MOST IMPORTANT Thing Your Husband NEEDS From You! - Marriage Advice

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MOST IMPORTANT Thing Your Husband NEEDS From You! - Marriage Advice

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu

*This video is created by & for The Daily Reminder. Feel free to re-upload and share.

**No music was used in the production of this video.


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Speaker: Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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My husband was late today. Before i listemed to this lecture i texted him sarcastically that whether he was planning to come to home or not (he usually is always on time) he did not reply. Luckily i came across this video while surfing, after listning to it i texted him i havent taken dinner yet. I am still waiting for you. Will u come or u will get late . He replied me right away that he is done with his work he is about to leave for home.

Thanks for highlighting this issue. I never realised i do this mistake so frequently untill i watched this video. Jazak Allah o khairan


Every one is looking to marry a good person but no one is trying to be a good person


I love my husband. I always interfere and he never tells me off he listens and mutually respects me for having an opinion. If I’m wrong he will explain why I’m wrong and why I should drop that thought. I’m so happy I don’t have to tip toe around him Alhumdholillah. Allah swt give my husband a long healthy happy life and may he always find success and may our love for each other grow even more as we get older, ameen.


What husband's need from their wives

1. Respect your husband's knowledge and judgement.
2. Let the husband make his mistake, and make him learn from his mistake.
3. Trust his capabilities.
4. Never make fun of him but praise him.


A person with more knowledge, he will have less ego.
The lesser the knowledge, the more the ego.
Mutual respect is the answer to a long lasting marriage, inshaAllah.


I am Christian, and engaged to a Muslim man. We are both Lebanese, and so in-love. I’ve been wanting to get to know more about his religion, by all respect. I am so happy and proud for those teachings... it brings tears to my eyes. The love and faith is so powerful mashallah. Thank you so much for those teachings of the truth. May God keep it coming inshallah. This needs to be shared.


I agree that phrasing and tones are important. But there should be an equal love and respect in ANY relationship, not just romantic. I should not be scared to tell my husband if we are going the wrong way. That is not a marriage, that is a dictatorship. I have to pretend weakness to build his ego, when I can do something myself. I am not looking for a savior, I can provide for myself. I want a partner that removes the burdens of being alone, not add stress because I have to suppress who I am. If we don't communicate effectively then he is not the man Allah selected for me.


I realized moments when i disrespect my husband, im glad i saw this video and make me understand my husband clearly, im gonna be watching most of your videos for my self growth and making my family stronger


most of the comments are talkin about expectations than one‘s responsibilities. if you wanna be loved, you have to love first, wanna be respected, respect first. wanna have the best husband, be the best wife. same goes for the man. people should focus on our responsibilities than focus on expectations such as i hope my partner is like this and that. we rather should think like „i should be good like this and that to my partner so she/he would do the same to me“. better dont have any expectations at all. cause you will be disappointed, but you will never be disappointed if you put your expectations to Allah since he‘s the best Planer. may Allah makes it easier for us to be a better person day by day


If I see he’s doing something wrong it’s better to point it out casually than to make his waste his time or energy. Smart men learn from both mistakes AND advice


Some men need guidance and are in fact not very wise. I've been married 10 years, it works because we respect and value each others opinions and counsel.


as a wife I do behave the same with my husband trust me my life is colourful with the god grace and my husband cares me a lot.I advice every couple to have understanding between them


“You took a knife and you stabbed him in his heart!” 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 men are sure babies


I love traditional masculinity, BUT: when i told him i was translating a book of Bengali poetry from English, he started laughing at me. "U cant be capable of that, u need a poetry mind for that". It hurt me so deeply, i will never forget. I finished the book and one of my friends, who is an editor, helped me publish it. He never read it. I always write short stories and collect them in a new book: he never asked what i am writing about, not a single time. I thought a man would love to know the deep thoughts of his wife, what her concerns about the world r, what is having such impacts on her...that she needs to write about. Its a way of discovering ur partner, right? He never bothered with one question. I am calling him myself "baba", like our daughters, i am like his little girl, he is melting then. He needs be babied when he is sick, i do it. He is engineer and manager, has stress at work, i always comfort him, always calming him down so that he could deal properly with his superior. About his work, yes, he always talks to me. He WANTS me to be like a wife, mother, sister, FRIEND... and i am all that, he says it himself. But when it comes to MY needs, everything becomes just so...formal. For long years i have told myself he is just too stressed, a lot of responsibilities, as many members of the family hang on him as well. But i KNOW that the man who loves his wife can fix her back with only one word, its not what u say, its HOW u say. He has 6 sisters, two of them love me crazily, i think this is why i am still a part of this family, plus my daughters, obviously, but my daughters r my own family. I am caring, i am funny, i am peaceful, he feels like the man of the men when he goes for two hours with his friends for a coffee in weekend and his wife doesnt freak him out with phone calls, its him who calls:"I am coming, need anything from outside?", while the friends's wives had called ten times to complain they were left alone for too long. He is happy because i am convenient. But he doesnt love me. So, its a two ways Street, people! Remember that!


In videos like this, they forget to mention that the Prophets and their companions were men who were WORTHY of respect! They were men who behaved in a respectful manner! Men who want to be respected, have to demonstrate their worth first. And giving them respect means that the wife in turn expects respect, if she is respectful as well! Islam doesn't promote respect for one gender only. First try to be good decent human beings, then focus on being good wives and husbands. People can't even get the basics right. And Muslims in patriarchal societies, don't raise their sons according to Islam to begin with.
Good Muslim men aren't abusive, controlling or condescending.


The problem is that men take advantage and now think the wife is not even worth listening to.

Us woman also want a sense of respect. We also are intelligent humans.

I understand this video. Unfortunately it is hard when a man does the exact opposite in return


I'm a teenage and unmarried girl and very surprised with this lecture .keep posting this kind of lectures. Goodwork😊


I knew the comment section was going to be trash. If you're Muslim and you don't agree with the way Allah created both male and female then something is clearly wrong with you. You think there's fault in Allah's wisdom. Husbands have SO MANY rights over their wives, that's just an Islamic ruling that you have to abide by. And in return, wives have their rights over men so STOP COMPLAINING. Stop comparing yourself to a man. He's a whole different gender. He thinks differently, acts differently, and has a completely different mindset. Stop thinking you're oppressed and stop thinking like a feminist. That's a western, non Muslim mentality that shouldn't be mixed up with the teachings of Islam. Women complain way too much and find fault in everything a guy does. Look at your faults first and fix them.


My husbands a bloody idiot. Makes the same mistakes repeatedly. The first few times i let him. After a long time i was over it. I set him straight. Im not a damsel. I dont need a husband to rescue me. I rescue myself from bad situations. I rescue my husband from everything. Hes a ridiculous man but he has the biggest heart in the world. I didnt marry him for his rescuing abilities or because of his intelligence. I married him because he is everything i am not. He is kind. He is gentle. He is caring and loving. I am practical. I am assertive. I am smarter than him. I am everything he is not. Together it feels like we are one whole person. People used him, walked all over him. Took his kindness for weakness. He could never stand up for himself. I was always ready to fight, ready to stand up for my rights and i never let anyone walk over me. When we got together I fought for him. Showed him he was worthy of being respected and that he was worth fighting for. He put a gentle arm on my shoulder whenever i got into situations that i believed required me to fight back. He let me know that i didnt have to fight all the time. That it was ok to let smaller things pass because i wasnt alone anymore. Because he would be right there with me throughout it all. If i held back when i became his wife and trusted his judgement and stroked his ego we would be raising a family in the spare room of someone elses home. We would not be able to enjoy the life we are blessed to have today. As he says, i am the fire that drives him to be the best version of himself. I never let him fall. I never let him break. Thats how i respect my husband. I help him acknowledge his weaknesses and then i help him strengthen them. That to me is how you let a man be a man. That is how he became a strong man. Thats the kind of man i need. Playing to his ego will only give him a false sense of masculinity. Id rather my man have a huge ego with the proof to back it up


Respect should be earned. Most men are child like, they don't behave like a responsible adult . Now women are the care taker by nature. What would you do when a child does something wrong, you would correct them. If men are mentioned to be the qawaam then they should behave like one. No offense
