Defeating Adventism #79 – Is Joel 2:28-29 a Fulfillment of Ellen White as the Spirit of Prophecy?

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The current Seventh-day Adventist 28 beliefs book teaches that the ministry of Ellen White and her gift of prophecy has bible evidence in a number of Scriptures, but cites Joel 2:28-29 as one such scripture (1). This video will conclusively demonstrate any claim by Ellen White to Joel chapter 2 is fraudulent and not to be believed. Ellen White is not the fulfillment of any aspect of the Joel chapter 2 prophecy.
However, Ellen White is the fulfillment of this Scripture: 1 John 4:1 ESV “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

1. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Seventh-day Adventists Believe – An explanation of the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2018, p. 253
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NEW LIGHT" or "THE LESSER LIGHT" according to EGW and SDA 'authorities' = you need our special flashlight in order to find the midday sun.

Peter refering to the Joel text in his famous speech. Compare the two texts:

Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

Acts 2:16, 17 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

It's right there in the Holy Scriptures, before their very eyes, yet they are too blinded to see it. Worse, they are deceived to the point that they actually use it to their supposed advantage in proving their own false doctrine.

Indeed, they believe they need a flashlight in order to see the sun. They don't realize they are only looking into the dark corner of legalism and bondage. Sad...

My wife got my household tangled in this mess and it breaks my heart every day since 1983. Please pray for all SDA's and that God will continue to bring to light the error and deception to those who are blinded by it.


I keep sabbath, but I can not stand that church. It is really hard to find fellowship, and i tried to go to a SDA church, and I just did not like how I could not be part of their church if I did not think Ellen White was a prophet.

It is like trying to make me confess a lie to be part of their church. As much as I hated being a lonely sabbath keeper, I could not be part of a church that does that.


Lesson learned here. I forgot that users can delete their own threads, not just the administrator. In debate forums like this it is important to remember.


I laughed at holding up her hands talking about green cords and gold cards


Ohhh Boy! I was so at home with this vid which I'll be using in my Fb Posts! Last year, I had a run-in with an Adventist friend who messaged me after I posted on the hypocrisy of Adventists bashing Christians in their celebration of Christmas - while their Network 3ABN was having, "Christmas Spectacular, " - and a male saying, "...though we may not know the real date of the Birth of Christ, it shouldn't stop us from celebrating His coming with thankfulness and praise!" And I actually said to the TV, "Duhhh, that's what we've been saying - and doing!"

Then the man went on to say that, "we don't celebrate like the world does...." I shouted at the TV! "Watch the hypocrite! What hypocrisy!" My righteous, religious anger flared! 🔥It was at that point I think, that I decided to proceed with creating the Fb Album, " Religiously Peckish, " where I'd write about Christian and Adventist's viewpoints but had been hesitant in doing so for 'fear' of upsetting my Adventist friends. Not any more! I can't text fast enough! Like I told the Adventist friend who sent me 2 Tim. 3:1-9, with stress on Verses 5 and 7 for holding on to My Beliefs and my views concerning EGW! "It's now an all out war! No holds barred!" 😆

Earlier, he had mentioned whether I knew that, "she was a lesser light...!" I told him exactly what I thought, sending him Heb. 1:1-2, not expecting any resistance. I was dead wrong for I really couldn't believe it when he responded with, "My response to this is, Acts 2:17!" 😱...I was dumbfounded, open-mouthed for a sec, then took to responding! I explained that verse as best as I could, pretty much like you did, but not so in depth. I told him about Peter's audience being predominantly Jewish and who would know about Joel 2:28 - which I told him was the reference and sent him cross references with explanations. His opening words was whether I'd "researched and typed" - or use "copy and paste, " which I know to do only on a laptop! 😀

I expressed more views regarding their false prophet; told him that it was, "all me, " sent my response, and waited. (As you have seen, my writings seem to have no end!) 😂 He responded with Verse 29! 😱😱😱...

I told him that the reason I hadn't included that verse was due to the fact I felt that I'd already written so much - and that I had to check on my dogs for it had been an early morning write up! I sent him cross references, making the connection to the previous verse, complete with detailed explanations - ending with the giving of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, which was given by God through the Son - the Indwelling Holy Spirit - which was not specific to any one individual, church denomination - but yes, - as you showed - it was given to Believers....Any Believer!

Well, as you would already know, he stuck to his views ' and me to mine... Blessings 🙏🏾....


2 Timothy 2:15
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

GOD commanded to RIGHTY DIVIDE the word of truth.

divide - to cut, separate.
It's all truth, but it's not all your truth, it's not all speaking to you.
God's word is mostly addressing a Jewish audience.
The 3 that the bible addresses - The Jew, Gentile, and the body of Christ.
And in this church age how one is saved is different to how one is saved during the tribulation, and was different in the old testament.
[There are those that like to blur the whole lines and mix it all up, because they don't study to be approved and rightly divide God's word of truth.
So then they would not be approved and won't understand the word of God.
And just make it up, and to do that you would need to add to the word of God, hence why there are false prophets outside the holy bible teaching men false doctrines].

There are those that will say the whole bible is speaking to them,
hence why they grab a text here and there, and apply it to themselves.
and not rightly dividing.
God gave a command on how to use his words correctly.
How many will listen to how one is to study the word of God to rightly divide ?

STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God. !!!
RIGHTLY DIVIDE the word of truth

The whole bible is for them, BUT it's not all speaking to them.
Who will hear, listen and apply "the instruction" from the Lord God,
on how to use and understand his word correctly.
And listen to whom it is addressing, and for when.

We have times past, but now and ages to come.
Rightly divide the word of truth.


Paul does say prophecy is a gift to be sought, James.She was slick, she said that she herself never claimed to be a prophet, but a messenger.I think mabey she styled herself after John the Baptist.Jesus said John was more than a prophet.


FYI people, It isn't Terry Greenman who can't understand what Bacchiocchi meant in his book From Sabbath to Sunday.


AA --should those that leave SDA be re-baptized?esp because of vow no 8, which is not biblical or can you do a teaching on that thanks


There is no balance between faith and works. That's just another one of White-ism's errors. She loved the anti-scriptural rowboat illustration: a "faith oar" on one side and a "works oar" on the other. Baaaad! Super-ugh!

One of the unique beauties of Christianity is exactly that it goes beyond any balancing act.


What a great exposure of the false prophecy of Ellen G. White! Incontrovertible proof that she was a worshipper of angels. Your research demonstrates that she was not only a false prophet, but an idolator as well.

For, Paul tells the Colossian believers (that's us, folks, we are the Colossian believers), "Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you from the prize. Such a person [in this case, EGW] goes into great detail [as you have so elequently demonstrate, Jim] about what he [she] has seen, and his [her] unspiritual mind puffs him [her] up with idle notions. He [she] has lost connection with the Head [and I think you know who this is], from whom the whole body [and this], supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God [not EGW] causes it to grow."

Damning, absolutely damning, testimony from Paul, the most abundant apostle (1 Cor. 15:10).

You are the believer, AA Jim, who has "most abundantly" shown EGW to be an idolator. And I don't think she "grew" out of this one.

I will close with Paul's own closure (Colossians 4:18), substituting my name for his,

I, Terry, write this greeting in my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you,



God's word is clear.

Proverbs 30:6
“Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”

Anything outside of the bible is NOT God's word, that also includes EGW.

And anyone else wanting to add to the word of God, is also a liar.

A A speaks of God's word alone.

Thank you to people like him, to show and care about revealing false prophets, and showing the word of God.


Hi James! Great video once again. I have a question. Adventist like to say EGW is a prophet just like OT prophet existed. However, is it right that none of them were given a set of knowledge that would change the theology of the religion they were part of? Aside from Jesus, who extended the calling to the whole world to follow him. And who were extensively referred to in the OT.

Seems like so called modern prophets, often create new theology (usually restriction salvation to only their community) installing fear to ultimately put themselves as lidere and create a follower base?

Is there anywhere in the Bible, where a prophet was called to do something similar? Adventist like to correlate EGW w Jonas. But the call was to repent, not add 1000 burden on them.


I know Ellen had 2 women that copied and wrote large portions of "her" books. could they be her bond servants?


AA, do you agree that prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)?


The spirit of God fell on corneliouses house, showing the Spirit of Promise is for all who serve God in truth, , jew or gentile..we are grafted into israel when we are born again...the new covenant is for all who believe..not to jews only...the door was opened to all the sheep God gave Jesus...i dont know who ellen is but All Gods cbildren have the spirit of promise..


But but but we came out of Egypt, and yes we do have evidence for that, for we keep the Sabbath and that makes us Israelites.
And if you don't believe us, just ask Moses White and if you don't believe her, that makes you a Jesuit


What is the later video where he addresses the next 2 verses?


They will say they are spiritual Israel, so it applies.


Do Mormons use this verse as well to justify Joseph smiths visions?
