Geometry Nodes in Blender and gives an example of how this might be used.

00:00 Intro
00:29 Use example
02:26 Node Setup Explanation
05:10 Using the Node Setup

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Tip with splitting the vectors and then rebuilding them to isolate one of the vector axises (axese? no idea how to spell that). You can achieve that with a single Vector Math node - use a Vector Math Multiply against a vector with 1 in all the axises(sp) you want to keep, and a 0 in all the ones you want to ditch.


Hi. So you're amazing. Had no idea I'd actually been following your tutorials for a while. Came here for the horns. Stayed for the towers. Bless. JDF, the one who portrayed the Green Ranger has recently passed away and I was wondering if there's any possible way you could do a tutorial regarding making helmets? Even if not, big fan. I regret not subscribing to you sooner.


Thank you :D This is exactly what I was trying to do but I was doubting about the method, turns out you have the same method but with the solution (separate XYZ + combine XYZ at 5:40)


Um, Blender will display the length of mesh edges (Edit Mode) in the Viewport Overlays options. If you only want general XYZ extents, look at the object Dimensions in the Properties.


Very helpfull. I was thinking of how to cslculate the circumference of a tire for a geo nodes tire set up. I was thinking a bounding box of some sort will give me the diameter for the calculations


Hey! What if my bounding box is bigger than the actual object? Can i change the size of the bounding box without affecting the geometry?


hi i ve been enjoying your sculpting stone series i have a query is there any decent way to turn images to brush alpha i tried using materialize and laighter but its nor really working out for me? and hope ur flu gets cured soon


Hey, what's the red texture name? Do you have a download/purchase link?


Maybe you can help as i cant figure something out, i thought this vid might help but its not what i need

I have a mesh to points set to faces and an instance to points node the input geometry is a plane of faces not all the same size(different size faces)

What i want is for the instances that are placed with the instance to points node to scale the x and y to fit to each face the point is on/from

Any ideas?
