The only DayZ beginner's guide you'll probably ever need | How to find food, medicine, etc

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This video should teach you everything you need to know to survive DayZ. If there is something specific you feel is missing, feel free to ask me.

How to build a fire:
1. Cut down bushes and collect four sticks.
2. Combine rags with sticks to create a fireplace.
3. Place it anywhere(outside)
4. Add tinder, such as bark or rags.
5. Light with matches, lighter, hand drill or a flare.

Fire notes:
-If you don't have any of this to light the fire, use a knife to cut bark from a tree, combine it with a stick to make a hand drill which will light fires.
-Also, cut down trees to get logs which can fuel the fire.
-Fires can be seen(smoke and light) so be careful and always be aware.

How to make a fishing rod:
1. Combine a long stick(from a bush) with rope.
-Rope can be found or crafted by combining 12 rags.
2. Combine a fishing hook with a worm.
-Hooks can be found or crafted from animal/player bones using a knife-
-Worms can be found in the ground: knife, axe, shovel, pickaxe etc used on dirt to dig them out-
3. Combine the baited hook with the improvised fishing rod.
4. Fish in sea or ponds.

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Best tip for new players:
Don't get attached to your loot/gear.

You WILL die, and you WILL lose everything. There is no escaping this. Devs roll out a big patch, and suddenly it's goodbye gear, or even goodby base. Or the server gets shut down. Or someone raids your base while you're offline. Or you fall through the terrain and die. Or some other stupid bug or thing happens. Hell, you may just be jogging through the woods and trip a random grenade tripwire someone placed 6 days earlier just because they could, no rhyme or reason. You will die. You will lose everything. If you're playing to have the best gear and a huge base for hoarding, you're playing the game wrong. DayZ is about that initial grind, the battle between you, yourself, and the elements.

The friend I had who taught me how to let go, to enjoy the early game instead of striving for the late game, taught me by intentionally blowing his head off while fully kitted, and told us to keep the gear, or do whatever. He'd get it all back again anyway doing what he loves, playing the early game.


Another tip is if your clothing or backpack gets ruined don't take them off unless you've got a replacement because you won't be able to put them back on.


The end explanation about how common it is to die reminds me of one time I had 3 bleed stacks and used tape, thinking it would stop the bleed and instead handcuffed myself


im playing dayz for 2 years now, and for any noobs watching this video, i can say that this is such a good and informative video!


You have got that, "my friend telling me an interesting story at the pub voice" some solid tips and advice right there. Nice


It has been 5 years since I touched DayZ and I now that I got back into it, it took me first try to do everything I wanted and only to die from the illness which I was inexperienced in, thank you for your tips and hopefully one day I can find you in-game and survive together


Im a bit late to the party but.. just another commenting that this guys has saved so many newbies a lot of stress and wasted time! Thanks for taking the time to make a video my guy👌


This is excellent, My 'go to' video tutorial for Dayz when I need to recap. Basically it contains everything you need to get started.


Good tip while searching a neighborhood is to walk around the trees and pickup fruit to eat. Just started playing and this made a huge difference.


The mushroom thing you mentioned saved me today. I was with someone I just met today and we were heading from one village to a bigger village, cutting through a forest. Well he had no health left and could barely walk so I ended his suffering so he could respawn and hopefully make it to the village I was headed to. My health was critical too because of hunger and just as I was thinking to suicide I found a mushroom. It raised my hunger and put my health back to yellow, basically filling it to half which was unexpected.


I just started DayZ I played 8 hours so far and I'm hooked I love it your video has helped to explain things I will be watching more!


Nice one - very helpful. I spent trying cure my cold, tablet after tablet until I realised I needed to take my helmet off!

Also, It's one of those games where if you can survive say, the first hour, it suddenely gets easier.


This channel is awesome i just abt gave up on dayz but even the short videos have an impact and less overwhelming when it comes down to it


Thx for the tips....most of my knowledge of DayZ comes from you. 😎👍🏾


I have different method I'll describe in min but my very first game was in the dark, and raining the heaviest type and thunder n lighting. I'll add my tips. first off I'd suggest you run down the beach until u find a dry backpack..don't leave that beach til u have one..however if u spot houses enter them and try find food, clothes and knife or crowbar or other tool to craft rags..always check outdoor toilets for iodine or other disinfectant. Get some and disinfect rags. If it's raining a raincoat and wellys are great. Use them. Then back to beach for that Dry bag. Once u have one u can move your way inland. Once rain stopped swop our raincoat and wellys for other jackets and shoes. Make a fire and take all clothes off then pop back on when dry..this guy gives info on all that. Best things to find ...sledgehammer. lockpick. Binoculars or rangefinder. Heatpads. How or shovel. Gun with mag and bullets.


As a small youtuber myself, I think this man deserves more credit and views


Brilliant video la, got over 2000 hours and this is by far the best video out there for new players met a few new lads that needed help recommend this to them 👍


Awesome video! I tried DayZ years ago for a few days and gave up due to the death cycle. About a week ago, the YouTube algorithm decided to show me some content, and now I'm really excited to give it another crack. This video makes me feel a lot better about jumping back in!


As a new player and having died 5 times already through lack of supplies and then when trying a community server and being killed by another player even though it was rather obvious I didn’t have anything of note (not even a backpack!), thank you for tips. I will try again! Ooh and I’ve subscribed 👍😊


I’m a dayZ vet, and I still love watching these cids
