DayZ - Beginners Survival Guide

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The basics you need to know to survive in DayZ Standalone.
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noobs trying to tell noobs how to play a game. uhh.. the tips where not that good at all.


Anyone know if this game is coming to us console peasants?


Rotten fruit - "That will instantly kill you". This is why women shouldn't present this show - they are just a pretty voice 


How to play Dayz: Run to military base, loot and change server over and over. 


Ign is just getting around to this...?


So this is what happens when Bambi's attempt a Survival Guide.


In DayZ there a couple of things you need to remember
1.) do not use flashlight at night. It is a good way to attract bandits and zombies so flashlight alone not useful at all.
2.) do not sway side to side. If you plan on playing DayZ ask a friend to play with you so that you have an insurance just in case some person decides to shoot you. This is only valid if your in full gear and have at least a hand gun handy.
3.) make sure to tear you shirt first thing when you spawn it gives you rags to patch yourself up with.
4.) Don't look for water and food first. Your an easy meal for anyone if you did that. Go look for a weapon even a knife will do but It is preferable to have a fire fighters ax.
5.) go look for water and food after procuring some way of defending your self.
6.) enlarge your inventory so you can store some food for a long journey to the military base.


Got shot for 3 cans of beans, survived, only later to be handcuffed by the same 3 men that shot my knee.

As I lay there on the ground pondering as to whether I would survive the encounter with the bandits in Cherno, my trousers were stripped from my almost dead body, this was suddenly followed by an influx of rotten fruit being rammed down my throat and disinfectant to wash it all down with. 

Seconds later my captors were shot by a hero, the hero came up to me looked me in the eyes as I gazed into his, he un-handcuffed me, I felt as if he was going to hug me. 
But then faster than a whip crack he blew my head off and stole me ♥♥♥♥in' beans.
11/10 would play again.

Saw this on steam review. lmao.


Ugh I wish my computer had good enough specs to play this :(


What I never understood about DayZ is where the objects spawn in houses. There was a single fresh apple sitting on the ground between the door and a shelf. If we disregarded the fact that there was a random fresh apple in an old abandoned house, why wouldn't the game devs make the apple appear  on a counter top or in a kitchen or somewhere that would even make sense? You know what I mean? hahah


This wont come out on ps4/xbox... it just wont.


Quick veteran tips time! You pick up items more effectively by hitting tab and finding the vicinity bit, then dragging items from there into your inventory. You can open cans with anything sharp. You can eat rotten food by first consuming antibiotics. You can't drink any water as it may be deadly, but you can find water purification tabs in medkits. If you bleed out too much, you can restore your health with morphine or saline, but unless you find an auto-injector you can't use those on yourself. You need a friend. Wobbling isn't indicative of friendly, but insisting that you're a friend over mic is. Don't eat damaged canned food, as it might kill you. You can force-feed people.


IGN made a survival guide: just saying, take this with a tea spoon of salt. 


this did not just give me tips on how to start but acctually made me want to buy day z! good showing skills


I dont EVER use the flash light, its like a big sign for a person with a mosin or SKS saying IM OVER HERE SHOOT ME IM A FRESH SPAWN WITH NOTHING TO OFFER!!! I never use it, never will.


You have to drink until you get a message like "I feel completely full" If you drink more you will vomit and loose a lot of energy.


Comprehensive Guide for New Players...

Important information: 
Steam name:
Changing your Steam name will result in the loss of your character.

Server Hives:
Most servers are hived (Meaning you can change from one to an other maintaining your progress. However there is currently a bug resetting progress if you frequently hope servers) 
Private hives are also being rolled out (Not all servers will be connected to the main hive and each character may be tired to individual servers or the main hive)

Health System:
If you'd think twice about consuming something in real life; it's safe to assume it'll kill you in DayZ. Don't eat anything rotten or ingest disinfectant.
If you bleed use some common sense; rip up your shirt and use the rages to bandage yourself (Do so by first taking off the shirt then right clicking inside the inventory screen)

Health and blood make up you overall health; if you lose too much blood you will die. 

You can regenerate blood and health if you are fully fed and hydrated. (Your character essentially spawns starving: eating and or drinking until the indicators inside your inventory screen no longer show, DOES NOT mean that you are full) If you eat and drink a lot the game will eventually indicate that you are completely full in the bottom left of the screen. If both your thirst and or hunger are completely satisfied; then you will see a healing indicator inside the inventory screen. (Be advised certain food/drinks will make you more or less thirsty and or hungry) 

You can also heal by using a saline bag (Though you will need another player to give you the saline) You can also draw blood from another player, using a IV starter kit and a blood bag and use that the same way you use the saline bag. (The type of blood you have matters; if you inject the wrong type of blood into a player it will kill said player) Blood testing kits will tell you your blood type.

Loot system:
Loot spawns after every server restart (It does not currently respawn)
Some places are not yet configured to spawn any loot.
Loot will spawn in hard to reach places and under objects (Eyes pealed)
The condition of some loot matters such as weapons (Not all loot has an in-game mechanic associated to it's condition as of yet) 
Killing a player will damage any items they have in their inventory.

Zombie Spawn system:
Zombies spawn on every server restart and currently do not spawn during play. (If an area is devoid of zombies; it likely may be looted or currently occupied by looting players)

Control Settings:

(This should make the mouse easier to use)
Configure>Controls>Aiming Dead Zone=Off
(This allows you to move your weapon independently of your body; which can make looting more difficult)

(At the moment this setting isn't working and is permanently set to on but in future turn this off)

Key Binding's:

Player Movement:
Movement=WASD Or Arrow Keys
(You should bind this to Ctrl.  It will allow you to sprint while holding Ctrl; instead of double tapping “W”)
Sprint=Double Tapping “W”
Run/Walk=Hold Shift
Toggle Run/Walk=Double Tap Shift
Step Over=V
(Pressing V while standing will step over and doing so while running will perform a running jump)
Lean=Q or E
(Double tapping either will toggle Lean)

(Weapons have to be in hand before you can use them; you can do this from the inventory screen, by dragging them to hand or assigning them a slot on the quick bar)
Raise/lower Weapon=Space Bar
(You default to your hands; if you have no weapon)
Attack=Left Mouse Button
Aim=Right Mouse Button 
Zeroing=Page Up/Down

1st/3rd Person: Enter
Free Look: Alt
(Holding Alt allows you to move your head independently of your body)
Zoom in and out+/- on the number pad

Primary Interaction: 
Interaction Menu=Scroll Wheel
Inventory Menu=Right Mouse Button 

Open Inventory: Tap
Quick Bar: Numbers 0-9
(Drag items onto the quick bar inside the inventory screen to assign the item)

Push to Talk=Cap Lock
(Double tapping Cap Lock will toggle push to talk to always on)
Text Chat=/
Player List=I

Gameplay Setting's:

(For those with motion sickness; I advise putting this off)

Manuel Performance Boost:
Documents>DayZ>Open a Text file: “DayZ”
Save file
(This should help boost frame rate slightly)

Video Settings:

(You can increase gamma and brightness to better see in the dark)
(The exact ratio of gamma to brightness isn't import but keeping them at the suggested level will keep the game from looking washed out)

(Vsyc has a big impact on frame rate)

(Setting this to auto allows DayZ to use all of the available video memory)

(Clouds will significantly lower your frame rate but during the night clouds have an affect on the way shadows are rendered and having them set to very high will increase your visibility massively)
(There's very little difference in shadow quality; having shadows set to anything higher than very low simply lowers the frame rate, at little to no increase in graphical fidelity)

Configure>Video>Rendering>HDR Quality=Low
(HDR Quality has a massive impact on visibility at night. Having HDR set on the highest setting; which is currently low, combined with the gamma, brightness and clouds settings I've recommend. Will make your night time play experience almost like wearing Night Vision Goggles)

(Another unnecessary Post Process effect) 

Processing Quality=Disabled
(This is what makes your screen all blurry when you lose a lot of health)

(Increasing the bloom will only increase the amount you're dazzled by the low winter sun in Chernarus) 
(Pretty self-explanatory) 


IGN attempting to give DayZ tips... my sides


DayZ survival guide: Go to youtube search bar, type in "FRANKIEonPCin1080p" and watch his DayZ videos. You're welcome.


Thanks for the tips.

Wait. Can't you punch/kick zombies in this game?
