Cardio Is Killing Your Gains (Stop Making This Mistake)

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You can’t diet and cardio yourself to the physique you say you want. Building muscle is the key to unlocking that physique you’re after!

▹ Legion Athletics Supplements: CODE: MATTY
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Matty was the person who motivated me to get super fit. I was the fittest i had ever been in my life. Ive since lost all that and will be starting back my journey. I am the unhealthiest ive been my entire life and im ready and motivated to get back to who i was


He's BACK!! I always enjoyed your content. Informative, entertaining, and relatable. I hope this is just the start of a comeback!


Great to see you back on YouTube man, hope life's treating you well! 💪


Can we please PLEASE get a meals with Matty video soon!🫡🥹 We missed you! 😢


Its not the cardio or diet that causes you to have less energy and have a less enjoyable life its being in a Calorie Deficit for too long especially if you're bodyfat percentage is too low, the body has to recover from that Deficit which is why people practice reverse diet or have a recovery so I know what you mean


It doesn't matter, I like cardio.


Naw I’ll keep cycling not listening to a guy who knows shit


Dude. I almost thought you were doing a V Shreds spoof. lol.
Don't disagree, but I've gone the route you mention here. The problem.
Sure heavy weights build muscle, but without cardio and some calorie
restriction it also packs on some FAT-look at any competitive power lifter.
They're all a little puffy or just plain fat at competition time.

And this is even more true if you're OLD, like yours truly. I have to monitor what
I eat very very very closely and keep to a calorie CEILING which if I don't, five,
ten, fifteen pounds fly back. I can only maintain by eating close to maintenance
walking and biking 100 minutes a day five days a week. Lifting two days a week
heavy for 90 minute sessions (at almost 70 lifting heavy more than two days a week
would not give my body enough recovery time-just continue to break it down) and biking 50 minutes on those days as well-moderate
work on a statonary bike. Without all that moderate-not high intenstiy cardio I would
weigh ten to fifteen pounds more and most of it would be around my waist!

Add that up. That's 600 minutes of moderate instensity cardio a week? Ten HOURS!
And that just about keeps me at a good not perfect weight. I still have some fat around the
middle-am a little over a 25 BMI which is just OVER the 24.9 recommended limit, lol.

You can't NOT do some cardio-it doesn't have to be muscle sapping cardio though.
