3 Tips on How to Make Your Ex Regret Leaving You

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Follow the steps from Get Your Ex Back Super System in order (don't skip a step) and you will get her back.

That is the guarantee my program comes with.

It's the best, easiest, fastest and most effective way to get your ex back.

Get Your Ex Back Super System also comes with two bonus gifts:

1. Texting and Calling Your Ex.
2. Ultimate Make Up Sex.

Your situation might feel hopeless (that's how 95% of guys feel when trying to get an ex woman back), but you CAN get her back.

How do I know?

I have received countless success stories from all over the world and in most cases, it was a difficult ex back situation (i.e. the woman wanted absolutely nothing to do with him anymore).

As long as the man follows the steps from the program, the woman suddenly changes how she feels and wants him back.

It's amazing how it works.

Get Your Ex Back Super System really does work and I actually guarantee it.


Use the techniques from Make Her Love You For Life to regain and reawaken her feelings of respect, attraction and love for you.

When you use the Make Her Love You For Life approach, she will feel attracted to you in new and exciting ways, which will make the relationship feel like it was when things were at their best between you and her, or the relationship will become even better than it ever was.

As a result, she won't want to leave you and will begin showing you more respect, appreciation, love and affection.

The relationship will also feel secure again, you'll both be in love with each other and will want to continue building a future together as a couple.


ModernX supplements only use ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work.

I personally take Max Man and Genius Brain every day.

Taking Max Man makes me feel stronger and more driven. It also gives me more energy and boosts my mood.

Taking Genius Brain makes me sharper and puts me in an even better mood.


- If you want to increase your libido (sex drive) and have increased physical pleasure during sex, take Libido Plus:
- If you struggle to gain or maintain an erection during sex, take Ready to Go:


Here’s how to make your ex regret leaving you:

1. Level up in ways that she wasn't expecting you to.
2. Let her feel like she wants you back more than you want her back.
3. Become truly emotionally independent of her.

There is a slow way and a quick way to make your ex regret losing you.

The slow way involves building up your career, making yourself look better (e.g. building up muscles) and enjoying life without her over the next 6 months to 3 years.

The quick way involves quickly improving yourself, interacting with her, attracting her, hooking up with her sexually and getting her back.

If you really want to play with her mind and make her totally regret leaving you, then you stop just before it’s time to hook up sexually.

She is attracted to you again and wants something to happen and you then leave (e.g. tell her that you have to catch up with some buddies, do some work, etc).

She is then left alone with the feeling of being completely attracted to you again and wanting you back.

If she doesn’t hear from you within the next 24-48 hours, she is almost certainly going to be texting you and trying to catch up with you again.

She will be regretting breaking up with you and will want you back.

To learn more about how to make your ex regret leaving you and how to get her back quickly, go to:

Dan Bacon
Рекомендации по теме

I bought the program and it brings back my wife, thank you Dan, it worth more than the money.


listen to me carefully. This man knows exactly what he's talking about, and I honestly can't believe how effective what he is preaching is. my situation was so crazy. 40 days of no contact coming off of her telling me she hates my guts. Her moving on and having a new relationship, me moving on and having a new relationship, and ultimately I did everything I wasn't supposed to do to try to get her back. I followed what he said about respect and attraction… And now I feel like it's a whole new ballgame. She can't wait to see me again. i've even been trying these things out at work


Dan, you've been part of what's helped turn me back into the man I was 23 years ago, when I got married, if nothing else, I'm grateful for that❤


Dan I've been listening to your videos over and over while playing video games. I've gone through a break up before, however that one left me at the lowest point I've ever been in my life, but I grew more than ever from it. I met my current girl shortly after and things have just now got to the point of us breaking up after 2 years (her decision) and your videos showed me where I went wrong. I called her a couple of days before writing this looking to get coffee but I was nervous, and that made me become neutral so she denied the coffee and I told her we would talk about it later. So I called her today this time more mentally prepared and things went very well, we are now meeting for coffee in a few days. Now I know the process isn't over and I still have to do my part at the meet up, but I just wanted to say thank you. If I didn't watch your videos, I would've just begged, pleaded, and would've been lost. Thanks again Dan, wish me luck!


Remember defeat is not when you fail, but when you stop trying.


So... My wife of 7 yrs told me that she didn't have feelings anymore and wanted to separate. This caught me by surprise because I honestly thought things were ok even though she was throwing signs that I didn't take seriously because she refused to come out and bring to my attention. I got your system in hopes that it helps because now that my eyes are opened, I see everything I did wrong. We we're together for 10yrs and have two sons together. I'm putting my faith in this system. Hopefully I can learn from this and I can come back with a success story because this will be a miracle. Thanks for the videos to help get me to this point


This is by far the best of Dan's Get Your Ex Back videos.


I don’t want my ex back but I want her to regret what she did. But I will say when I did want her back I used your tips on your YouTube vids and I got her back. Great vids mate.


Man your videos have changed my life completely... Thank you so much Dan Bacon


I see my ex everyday at school and we share many classes together, so every time i level up she sees it on full display. I told her before the break up was final that if she got with a new guy between now and the end school that i wouldn't take her back (even though she dumped me) and I can tell she still has feelings for me. its not over night but i am damn confident that i can get her back.


She has been texting me like crazy, and had even called me tonight! 😃😃😃 I am on cloud 9, all you have to do is pray, and watch this!


Brilliant Dan. Bought "Get Your Ex Back Super System" so far she's warming up to me. Keep up the great worl


Tommorow Im going according to your rules Dan!
Wish me luck


He speaks the truth . Check this out so I was totally in love with this guy ..at church he totally broke my heart fast forward .. I've been training for calisthenics fitness and guess what he wanted me .. But by then.. it was too late.. I ignore him when he try to talk to me


When I am about to make a bad decision I go back and watch these videos and then the Alpha man come back alive!! I love this guy!!


Thank you, all these other pages seem to give me advice that isn’t too great but you sir, this advice is actually helping me


Wish me luck, my ex girlfriend agree meeting up with me. :)


This is what happened to me...I got emotionally weak, lost confidence etc...I had shoulder impingement and stopped working out....ended up looking like a teenager...lost almost 20kgs of muscle mass....got myself in a shit job...all my confidence was broke up with me a month ago after 1 1/2 of shoulder rehab. I'm now healed and lifting weights again. In the past 3 weeks I got almost 8 kg back. She hasn't seen me this big in the last year and a several mistakes in the past month by sending her flowers and letters etc...I even sent her a few videos drunk and high at 7am coming back from the night...stupid...but after all of that she is still proposing a meet for 1 drink only (so she thinks)...shes is proposing that to explain our relationship from her side. I truly believe I will get her back but I need to play my cards right. She is saying all these things Dan has said in this video and other videos as well..."I'm free, I feel alive, i don't miss you blablabla"....she even called me a child...I need to be that guy again and she will be back in my arms. I'm on the no contact phase....been a week after the 4 weeks breakup....There is a pattern here...we men all do the same mistakes and they all behave similarly...Dan is the man here...hopefully I get her back


We broke up on really good terms, she said I did nothing wrong etc. We kissed a few times after we broke up and we agreed to be friends. Soon we started arguing a lot. We met up 5 months after breaking up (we had seen each other in between) but she then kissed a dude in front of me and told me the next day that she has slept with someone since we broke up. She told me our friends have told her that I have said lots of crap about her but when I asked them they said they hadn’t. We had an argument one day and she blocked me on most things. We have spoken a few times since then and it was short but friendly. She said the reason she blocked me was because I didn’t give her enough space which I do understand


You’re legit man. Flabbergasted on how real all your advice is. I’m thinking about buying your super system next week. By then it will be a month and 4 days since my girl left me. She’s seeing another man....but we have talked on the phone once and met up for dinner once. It hasn’t been too long to start your system right?
