I QUIT doing Squats and Deadlifts! | Why work harder when you can work smarter?

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I thought a lot about this decision and I've decided that the juice ain't worth the squeeze. No more playing with fire. Plus if I can have the benefits of Squats and Deadlifts by working them statically, why bother dynamically? Yeah this can be argued and I'm sure it will but its a decision im gonna roll with for now.

NoLimitSquad, what do you think? Would you have made the same choice with your Isochain? Comment below! Here on the NoLimitSquad, we focus on the new Isochain product, an Isometric bar and chain device fitness product that as of 2021 we are predicting to take the world by storm a few years from now and will be used by virtually any fitness enthusiast for decades to come!
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Has anyone made a decision like this? It’s a viable decision now that we have crazy new tech like the Isochain! Shoot your comments below!👇


Same here mate. I squatted and deadlifted for about 15 years and now my lower back is totally shot. The slightest thing triggers off a terrible back spasm that lasts for days. It’s hurting right now as I type this and I don’t even know what I did to set it off! All I do now is some bodyweight stuff and my OG isochain. There’s many isochain exercises that I can’t do, so I have to modify everything.


A few all-out hill sprints once or twice a week, plus isochain, sounds like a pretty nasty combo...


Courageous decision, and the right one, IMHO. Kudos to you for having the balls to make the call!!!
Personally, I gave up squats and D/Ls years ago, when I started doing Convict Conditioning. Now that I'm doing IsoChain, I throw in the odd (approx. every 10 days) ConvCond workout to check the transfer of strength. Transfers nicely -- the ConvCond exercises have become "easy" almost overnight. BEFORE IsoChain, one-arm pushups and one-leg squats were TRAINING, now they are "just" circuit training ;o) I no longer consider the ConvCond stuff a strength workout -- although I love doing those exercises, for strength-skill, the ConvCond workout now replaces a cardio (HIIT) session.
Heartily support your move away from hi-risk/hi-reward moves to lo-risk/hi-reward statics. You can always "check" the strength with one-armed chest-to-floor pushups or one-leg ass-to-floor squats if you want a bit of lo-risk fun ;o)


Sounds like a very smart choice, Chris. I couldn't agree more! The risk-reward ratio can be too high sometimes. Especially when there's an alternative (isochain) that offers all the reward without the risk. An athlete needs to know their body and decide what's best, regardless of what tradition dictates. Injuries cost too much... especially the ones that you don't bounce back from.


I am pushing 80 and after lifting weights since I was 13i have suffered and learned a lot. I w😢absolutely not do squats or deadlifts except on isochain. Why would I take stupid risks at my age. Besides what would I gain? I have to totally agree with you? If you are not competing, why do it? You are wise to go the direction you are choosing as you will appreciate it especially when you get my age and not in a wheelchair or walker like a former mr Olympia


You have the benefit of already knowing that the exercises you are substituting on the isochain WORK, which is why the switch is a no brainer. It feels like cheating doesn't it? To be able to get gains contrary to what the industry preaches every day. I've been out of the traditional workout game for years. I've always had vicious DOMS that punishes me for working hard, and that always killed my motivation to continue. Been researching alternative methods for years, chomping at the bit to commit to something, and this device just happened to show itself at the perfect time. Now I can put the puzzle together.


Are you far less likely to injure your back with an isometric deadlift? I have a similar history as you and nervous as hell about picking up anything heavy including an isometric dead lift.


Hi Chrys, received my isochain today 🙌 and did my first workout. I chose the “burn count” one. Started light, really liked it. But feel that I should do more. Also, there is a bit of a learning curve with the isochain. Do you do online coaching? Might be an idea to make sure I’m doing the training right?


If you do split squats you need way less load on the spine while training the legs even better.
Only reason to train barbell is egolifting with big weights imo


Have you tried hip belt squats? I have scoliosis and the hip bolt squat I have been doing for years and it takes all the strain from the lower back which can be a problem when doing barbell squats


Same EXACT thing I decided upon. I cannot tell you how much time I’ve spent with injuries from barbell training. The cost to benefit ratio is simply not worth it, especially long term and more specifically when you have tools like the Isochain.


There is no scientific reason to do dynamic lifts period Vs the Isochain ones....


You deserve more subscribers. Keep up the fire content.


I'll be interested to see how your experiment works.

I love the squat. When I was 19, I could squat 315x30, 405x15, and 500x5 on a regular basis. At 52, I can still squat 400+ for a double on a good day. I generally prefer the Kabuki Transformer bar (safety squat bar) to the straight bar for squats now, because it puts less wear and tear on my shoulders. I'd hate to give up the squat and I'm hoping that my Isochain will build my tendons and strength so I won't have to quit them. (I partially herniated a disc in my lower back outside the gym during a very long layoff at age 29 but it is fine now.)

Deadlifts have never been my thing compared with squats. I pulled 455 lbs as a lifetime best at age 17. I dabble in the 350-400 lbs range now, and would like to get to 500 lbs before I expire.

If you decided to return to an isotonic movement, have you tried trap bar deadlifts? You can do squat style or hinge deadlift style deadlifts. I also like the bar for rows and high pulls, and they look like they'd work well for split squats and lunges. The trap bar is more forgiving, form-wise than the straight bar deadlift is. You can adjust your stance and position to compensate for your body type. The Kabuki trap bar, which I'm lucky to have, is the best I've used and I've used many including Elieko's bar. (Sorry if I'm telling you stuff that you already know.)

I'll be interested to learn how your leg and back strength progress without squats and deadlifts. I'm also interested to learn how my squats and deadlifts will progress, now that I've added the Isochain to my routine.

Please keep us posted. Thanks!
