Defeating Adventism #17 – Ellen White's Failed 1850 Prophecy (Seventh-day Adventist)

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This is the seventeenth video in the series of Defeating Adventism. This is the 4th video exposing false visions/false prophecies of the Seventh-day Adventist false prophet Ellen White.
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Did I click like just based on the title? Oh yes I did!


Mr Jim, I know this video was done awhile ago, but aren’t these failed prophesies and erroneous statements scrubbed from more modern translations preventing new Adventists from knowing about them? Have a great weekend!❤


I’m amazed at how SDA’s can’t see through her lies


I apologize for caustically characterizing your friend Mr Maxwell. I may disagree with some arguments he makes but his only crime is being passionate about what he believes and I can respect that.

I’m struggling to make sense of it all but I hope that God himself will help my unbelief and answer my questions.

Thank you for all the work you do and I am grateful to Mr Maxwell for his engagement.

The more I read and learn about Adventism the more sick I become. There must be a counter argument for all the evil we see in this world.


Thank you so much for this series. I have been watching it with great interest since my sister-in-law was sucked into the SDA cult. Her mission is to judge and berate anyone who 1. goes to church on a different day than Saturday, 2. eats meat or any of the "unclean" foods, 3. does not believe in the soul sleep myth, etc. You get my point. I have kept out of the fray due to my own lack of knowledge of this cult and to keep the peace. I am done with that now and should we be accosted again by her false teachings, I will be equipped to defend true Christianity.


Thank you for your contribution . We ought to examine ourselves indeed, you have helped simplify my research and hope to use some of the arguments you have presented to win many Adventists to the Lord.


And all these prophecies contradict scripture because delays in Christ coming are depicted as "acts of mercy" where God gives the wicked more time to repent rather than him delaying because the saints are being lazy or not applying themselves etc. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.


Thank you, that's good arguments.


One person wrote a song asked God to wait a little longer so they could get their so they could get their loved ones in.
Years ago they thought when the time of the gentiles were fulfilled no more gentiles could get saved. I have often wondered where they got that idea? The time of the gentiles were fulfilled in 70ad.
According to what Jesus said some people love the darkness better than light because they don't want their evil deeds revealed.
I think sometimes they enjoy her lies. They seek and look for answers. It's more of a social club than anything. Trying to keep rules and regulations.
The couple I read about back in the 70's had the same problem as some do about the sabbath.
A woman wrote about her social life and about her coming to know Christ. I don't think she read about the new covenant and how Jesus told them to come him for rest. So she met up with a Christian guy and wondered what day to worship. They read about sabbath being on the 7th day. So they went to the 7th day church, thinking it was the day they should worship on. I don't remember the rest, the couple may not even be living.
That kind of got me stuck on the 7th day. Even though I didn't keep it I kind of wondered about it.
Back in 2015 he showed me that we are rest in him, the Sabbath has been fulfilled in him. The day was just a symbol of his rest. Most of people want to understand how Jesus became a day. 😊. They don't understand his rest.


Jim, please make a video about how Ellen, James and Bates all said that the Sabbath began at 6PM to 6PM and that God gave them this time and that Satan would get them from it! Which BTW they kept it this way for 9 years! Got it from a sight (spelled this way for a reason) called nonsda and its called the Sabbath Confusion. They too mention in this article that her "accompanying angel" spoke in the KJV voice LOL! Certainly worth making a video just to show that she never received this from the Lord as they claim, nor did she or anyone else actually read the bible!


In her books also her writings are reflective of the apocrypha books. Esdras, Maccabees and sirach.


A sinner needs prayer. Sure some people have a hardened heart, but if someone is wanting to seek God, they should not reject them because they are "sinners".


I'm amazed at how you miss quote her writings just like you miss quote the bible. She said that people would have a few months to learn the truths that they have learned. Not that the seven last plagues would be poured out in a few months. You should read it a little closer and repent of your lies because all liars shall inherit the lake of fire. You can not be a born again Christian and continue in wilful sin. The Bible says if you sin willfully after receiving a knowledge of the truth there remains no more sacrifice for sins. That means your not covered by the blood of Jesus. Only those who repent and trust in Jesus will be saved. If you never truly repent from sin then you can not receive the gift of salvation. The Bible says to repent and be converted. To repent is to turn away from sin. Sin is the braking God's 10 commandments.


SMH. I am an avid genealogy buff. I was just doing for giggles to see if she (Ellen G. White) has an lineage with me. Yes. Via the York Family and Ellen G. White is my shameful relative. Her 4th great grand father is my 9th great grand uncle Samuel York. I have to do research on my Gould family. I need to go wash my hands, they are all yucky.


So not only was she wrong. She said God made a mistake by thinking humans were not ready? Like a last minute decision? That's sends a big alarm!


You are falsely accusing we have confidence in her writings have you ever written 200 books as she had provided. Yes get ready is a relationship that we must have it every moment of time and life. She never give time but urgency is the message


How did she know there was moon on other planets at that time? 🤔


Are you not glad that the “bad dreams or visions” did not happen? Or do you wish that they did? I certainly hope for your sake and ours that you would not wish that they would have happened because it would have meant more death and destruction! And who would have wanted that? NO ONE!


I have a question please. My question is this. So if Ellen G. White is a false prophet. Is that mean that the seventh day sabbath which is Saturday is also false?


Defeat sin in your life, that's more important, Mr Stretch Accuser.
