Jehovah's Witnesses' 144,000 Problem

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This video refutes the interpretation of Jehovah's Witnesses that the 144,000 are made of only the select chosen Jehovah's Witnesses that will get to enter Heaven and rule with Jesus. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that this is the only group that will go to Heaven as spirit persons while the rest of the believing Jehovah's Witnesses will remain on the Earth in their physical bodies during the 1,000 year Kingdom.

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Heaven comes to earth ❤ The New heaven ❤


Keep them 😀 May God blesss ya with more knowledge


7:58 the way he said Verse 4 now was damn herioc 😂. Preach brother


Talking to my JW toolmate about this subject today. It reminded me that I really am clueless about how the end times will work and what our experience will be after we die as believers. It would be nice to see more teaching on what we CAN expect to happen, because JW focus so much on this, it's hard to debate about


For some reason, the witnesses teach that the number is literal, but that them being from the twelve tribes and virgins, is dismissed as symbolic.
I still haven't been able to get a clear answer on how they come to this decision, like what scriptures, what method did they use to come to this?


How has Jesus gathered the remnant of his chosen 144, 000 if there aren't any? Compare Matthew 24:31.


If Adam and Eve would have listened to God where would they be?


Can't believe I've ever heard such childish fleshly based w/zero comprehension spiritually.


Another question for JW's is: Did Jesus mean Paradise on Earth to the man next to him?


The 12 tribes mentioned in Revelation chapter 7 must refer to this spiritual Israel for several valid reasons. The listing does not match that of natural Israel at Numbers chapter 1. Also Jerusalem’s temple and priesthood and all the tribal records of natural Israel were permanently destroyed, lost forever, long before John had his vision in 96 C.E. But more important, John received his vision upon a background of the aforementioned developments from and after Pentecost 33 C.E. In the light of such events, John’s vision of those standing on the heavenly Mount Zion with the Lamb (whom natural Israel had rejected) revealed the number of this spiritual Israel of God to be 144, 000 “bought from among mankind.”​—Re 7:4; 14:1, 4.
There was no tribe of Joseph and Levi


I'm an xjw and I now believe that the 144, 000 are actually Messianic Jews because they come out of the 12 tribes and how I was lied to Before from the JW's I am so glad I am out of that place I got out in 2002 and never looked back


How, then, are we to understand the Bible account about the prophet Elijah, which reads: “As they [Elijah and Elisha] were walking along, speaking as they walked, why, look! a fiery war chariot and fiery horses, and they proceeded to make a separation between them both; and Elijah went ascending in the windstorm to the heavens.” (2 Ki. 2:11) Did Elijah actually go into the heavens of God? Or did he die?

What, then, were the “heavens” into which Elijah was taken by the windstorm? These were the physical heavens, the atmosphere, the “expanse, ” also called “Heaven” at Genesis 1:6-8. A windstorm could exist only in this atmospheric expanse, not in the spirit realm of Jehovah’s heavenly presence. Elijah was carried up out of Elisha’s sight by the windstorm.

The Bible does not say that Elijah died on that occasion. As a matter of fact, Elijah was still alive and active as a prophet at least five years later, apparently over in the territory of Judah. The Bible tells us: “Eventually there came a writing to [Jehoram, king of Judah] from Elijah the prophet.” This letter foretold the sickness and death of Jehoram because of his wrong, idolatrous course. (2 Chron. 21:12-15) A further evidence that Elijah did not die at the time of being taken into the “heavens” is that his servant and successor Elisha did not then hold the customary period of mourning for his master.​—Compare 2 Samuel 19:1; 1 Chronicles 7:22
And finally Jesus words at John 3:13 say Moreover, no man has ascended into heaven but the one who descended from heaven, the Son of man


"STOP, LOOK, LISTEN: Luke 8:17" For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor is there anything carefully hidden that will never become known and never come out. "Really if you are a Baptized person who does not is part of the new covenant that jesus made with his disciples to eat the bread that represents his body and drink the wine that represents his blood, how will there be eternal life? (Luke 22: 19, 20). doctrine of men or the word of GOD? " note (john chap 3: 16, 17) 16- “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who exercises faith in him may not be destroyed, but have everlasting life. 17- For God did not send his Son into the world so that he could judge the world, but so that the world could be saved through him. "Watch (john ch. 6: 53-57) 53- So Jesus said to them: to them with all certainty: Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in them. 54- Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I I will be resurrected on the last day, 55- for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink 56. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him. Just as the Father, who lives, sent me and I live because of the Father, so also he who feeds on me will live because of me. Concluding this covenant observe (John chapter 14: 6) Jesus said: “I am the path, truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me ". notice what Jesus said: Matthew 23:13 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because they close the kingdom of heaven before men; for you yourself do not enter, nor let those who are on the way in to enter. "look at the Conclusion of Jesus (john chap 10: 09, 10) 9- I am the door; everyone who enters through me will be saved, and will enter and he will go out and find pasture. 10- The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they might have life and have it in abundance.


The fact that Jesus told the thief he would be with Him in paradise is significant. JWs teach paradise is Earth, not Heaven. Jesus says paradise is Heaven, and one day will be Heaven on Earth. I’ll go with what Jesus said.


I have been watching your series to gain a deeper grasp on JW doctrine/scripture, so I can reach them better, and I have to thank you for making these.

However, you do have the death thing wrong, but so do the JW’s, as do most Christians. There is a soul “sleep” in which believers will rest in Christ before receiving their eternal Bodies. This is similar to the souls of the Martyrs being told to sleep under the altar a little longer. The Spirit we have returns unto God, for it ultimately belongs to God, and our Soul does sleep. Look at Acts 7 as Stephen died. This brings in the discussion of Spirit and Soul being different, but believe me when I say we are made in the image of a Triune God (Body, Soul, & Spirit).

Non-believers who die are in the Pit, otherwise call Sheol. There are actually still some Old Testament Saints still in Sheol. There are of course in the Paradise side of Sheol, not the Hell side, because this Sheol has multiple subsections. There is coming two Resurrections, one of those who will reign with Christ, and then after the 1, 000 years the great white throne judgement where the rest will be raised up. Then comes the tossing into Gehenna.

All of the 144, 000 are already in heaven!!!

Jesus fulfilled the Lord’s Spring Feasts (Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of First Fruits, and Feast of Weeks) at His first Coming. Jesus arose on the Feast of First Fruits, and we know that everything in the Old Testament was given as a shadow of what was to come.

Leviticus 23:9-12, the First Fruits is waved with the unblemished lamb. Matthew 27:50-53, the tombs were already opened and the 144, 000 Saints came out.

They absolutely were virgins, because shortly after that on Pentecost (Feast of Weeks) Peter even declared that David (Not a virgin) was still in the grave. (Acts 2). Remember, they have been redeemed, or “paid for” and remember, Jesus redeemed us, Rev 5:9.

I look forward to finishing this series, and others.


Were Moses and Abraham kings or priests? The answer is "NO". Therefore, not everyone is called to service to be a king or a priest. Rev 5:9-10 says people will be taken from the earth to be kings and priests. The fact that they are kings and priests should tell us that these roles are limited in number, because the kings and priests were relatively few when it came to the Israelites.


Mark, 12:26-27, Those expecting to be ressurrected without knowing Jehovah, the God of Abraham, do greatly err, !


I know for a fact, they are some jacked up people!!!


They don't believe in soul sleep at all, when you die you are non existent but they belyyou are in God's memory until resurrection I just tead it on the site
