35 Things EVERY Solo Player Needs to Know in 4 Minutes | DayZ

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This video reveals some of the tips and tricks you'll need to to master solo play as well as other useful information.

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Stationary players if wearing good camo clothing are the hardest ones to spot....atleast for me. The movement gives players away. Or maby its my settings i dont know


As a solo player that focuses on survival length over kills, the only thing I can add is if you need to approach someone (if you feel like it or as a last ditch effort to survive) is to make your presence known from afar and approach with no weapon to get within voice range. Dayz is Dayz but it works (rarely which is better than never). Great video.


I have managed to survive one whole week on a server, thanks to your video's.
Full disclosure, there has only been me on the server in the last week :)
Stay vigilant Survivor o/
EDIT: I have yet to find a cooking pot ...


As a solo nomad pve livonia player with almost no pvp experience here are my advices:

use avoidable detection:

Smoke coming out of chimneys from cabin/house/apartments is a dead giveaway that players are inside or close by,
If you are trying to get warm without the use of fire, use clothing labeled "Best insulation" or "high insulation"or have as high insulation as you can or a heat pack found in hunting related building and structures in order to have as high body temperature as possible without the need of a fire in order to maintain a healthy body temperature.

As stated above, Smoke coming out from chimneys are a giveaway of your location so use a portable gas stove to fast and efficient cook your food with as less attention drawn to you as possible.

Know when you enter gas zones:

When you enter a gas zone (blue circles on the dayz wiki) you are running the risk of being bombarded with toxic gas.


Awesome tips. I especially like the one where you tell other players that there are more geared players nearby, hoping they will pay less attention to you and possibly move on.


Only started playing this after 2years on RDR2 and GTA thanks to your vids after about 10ths game play I am able to survive solo by just hugging tree lines and cooking at night so you can’t see smoke


Just want to say that the amount of videos you release and put effort into and the fact you seem genuinely enthusiastic about the game is very respectful.

Just an idea for you, Don't know if this would fit into your video style but a video of how to get geared quick and easy as a newb.

Regardless of where you spawn follow the coast up to svetlorjarsk. Then follow the one road from the train station until you get to svergino. When you get to the sunflowers turn right and run to the left of the big farmer shed until you reach the hunters camp then just follow the road above to the left until you get to kamensk military.

Super easy to follow with only 2 roads to follow, without knowing the map or directions. There are Places to get food and drink on the way and you end up fully kitted out with the best guns and clothing in the game, and also only takes 20 to 30 minutes.

I spent a lot of time to work out this route and you don't need to know the map at all.


One tip my buddy told me is before you enter a town see if the zombies are loaded in. If they are it means someone is or recently was in the area. Not sure if true, but ive recently been scanning towns before entering and it seems to work


Another great video, and I know you’ve covered this another places but one of the most helpful things that I’ve learned as a solo player is the use of rags. Covering my mouth so I don’t cough and most importantly crafting those cheap rag sneakers so you make a minimal noise. So cheap and so valuable. Cheers


Definitely have a feeling ur channel is gonna blow up soon amazing commentary great tips !!


Doing everything that is said in the video, and it is perfect advice. But sometimes u get crazy unlucky, yesterday I ran in the open fields next to Vereshnik/VMC at night towards gorka/shakovka area, got 1 tapped by someone in the dark, lesson learned: stay the hell away from military bases if u don't see anything because someone may have night vision or night vision scopes, there was no way the person could've seen me and if they would hear me by any chance they probably would not try to shoot because we were both blind as hell lol.


I don’t loot my kills. You never know when a guy has a friend or two nearby. You never know if he has an alt account nearby. You never know if there is another player nearby. No matter what is on that body, you can get it by looting smartly. A stack of ammo to top of my mag just isn’t worth dying for.


I personally prefer playing solo and going out into the woods far from people. I know every inch of the area where I stay and leave only if I have to hunt or for supplies. I wear a full ghillie suit with camo for all my stuff and everything suppressed. There was a group of 4 people near me one time and I shot one in the head. The other 3 looked for me for nearly an hour as I layed down in a bush. Don't underestimate my ability to lay down for an hour watching. I survived for a long time until I tried to go into a empty base then out of nowhere I got the "You are dead" screen. Some would say my playstyle is boring but I absolutely love it.


The fact your ultra helpful videos with loads of tips and tricks are only a few minutes long, make them even better!! Though I’d love to watch some longer videos from you as well!😅


Love you are doing these videos for the new people; it really helps to grow the community.
I wish I knew some of these things when I just started out.


I go hard core survivalist till death then next life if I was killed by a player then I'm a murderer . Every life I switch keeps it fresh .


I use MK 2 for the Zs and a silenced Skorp for players. So far, I'm still alive. Another nice vid, dude. Keep it up.


Not making contact and moving on from a geared squad is a good idea at times . If you have poor position or you aren't healthy, not making contact is the smart thing to do .


Rotate, rotate, rotate. Always and I mean always focus on getting behind your enemies. Run away and get out of sight. Once out of sight get behind them. You will wreck squads every time.


The tip about fresh spawns is no joke if they are aggressive 90% of the time they will just full on charge you with no given warning and stun lock you, they are people with nothing to lose and everything to gain and won’t think twice about getting sent back to the coast for a chance at your loot.
