How To Improve Faster In Tennis - 100+ Tennis Drills

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The Key To Turbo Boost Your Improvements
Do you ever feel like you are improving too slowly in your tennis?
Maybe you've hit a wall that you can't overcome?

You might be spending money on private lessons, clinics and camps plus hours watching instructional videos but you keep hitting that plateau.

Unfortunately this is all too common and happens to players of all levels around the world.

Jump Off The Crazy Hamster Wheel. . .

Whenever we are learning a new skill or set of skills there are 4 stages of improvement we must go through until we make it a habit:

Unconscious Incompetence - "I don't know that I don't know how to do this." This is the stage of blissful ignorance before learning begins.

Conscious Incompetence - "I know that I don't know how to do this, yet." This is the most difficult stage, where learning begins, and where the most judgments against self are formed. This is also the stage that most people give up.

Conscious Competence - "I know that I know how to do this." This stage of learning is much easier than the second stage, but it is still a bit uncomfortable and self-conscious.

Unconscious Competence - "What, you say I did something well?" The final stage of learning a skill is when it has become a natural part of us; we don't have to think about it.

The Secret Sauce

Where do most players go wrong? Well now that we understand the pathway to learning a new skill we can zone in on two key areas - stage 2 and stage 3.

Once we have a basic understanding of the stroke/s and we are learning the new skill the question becomes how do we now speed up making this new skill a habit that will hold up during a match?

Here is where 90% of players go wrong - they attend their weekly lessons and know what they should be doing but they don't back up that learning with repetitions.

This is why they get stuck in stage 1 and 2. Every week it's like they reset back to the start, they improve in that hour and then learning stops. One step forward and two steps back. Their progress stops.

But if you back that learning up with drills that help you build autonomous habits then you have the "secret sauce".

You might be thinking great, but I don't know what drills to focus on for each stroke?!?

That's where we come in.

Being out on court teaching players of all ages and levels has given us a unique insight into what works and more importantly what doesn't.

We have used that knowledge to put together a library of tried and tested drills that will help you boost improvement in all areas of your game!

Click here to get started today -
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You should make a video dedicated to people who are trying to go professional. Like things they should work on, shots that are essential to use, etc


Great video can't wait to try out some of these thanks.


OMG I wish I had such great trainers when I was an aspiring kid


Is forehand slice a viable shot anymore?


i feel like doing each and every one of these drills twice.. too sad there is noone to feed me the balls properly `:(


Can you offer some easier drills? Like, a lot easier?
