Wing Chun vs Boxing!!! 3 Reasons Why It FAILED this Fight

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Wing Chun is a great martial art, but here’s what happens when you ignore the universal principles of combat!

As in any fight, you still need to abide by the universal basics of Distance Control, Footwork, and Timing. These attributes have nothing to do with actual Wing Chun techniques, but just fighting.

Surprisingly there are some people outside of the Wing Chun community that have the opinion that Wing Chun does not work a fight. Of course defining a real fight is difficult, as the term can mean different things to different people. This is where the misconceptions about Wing Chun begin.

As in any martial art it is necessary to develop the ability to manage and control distance to the person that is attacking you. This involves the attribute of developing good mobility and footwork.



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Fast forward to 1:40 if you want to skip the author speaking without actually conveying any message. "The right move at the wrong time, is the wrong move." Very astute observation. Does this also mean the right answer is actually the wrong answer, if applied at the wrong question/problem? Who would've ever guessed that, absolutely brilliant thinking my man!


What I've noticed with with a lot of these Wing Chun 'experts' is once there is any semblance of a semi-real, anything goes fight against other styles, most of their Wing Chun footwork and stance goes, and minus perhaps their signature chain punches, they fight increasingly like (messy)


I mainly rely on boxing but I use wing tsun too to add variety to my fighting style. It's good to have a variety of options because fights can get messy.


It's all boils down to the basic foundation of every martial arts. It all begins with proper stances. Without proper stances one cannot achieve proper footwork. Without proper footwork, there's no proper distance. And without proper distance there can never be the proper timing. You remove the foundation of your art then you remove its essence. You remove its essence then you remove its effectiveness.


The largest factor seems to be the style of training. You can master all forms and techniques within any given style but without training your arts application within sparing, matches or street fights, its next to impossible to contend with a seasoned fighter. Boxing gyms have a huge focus on matches and sparring, distance and reflex is drilled into a boxer but not all schools/dojos have the same focus.


So wing chun has to adapt to the modern and effective fighting style by adding in footwork, timing and distancing, right? I am not saying that it is not a good thing to do so, but at the end of the day when you incorporate those things to make your wing chun effective you will realize that you are fighting in the exact same Boxing way - So why don't just start off with Boxing then to save all those unnecessary "journey" lol. You are just re-inventing the wheel!


Even that psycho Charlie Zelenov could beat any wing chun masters.


I'm a grappler (BJJ) so I don't really favor one style over the other which makes me a bit more objective. I don't all that much about Wing Chun but it seems like this video is a very unfair portrayal of WC. The boxer is just so much taller and also seems a lot more experienced in fighting as well as tougher! This might sounds weird coming from a BJJ guy but all those constant comparisons of different fighting leads us absolutely nowhere! If you're naturally a good boxer than do boxing, if you're a WC-guy do that instead, if you're a grappler do Judo or BJJ or wrestling! An athletic individual that can do any of those arts is going to be able to defend themselves to a certain extent against a guy, and that's really all you can hope for realistically!!


This video illustrates the point of range: Wing Chun fighters need to get in to be effective and stay in rather than in and out. A boxer is further away and can comfortably pick you off with little effort as we saw but that's not to say that boxers are not comfortable at hooking and uppercut range.


This man has it correct, distance, timing, and foot work, and accuracy are essential to winning a fight.  Too bad wc does not teach you any of the above.


I wouldn't call that a wing chun master, he doesn't use the Wing Chun footwork.

That boxer has no respect for that guy (rightfully so) because he's a BOXER who not even keep his hands up, that's just how little he thinks of the guy, confirmed later @2:04.

This vid is less about boxing vs wing chun and more about who would win; a tall guy or a shorter guy.


Wing Chun couldn't be used in an actual street fight in terms of getting into the stance etc, as you wouldn't have time, people would find it odd. However..during your scuffle, certain blocks/counter-attacks can be utilised if used correctly, they can work, so it is good for straight-on close-quarters, but only briefly/subtly, and incorporated into your scuffle....Most guys these days all think they're boxers, so they're really predictable getting into a boxing stance and dancing over to you, they don't think of kicking, just trying to go for the knock-out, or grab u and throw you about. Real fights are animal-instinct, lip-pulling, eye-gouging etc, and if you can get them manoeuvres in, even boxing goes out of the window in the real world....


Bruce Lee found this out long time ago, a brazilian jkd instructor showed this in one of his videos; that when a wing chun practitioner does a straight blast, they are vulnerable from being hit with an overhand, a boxer can simply step out and do an overhand punch.


Okay I train WC. Every time I see someone fight online using WC all they do is try to chain punch. His footwork was off, His balance was off, His center was off, His pressure was off, ect. Why does no one use gan sao? Notice a lot of people because they train this way do one move then stop and pose. Instead of reacting to next move or just continuing in to finish. Now I do the same thing from time to time from repetition. But looks like a bunch of posing positions than actual technique. People need to train for reality! When you train punch with real intent or you will learn absolutely nothing.


Time after time, I see WingChun fighters make the same mistake, they advance and retreat. Wing Chun is effective at close range so retreating makes no sense .
It is NOT meant for and should never be used to spar at the arms length range. At that range, you kick his balls / knee caps / toes with a low straight front kick . This 'master' deserved what he got.


One important key factor not mentioned in this video, is the fact the boxer has a very long reach advantage with his lead hand.

He pretty much used his jab as both a measuring tool as well as a way to stop the Wing Chun guy's forward momentum the whole fight.

Trying to rush forward against a tall, experienced boxer with good footwork is a sure way to constantly get countered too.

The main reason the Wing Chun guy got KO'd at 2:31 is due to the fact he rushed forward with a lazy punch, leaving his chin exposed, and also the fact he became predictable with the same approach a few times before, creating a perfect reading signal for the boxer to "feel" and eventually capitalize on that opening.

They say against a tall-boxer-puncher, you should cut off the ring on them.
In this case though, I feel strongly that the boxer is just too experienced.
It would take many years of learning proper boxing technique, with lots and lots of sparring to be able to do that.

A few weeks would not cut it.


I love this...I have been training for years in Wing Chun and try to improve my techniques with whomever but....l hate when people or instructors try to prove their art is more effective than other art...I train to fight, protect my family...friends...maybe a citizen...not put down
karate...Thai...or any training style. No ONE style is better than all's your training that better prepares you for an ambush or attack. No disrespect but all this nonsense is based on getting more students and money...the problem with martial artist...we all THINK we can kick someone else's ass...Until...✊💥👊😪


Bruce Lee saw the limitation of Wing Chun when he got into a fight with Wong Jack Man


This channel should be called “delusional self certified fake martial arts expert”


The core pro (1)/cons(9) of wc are-
1. Range, they try for sticky hands/trapping and lose to hugs, double legs, and clench.
2. Power, they simply do not rotate or extend enough to generate knockout punches (bruce lee was MMA not pure WC). Power only means something if there is followthrough, which wc lacks.
3. Reach, they have a square stance which limits their reach. When fighting an opponent with a longer reach, one needs either the blade stance or great gap closers (tyson bob/weave or tackles)
4. Mindset, they foolishly limit themselves to primarily straight punches, which makes them too predictable.
5. Balance, they tend to statically lean on their back foot which limits backwards footwork and makes forward footwork too obvious.
6. Challange, they simply do not push themselves hard enough compared to competitive athletes.
7. Tradition, they are too obsessed with training based on what some guy under yip man did, nevermind that WCs most famous student totally disregarded tradition.
8. Touch, since the focus on trapping is so developed, they are often blind to punches from opponents that dont maintain touch (ie, boxers).
9. Movement, the wc dummy is too stationary, as are most wc practioners. They often 'plant' and trap.

Sticky hands is good tactile training for grappling, however instead on focusing on weak punches, it should focus more on elbows, headbutts, throws, trips, and takedowns. Also a ground version of this could be great in bjj.

Out of place, but..maybe WC would work with weapons. The linear movement and stabbing motions might make this style blend well with shield wearing, gladius wearing, ranks of dense legionares. Too bad it's useless now.
