3 Tips to Raise Self-Confident Children

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Raising happy, healthy, and self-confident children is a much more difficult job than it seems. In this video, I'll use information I've gathered from years of research to explain the best ways to ensure your children grow up healthy, happy and full of confidence.

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When I'm on the phone and I know they are secretly listening I talk about how great they are and how they blew me away - how great they help around the house how proud I am of them.


To help my children I modle the behavior I want to see in them. I stay away from put downs and negative frases. I focus on positive. "ok the food is on the floor what should we do?" "I see that your mad, why?" how does that make you feel?" what if it was done to you, how would it make you feel?". I try to guide them to the answer so they have the joy of discovery. if it's a bigger problem like hitting or lieing I try to discover why they felt the need to lie by asking them about it. then ask them for a more positive way to get what they want...manners.


I am new to teaching, and I am starting to teach kindergarten but I am just 23 years, what I'd like to do is to build an image of prosperity in their minds, and build brain cells by showing them images of greatness, role models and tell them that they can be better than I am


I think parents need to change how they grew up to be able to raise confident children.... I feel like I raise my children exactly the way my parents raised me and I hate it... I wish I can change that... I want to change it... But I don’t know if I will be able to 😔 Being a single parent is so hard and wanting confident, healthy, happy children is even harder. Every time I try to change and raise them different I fail and go back to the way I was raised. Ugh frustrating. I will try again From now on with your great tips and see how it goes. Hope I don’t fail again. Wish me luck


My children have schedules on the wall that they follow. 7am Breakfast and Praise, 7:45 bathe and brush teeth, 8:00 get dresses for school etc. It has pictures which they helped pick out or draw and color and its always on the wall at their eye level. This has been huge for them! I started my daughter on hers at age4 and now my son has had his since after he turned 4. They like following their schedule, learning how to manage time, read words (its in both English and French) etc. There are morning, afternoon and evening schedules. They get to the point where they know the schedule by heart but we still keep them up and refer to them. For weekends and other non school days, I make it my business to explain to them what plans we have in advance so they are aware BUT sometimes things change and I'm clear about the importance of being willing and able to adapt to changes.


I will do the opposite of what my father did. I will make my son feel like the most loved person on the planet.


Thanks for the video.
Summary for How to raise happy, confident children:
1. Ensure your children have rules.
2. Empower them to make their own decisions.
3. Talk to them in a certain manner.


Great! I have been listening to you since my daughter was 4. she loves listening to you. I have applied what I learned from you. It's amazing how confident she is about her and she has big goals.
thank you for these wonderful teachings. you are an inspiration to my family.


I tell my kiddos to always tell me the truth. I let them know that they are not in trouble and telling me the truth makes it easier to believe them in the future if anything happens!


Thank you Brian. I enjoyed your video. My son is now 27, however when he was small I tried to encourage him all the time I tried to praise him and taught him that I believed that he would do well in life ( no matter his race this is important) I always tried to support him. As an only child he was on the computer alot, I tried to discourage this. He didn't like the rules but he did like to make his own decisions. He is now working as a sales manager of a software company. He loves his job. I am now helping out at a saturday school which I too enjoy.


This is information that ALL parents or future parents People need to learn to be PARENTS and stop being friends to their children.... By bringing a life into this world it is YOUR job to start their teaching and upbringing the correct way OR they will end up paying for it for the rest of their lives.


Not sure I agree with number 3. Constant positive feedback is not how the world works, and though the family should be a safe space at all times, some resilience should be allowed to be built up in said safe environment prior to being exposed to the "realness" of the outside world.

Only positive affirmation without negative feedback might create children that aren't resentful to their parents: but sure enough, they will end up resenting the rest of the world for not wanting to bathe in the bliss of their ignorance.

Also, in point number one you mention "rules" having to be laid out. The upholding of certain kinds of rules requires enforcement by means of repercussions, which in itself, cannot be positive nor pleasant in nature in order for the consequences of actions to be considered in the future, which is the whole point of education (and domestication general); in its positive as well as negative aspects.


Thank you, Brian! I encourage my children by commenting how I admire a concrete accomplishment they made, trying not to exaggerate. I also let them decide little things like which haircut they want, which piece of clothing, etc (they're young)


Thank you Mr. Tracy for such great advise. What i have seen in my child is that he really enjoys painting and sketching. We have gifted him art supplies and he gets to make his own decisions on what he wants to creat or express. I’ve found art to be an incredible way to express himself especially when he is young and life experiences are still so raw and new to him. I also get to join him often and it is a beautiful and peaceful moment to have with the most incredible people in our lives.


thank you mr Brian
I think supporting them plays main role in bonding with them
and some times parents laugh on thier children when they are upset its also not the good way of approaching the problem


Happy to hear this. I will take it to heart. We need to shine more positivity into our children's lives. Sometimes listening to parents sounds more like war stories - managing the foe!
I trust your kids also had a wonderful mother.


I am not always saying the right thing to my 8yr old son, but it's so funny, when I say he's a smart boy and I get an "I know, dad" :)


I don't have children now but I think that it's so important that we understand the decisions we make when raising them. Thanks Brian for the wonderful video! (:


Thank you so much Brian! Those tips are such a helpful and practical tips. You're amazing!


Thank you very much Brian. I love listening to your different talks.You are always right to the point. You are one of my teachers.
