Is RICE Good or Bad for you? [And Why Asians are Skinny Eating White Rice?]

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Do you eat a lot of RICE? Have you ever wondered if it's Good or Bad for you?
Rice has been a staple food for billions of people. Asians are known to eat a rice-based diet and maintain a healthy weight and have low rates of type 2 diabetes for thousands of years. But, if we look at the data now, it's no longer true.

Asians eat white rice and their obesity and type 2 diabetes rates are going up. It follows the same trend as the rest of the world. Just a bit delayed. In this video, you will learn about the Asian paradox and you'll understand what actually happened.

In this short video, I'm gonna answer your question - Is rice good or bad for you? I'm gonna look at different types of rice, white rice vs brown rice. I will explain Why are Asians Skinny Eating White Rice and why they don't get diabetes. And whether you should be eating rice or not.

If you’re new to my channel, my name is Greta and I’m an online nutritionist and a health coach who supports the clean low carb keto diet. I'm the founder of Advanced Nutrition and Health.

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I hope this video answer the question, Is RICE Good or Bad for you.
I don't support eating any type of rice.
I would call it a waste of space on a plate.


1. Genes Are Not Destiny

2. Trends in carbohydrate, fat, and protein intakes and association with energy intake in normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals: 1971–2006

3. Increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the United States: an ecologic assessment

4. Macronutrients and obesity: Revisiting the calories in, calories out framework

Also, check out my other videos:
ZERO Carb Food List - Foods with No Carbs and No Sugar (Low Carb Keto)

How to start a KETO Diet? Keto for Beginners UK – Clean keto Foods List & a Meal Plan

Low Carb Keto Dinner - Clean Keto Meal Ideas

5 Simple Steps to Optimal Health

#isricegoodforyou #isricebadforyou #rice
Рекомендации по теме

very informative video .what about wild rice or boiled green bananas ?


Really interesting facts about changes in average diet, it makes more sense when you look at it that way, also props to mentioning changes in lifestyle as well, that's a crucial point that is often missed, brilliant video! keep up the great work! 👍


historic journalism is the best information on anything especially when it come to health


Really good information thank you very much 🙏


Chinese don't eat rice much, they mostly eat alot of fatty greasy food if you watch chinese ASMR. Mostly people from "Thais, laotian, cambodian, Japanese and vietnamese
eat rice with every meal, everyday and has the less obesity in the world.. Chinese are different from other "oriental" Southeast asians. People from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burmese and Japan mostly eat rice everyday and are fine..But chinese are different from other asians..And now those countries have American fast food restaurants that is bringing the obesity rate up.


Idk when I lived in Korea I was in the absolute best shape in my life and I ate hella rice. I also walked a lot. But I didn’t eat a lot of junk foods either


What do you think of the Morenga (2013) review that concluded sugar intake when calories are equated did not affect weight gain?


Yes in small amounts, just like everything in moderation.Body builders eat tuna and rice...and i got abs from eating white rice so i dont believe it, my dad is 83 and hes lean we live in Nz im 43 so nope


I agree that carbs are too much consumed but the main reason why Chinese are getting fat is because they are getting rich . A bit of rice 🍚 does not harm anyone. Better eat rice than wheat or gluten.


I reversed my life threatening gallbladder disease on a no fat, vegan diet consuming large amounts of pasta and rice daily. I also dropped 30lbs effortlessly with no exercise. The keto diet is 💩 and if you are looking to raise your risks of developing gallstones and gallbladder disease, by all means follow the keto diet! Because cholesterol forms gallstones. You wont be happy, gallbladder attacks are more painful than child birth. Every population of people that are known for the longest life expectancies in the world eat a high grain, high plant based diet with limited amounts of animal products. There are ZERO populations of long living people on a keto style diet.
